
David Singer

David Singer is an Australian Lawyer, a Foundation Member of the International Analyst Network and Convenor of Jordan is Palestine International--an organization calling for sovereignty of the West Bank and Gaza to be allocated between Israel and Jordan as the two successor States to the Mandate for Palestine. Previous articles written by him can be found at: jordanispalestine.blogspot.com

Most Recent Articles by David Singer:

Bibi forced to move early on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine plan

Bibi forced to move early on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine planBibi Netanyahu's time for confirmation as Israel's next Prime Minister runs out on December 21st after six weeks of the tail wagging the dog - parties with few Knesset members using their small but strategic numbers to try to extract concessions from Netanyahu for their support - that Netanyahu has obviously been resisting. Faced with this looming reality--Netanyahu has been forced to move early on his election promise made to Israeli voters on October 22nd:
- Sunday, December 18, 2022

Israel set to uncork Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine genie at UN

Israel set to uncork Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine genie at UNIsrael is readying to uncork the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine genie at the United Nations--ending UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Process Torr Wennesland’s’ efforts to keep the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine Solution (Saudi Solution) from being discussed as a replacement for the failed UN 20 years-old two state solution. The Saudi Solution was published on 8 June 2022 in the Saudi Government-controlled Al Arabiya News. Its author--Ali Shihabi--advises Saudi Arabia’s King-designate, Crown Prince and Prime Minister--Mohammed Bin Salman--on the development of Neom--a new $500 billion mega city the size of Israel
- Monday, December 12, 2022

NYT needs to end silence on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine 

NYT needs to end silence on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine The visit to Hebron this week by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman and Kathleen Kingsbury, The New York Times' Opinion Editor could see the NYT finally breaking its silence on the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine proposal published in the Saudi Arabian government-controlled Al Arabiya News on June 8, 2022. This new plan is certainly newsworthy:--The merger of Jordan, Gaza and part of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) into one territorial entity to be named The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine--to be governed by the Hashemite dynasty that has ruled Jordan for the last 100 years and will have its capital located in Amman – not Jerusalem (Saudi Plan).
- Tuesday, December 6, 2022

RIP UN two-State solution, Hello Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

RIP UN two-State solution, Hello Hashemite Kingdom of Palestinesinger112822.jpg" alt="RIP UN two-State solution, Hello Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine" class="smallpix">The United Nations  two-State solution--first proposed on November29, 1947--needs to be finally buried and replaced with the Saudi peace solution proposed on June 8, 2022. The 1947 UN solution: Creating one Jewish State and one Arab state between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea (UN two-State solution)--was aimed at ending the Arab-Jewish conflict in Western Palestine which had then been raging for the previous 50 years.
- Monday, November 28, 2022

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine key to ending Jew-bashing at UN

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine key to ending Jew-bashing at UNThe United Nations favourite sport--Jew bashing--was on full display this past week at the 77th Session of the United Nations Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization)--which approved six draft resolutions--all highly critical of Israel. One of these draft resolutions--approved by 98 voting in favour to 17 against, with 52 abstentions--was titled "Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem" (document A/C.4/77/L.12/Rev.1).
- Monday, November 21, 2022

MBS & King Abdullah keep Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine alive

MBS & King Abdullah keep Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine aliveNon-participation by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince and Prime Minister – Mohammad Bin Salman (MBS)  – and Jordan’s King Abdullah at the 31st Summit of the Arab League held in Algiers on 1 and 2 November – even via Zoom  - was highly significant – signalling that the Saudi-based plan to merge  Jordan, Gaza and part of the West Bank into one territorial entity to be called the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine (HKoP solution) still remains a viable solution to replace the failed 20 years-old two-state solution proposed by the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative (API) - endorsed yet again in Algiers.
- Sunday, November 13, 2022

Netanyahu victory paves way for Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Netanyahu victory paves way for Hashemite Kingdom of PalestineBibi Netanyahu’s triumphal return as Israel’s next Prime Minister affords him the opportunity to fulfil one of his major election promises: Ending the 100-years old unresolved Arab-Jewish conflict. It has been a long and arduous road for Netanyahu to travel since he told the United Nations on December 11, 1984:
- Thursday, November 3, 2022

Netanyahu gives nod to Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

Netanyahu gives nod to Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solutionIsrael's Leader of the Opposition Benjamin Netanyahu has finally broken his silence - giving his nod of approval to adopting the Saudi-proposed Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution (Saudi Solution) :
"I think the big prize is peace with Saudi Arabia, which I intend to achieve if I go back into office… The rise of Israeli power facilitated the Abraham Accords, and the continual nurturing of Israeli power will also nurture a broader peace with Saudi Arabia and nearly all of the rest of the Arab world. I intend to bring the Arab-Israeli conflict to a close."
- Friday, October 28, 2022

Roth confounds UN, USA & Australia: Two-State solution 'is gone'

