
David Rushton

David Rushton was born in London where his parents were staunch conservatives. He immigrated to the United States in the sixties and formed a patriotic organization advocating conservative principles which include rallies and marches. He had his own radio talk show for many years and was also a guest on many radio and Television talk shows. In the last few years David wrote several books about the dangers of radical Islam and spoke on this subject in some of the largest Conservative Churches in the United States. He now resides with his wife Marcia in Costa Rica.

Most Recent Articles by David Rushton:

Salaam only sounds like Shalom

The Italian and Spanish languages have many similarities. The numbers, for example, are almost the same in both languages because they came from the same root. Similarly the Arabic language has a lot in common with Hebrew because they are both Semitic languages. So when a Muslim says Salaam we naturally think of the Hebrew Shalom as having the same meaning. But while Salaam is translated as “peace” it doesn’t carry the same thought to a Muslim. Muslims believe that they will only have peace when all enemies of Allah are dead and the World under submission to Islam. Above all they want to destroy Israel and take over all of Israel for Allah. That would be true Salaam to them.
- Sunday, February 7, 2010

Who are the Palestinians and who is occupying what?

Muslims constantly scream and whine about Israel occupying Muslim lands in Israel. Newspapers and T.V. newscasts talk about Judea and Samaria being "occupied" by Israel. The U.S. State Department and other government entities refer to parts of Israel as "Israeli Settlements." So the question must be, "Is Israel occupying part of Palestine or are the Muslims occupying part of Israel"?
- Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why we must support Israel?

I don’t have to tell you that the United States is in deep, deep trouble. We have a major financial crisis that can never be reversed and the country is also morally bankrupt. We have allowed President Obama to spend all of our savings and put every single American in debt that we can never repay. Americans are afraid to go out on the streets because of drugs and crime. We can only pull ourselves out of the pit if we reverse the trend of ignoring God and leaving Him out of our government, schools and churches.
- Saturday, January 16, 2010

Beautiful life is every day in Costa Rica

imageA few weeks ago I wrote a piece for this newspaper about Costa Rica. While most of the feedback was very positive, two or three people wrote to ask if this was a paid article for the Costa Rican government. It certainly was not. If it sounded like a tourism advertisement it was only because I, and most of the other ex patriot Americans and Canadians living here, are so enthusiastic about this country. Having lived most of our lives in North America we have become disillusioned about the way things are going “up north,” with the loss of value of our currency, the terrible housing market, and crime heading the list, not to mention the cold weather.
- Friday, November 20, 2009

Why is Fort Hood a Surprise?

I have long been mystified as to why Americans and Canadians do not understand Islam. It is very simple. While most Christians and Jews pay only lip service to their bibles the Muslims believe in the koran with every part of their being. They rise before dawn to pray and they pray five times a day. They mean business in their worship of the false god allah.
- Friday, November 6, 2009

Haven for many disenfranchised Americans and Canadians

imageWho would have thought that 200 years later the descendants of those who left King George’s “Merry England” for freedom in the Americas would be looking for a new country to escape to. Yet hundreds of thousands of patriots are now leaving each year because they just don’t like what has happened in the land of their dreams. After all was not the theme of that Tea Party “No taxation without Representation?”
- Saturday, October 24, 2009