
Alan Joel

Alan Joel has been a practicing CPA in NYC for more than 40 years. He loves liberty and writes on the politics of taxes at his popular blog, AlanJoelNY.com

Most Recent Articles by Alan Joel:

The Fed: Economy is Gloomy because Americans are "Hoarding Money"

The Fed: Economy is Gloomy because Americans are Hoarding Money
In a moment of recent hand-wringing, the Fed examined the question of why inflation has stayed extremely low in the United States despite all the efforts of quantitative easing money pumping. Their answer: American consumers are mainly to blame.
- Thursday, September 4, 2014

US Jacks Up Exit Fee For Those Renouncing Citizenship

US Jacks Up Exit Fee For Those Renouncing Citizenship
Just like the recent rise of business inversions — moving business HQ abroad — the United States has seen an uptick (up 221%) in Americans renouncing their citizenship. The elephant in the room in both these cases is taxes: both high taxes and burdensome tax compliance in foreign jurisdictions.
- Sunday, August 31, 2014

Obama's Inversion Crusade Is Just Another Attack on Businesses

Obama has called “for an end to a corporate loophole that allows companies to avoid federal taxes by shifting their tax domiciles overseas in deals known as “inversions.” Such as statement shows the utter ineptitude that Obama has for understanding a) what inversion actually is and b) how his policies are the cause.
- Sunday, July 27, 2014

Federal Court Says Obamacare Subsidies Illegal -- what next?

Federal Court Says Obamacare Subsidies Illegal -- what next?
A federal appeals court handed down a ruling this morning that could be problematic for ObamaCare. As just reported, "A judicial panel in a 2-1 ruling said such subsidies can be granted only to those people who bought insurance in an ObamaCare exchange run by an individual state or the District of Columbia--not on the federally run exchange HealthCare.gov." You can read the entire appeal here.
- Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Media Was Complicit in the VA Scandal

We now know that the state of affairs within the VA system was abhorrent--and that Obama, like his predecessor, knew there were problems. And yet, several well known left-leaning columnists spoke highly about the VA health system over the last few years, ramping up the rhetoric right at the time ObamaCare began to take shape in Congress.
- Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Tea Party Turns Five

Today marks the fifth anniversary of the Santinelli Rant on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which spawned the infamous Tea Party (Taxed Enough Already?). Even if you heard it then, it’s definitely worthwhile listening to once more:
- Wednesday, February 19, 2014

ObamaCare Lies

Obama has lied to this country. Most recently and most memorably, he lied too when he said, “you can keep your health plan" and "you can keep your doctor". But charging that someone "lied" implies that they knew it was untrue when they said it, so how can anyone be sure?
- Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hillary Clinton will run on repealing Obamacare

With all the talk abuzz about an inevitable Hillary Clinton candidacy, I wager that her platform will include repealing ObamaCare. Hillary will declare late in the spring so that she can positively impact the midterm elections to benefit the Democrats.
- Monday, January 6, 2014

How to Solve Detroit's Pension System Problem in One Easy Step

The NY Post had a good piece on Friday by William McGurn on the state of the union (pension system) in Detroit, making the case for Detroit to switch to defined contribution plans for their union workers. McGurn is right on the mark that the such a move is critical for the city’s revitalization.
- Tuesday, December 10, 2013