
Jack Gleason

Jack Gleason is a conservative political writer. For reprint requests on other websites, inside information for important issues, article requests or comments contact him at [url="mailto:jackgleason9@protonmail.com" rel="nofollow"]jackgleason9@protonmail.com[/url] Recent articles… [url="https://canadafreepress.com/members/1/JackGleason/1249" rel="nofollow"]Canada Free Press[/url] and [url="https://www.americanthinker.com/author/jackgleason/" rel="nofollow"]American Thinker[/url] 

Most Recent Articles by Jack Gleason:

Are Mandatory Vaccines a Violation of International Law?

Are Mandatory Vaccines a Violation of International Law?"Can a government entity force someone to take a vaccine against their will?"  is a question dominating Internet searches with the introduction of the concept of a "Vaccine Passport." Opinions differ, but there are examples in the past of vaccines being required for international travel, for attendance in schools and colleges, and service in the military.  But these cases are for vaccines that have been proven safe and effective and received official FDA approval after years of trials.
- Saturday, July 10, 2021

Why are millions of vaccine doses expiring?

Why are millions of vaccine doses expiring?The non-stop campaign to encourage those with "vaccine hesitancy" to roll up their sleeves is turning out to be a dismal failure. Numbers vary, but Florida alone is estimating they have over 8 million doses close to expiration, and other states are reporting they’ve only used half of their allotments and are scrambling to find arms to inject.
- Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Science and rational thought have been replaced with a quest for “fairness” and “what feels right”

Science and rational thought have been replaced with a quest for fairness and what feels rightThe world of 1984 is firmly established in 2021. Science and rational thought have been replaced with a quest for “fairness” and “what feels right.” Andy Tix, Ph.D., wrote, “Theodore Parker once stated that facts are “true, independent of all human opinion.” That is, although we may have wishes for what’s true, previous beliefs about what’s true, and groups telling us what’s true, none of this compares with what’s actually true. Reality has a life of its own.”
- Monday, June 21, 2021

Second-hand side effects from the vaccine?

Second-hand side effects from the vaccine?We're hearing horrific stories of side effects, not just from the COVID  Vaccine, but simply from being around people who have gotten the shot. Is there a second-hand smoke effect, not for the injectees, but for those in close contact with them?  Social media is reverberating with multiple stories of people, women in particular, who are getting unusual side effects from just being around people who have been injected.
- Monday, June 14, 2021

"Get the Shot, Win the Lottery!"

Get the Shot, Win the Lottery!Reports are emerging of side effects not just from taking the COVID injections, but simply by being around someone else who has gotten the shot.  Women, in particular, are reporting horrific side effects such as heavy vaginal bleeding, unusual menstrual cycles, miscarriages and stillbirths just hours or days after being exposed to people who have taken  the shot.  An independent study is under way to quantify these effects.
- Monday, May 24, 2021

What Happened to “Science?” Independent Study Seeks Answers About Vaccine Side Effects

What Happened to Science,  Independent Study Seeks Answers About Vaccine Side EffectsTrump, Biden, Fauci, Birx – whom should you believe? Our politicians, doctors and scientists say one thing on Monday with great conviction, and by Wednesday they are saying the exact opposite with equal sincerity. Don’t they know about video tape? Should you wear a mask? Should your children be in school? Should you get the vaccine shot? Should your 5-year-old get the injection?
- Saturday, May 22, 2021

Welcome to the New America

Uyghurs being used as forced labourThe United States has lost World War III. Our government is now under enemy control, we are an occupied country, and most “new-American” citizens don't even know it. For the last year, corporations have thrived, while the wealth of our entrepreneurial class has been drained by draconian measures to “stop the spread” and “fight the pandemic.” Amazon now controls over 38% of all online spending and their revenue is up 41.4% from last year, more than double their 19% increase from 2019. In 2020, Amazon, by itself, accounted for over 45% of all ecommerce sales growth and 34.2% of all retail gains.
- Friday, March 19, 2021

Third Parties Can’t Win Elections – Sorry Republicans!

Third Parties Can’t Win Elections – Sorry Republicans!Fighting back against the voter fraud that was perpetrated on our country is going to be a long, hard process. The good news is that everyone who was in on the crime has been clearly exposed. One question that comes up is “Do we start a Third Party?” The opponents say “no” and look to American history where they were rarely successful. They are missing the fact that these are very unique times and a new realignment has already taken place in the American electorate…
- Thursday, February 4, 2021

Treatment or Mandatory Vaccine? – the Battle Over Covid 19

Treatment or Mandatory Vaccine? – the Battle Over Covid 19“Vaccine or no vaccine?” that is the question. It has been approved for emergency use and is being rolled out across the world. The Big Tech entrepreneurs, our Democrat leaders, the media, scientists, and doctors all say we should get in line and roll up our sleeves. That alone should give us pause because these same leaders have betrayed our trust.
- Thursday, February 4, 2021