Roth confounds UN, USA & Australia: Two-State solution 'is gone'Kenneth Roth – recently retired Executive Director of Human Rights Watch – has undermined the continuation of the policy espoused by the UN, USA and Australia for the last 20 years supporting the the creation of a new Palestinian Arab State between Israel and Jordan for the first time in recorded history (two-state solution). Addressing a recent discussion hosted by the Washington-based think-tank - Arab Center - Roth declared:
"The two-state solution is great but it's gone”
- Saturday, October 22, 2022

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine sinks UN failed two-state solution

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine sinks UN failed two-state solutionUK Labour Friends of Israel (UKLFI) has sunk any possibility of a new Palestinian Arab state being created between Israel and Jordan - unsuccessfully promoted by the United Nations for the last 29 years--detailing 30 steps considered necessary before negotiations can be resumed. These steps are:
- Friday, October 14, 2022

Lapid rejects Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

Lapid rejects Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solutionIsraeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid has finally emerged from the cocoon of silence that has enveloped all current 120 Knesset members--choosing to reject a solution emanating from Saudi Arabia on 8 June calling for the merger of Jordan, Gaza and part of the West Bank into one territorial entity to be called the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine (Saudi Solution). Lapid has opted instead to continue his longstanding support for the United Nations 29 years-old failed solution calling for the creation of a new State of Palestine between Israel and Jordan for the first time in recorded history (United Nations Solution)
- Monday, October 3, 2022

Jordan-PLO-Hamas-UN-EU coy on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Jordan-PLO-Hamas-UN-EU coy on Hashemite Kingdom of PalestineJordan, Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), Hamas, United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU) now have to choose between two very different two-state solutions to end the 100 years old Arab-Jewish conflict.
- Friday, September 23, 2022

UN must evaluate Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution

UN must evaluate Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solutionThe General Debate of the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly to be held from 20 to 26 September will not be hearing the words “Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine” mentioned even once by the Heads of State and Government meeting at the UN Headquarters for their annual talkfest to discuss world issues.  All these high-powered speakers will continue to bury any discussion of the peace proposal emanating from Saudi Arabia and published in Al-Arabiya News on 8 June 2022 calling for:
- Monday, September 19, 2022

Biden & Blinken silent on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Biden & Blinken silent on Hashemite Kingdom of PalestineIn the Arab-Israel conflict where every word is dissected and analysed to see whether there could be any change of policy - the use of the words “a two state solution” instead of “the President’s two-state solution” could well signal President Biden’s abandonment of his own two-state solution – Israel and Palestine - in favour of a Saudi two-state solution – Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine. Such speculation has arisen following this State Department Media Note issued on 4 September:
“The Assistant Secretary will travel to Israel and the West Bank September 1-3 to meet with Israeli and Palestinian officials to discuss a range of priorities, including the ... Administration’s continued support for a two-state solution.
- Monday, September 12, 2022

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine: Lapid No Guts No Vision

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine: Lapid No Guts No VisionIsrael's Prime Minister and candidate for re-election following the November 1, 2022 elections--Yair Lapid--refuses to make any comment on the Saudi Peace Plan published on June 8, 2022 calling for the merger of Jordan, Gaza and part of the West Bank into one territorial entity to be called The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine It is unclear whether Lapid had any actual knowledge or appreciation of the Saudi Plan when--as Israel's Prime Minister and Foreign Minister--he told 26 European Union Foreign Ministers at the European Union Foreign Affairs Council on 11 July that:
- Monday, September 5, 2022

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine: Gantz--de Gaulle or de Goose?

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine: Gantz--de Gaulle or de Goose?
wo statements made this past week by Israel’s current Defence Minister– Benny Gantz--could see his run for Israel’s next Prime Minister ended after it has just started. Gantz told Kan Reshet Bet:
"Those who, in a clear left-wing position, consider 'two states for two peoples' as a solution are living in an illusion, and those who, in a radical right-wing position, think of a state without Arabs in the West Bank, are living in a greater illusion," 
- Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine - Interviewing author Ali Shihabi

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine - Interviewing author Ali ShihabiA plan proposed by Ali Shihabi  - a Saudi author and commentator on Middle Eastern Politics -proposing the merger of Jordan, Gaza and part of the West Bank into one single territorial entity to be called "The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine" - has received little attention in the Israeli media or been commented on by Israeli politicians since its release on 8 June. Yet the plan contains the following features which should excite Israel’s reluctant media to be seeking responses from its political leaders:
- Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Wennesland in La-La Land ignoring Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine

Wennesland in La-La Land ignoring Hashemite Kingdom of PalestineIt is amazing to think that one of the highest ranking United Nations officials dealing with the Palestine question--Tor Wennesland --could address the Security Council on the current situation without telling that august body of a significant new proposal that could finally end this 100-years old unresolved Jewish-Arab conflict.  That proposal--emanating from Saudi Arabia--calls for the merger of Jordan, Gaza and part of the West Bank into one single territorial entity to be called The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine.
- Sunday, August 7, 2022