
Dave Merrick

Dave Merrick, Davemerrick.us is an internationally known and published artist whose works reach into the greatest diversity of audiences. Known primarily for his astoundingly lifelike portraiture, Merrick’s drawings and paintings grace the walls of an impressive array of well-known corporate and private clientele. Many of his published wildlife pieces have become some of America’s most popular animal imagery. He has more original work in the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame than any other artist. His wildlife and Southwestern-theme work is distributed internationally through Joan Cawley Galleries of Scottsdale AZ.

Most Recent Articles by Dave Merrick:

What Is It Worth To You?

What Is It Worth To You?In 2020 America flipped upside down. It was a perfectly engineered push into darkness. And I don't hesitate for a moment in declaring that I noticed the transformation so much more acutely than did many people. I can say that so confidently, because I have been in a type of lockdown for the past nearly thirty-five years. Many of my regular readers know that I stopped watching tv in 1987. Oh sure, I will occasionally catch a DVD movie or a YouTube clip on a large monitor. Nevertheless, I haven't watched a cable or satellite or open broadcast network program in all that time. And during that self-imposed fast I have watched my fellow Americans become desensitized, like a herd of cattle, to real life. The very real devil has used the tv to perform a kind of lobotomy on people who have truly found their virtual reality in their television programs.
- Monday, March 22, 2021

Death And Taxes Can Be Yours!

Death And Taxes Can Be Yours!I am starting today's piece with a segment from an article I wrote years ago. I am using it here once again in telling my story this morning. It just fits too well! We'll talk after you have read it ....
"Years ago in a Wal-Mart, I was walking past the toy department. A screaming four(?) year-old was demanding that his mom buy him the little car set he had opened and scattered all over the floor. After the young mother had several times declined and asked him to come along with her, the enraged boy threw one of the cars at her, leaving a bloody cut on her forehead.
- Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Yet Another Trek Around Mt. Sinai?

In 2020 America was finally flipped upside downI watched a Tucker Carlson clip on YouTube yesterday. Carlson was speaking with Dr. David Clements, a professor of law at New Mexico State University. Dr. Clements had openly challenged the leadership of that school and other colleges nationally in their total condemnation of the comparatively small outbreak of violence at our DC Capital on January sixth of this year. He was especially bewildered as to why that disturbance garnered such attention from the Dean's office while the destructive and lethal mayhem of the antifa/blm riots of 2020 went unremarked.
- Saturday, January 23, 2021

Meaning In The Midst Of Mayhem

Meaning In The Midst Of Mayhem2000 years ago Jesus, the ONLY Savior of mankind, the undisputed most controversial Jewish guy ever (and a son of David, today still God in human flesh), had just left Pontius Pilate's porch dragging a big rugged cross upon which he was about to be crucified. Because our loving God/Creator did not simply make a 'Jesus bot' to come, suffer and die for the sins of the people he loved so much, the Holy Spirit had, thirty-three years earlier, impregnated Mary, a descendant of King David, with our Lord and Savior. And so God's Son, (a.k.a. "The Word" of the Holy Trinity), who had just been beaten senseless, was about to walk to his death on the hill they called 'Golgotha' (meaning: 'place of the skull'). He would there be tacked to that big (probably sycamore) cross and 'bleed out' just like a meat sacrifice that the Temple priests would drain of its blood before it was consumed in flame. The smoke of that burning meat caused that big Temple in Jerusalem to smell like the best steakhouse you have ever experienced. And to the heart of God, and in the hearts of His sincere priests and followers, the smell of that great Temple of Solomon was just as exciting and attractive as the steakhouse.
- Sunday, January 10, 2021

We Finally Are Somewhere Over The Rainbow

We Finally Are Somewhere Over The RainbowThis whole thing is making me sick. That was a uniquely inspiring and artistically singular opening, wasn't it? But, in this instance--literary excellence be hanged--I am just going to dump here. You have been warned. If you don't like the idea or feel your sensibilities will somehow be molested, then feel free to travel on to the next article. I mean, when I was in college I used to sometimes ride around on a city bus and get into all sorts of conversations with people I didn't even know.
- Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Satan's Selling America His Current Most Important Lie

I can die now. Many of you may not mind that. Nevertheless, I can go to my grave, having seen everything. And so much of that I never wanted to see- never imagined was possible. And I won't mind leaving this place a bit, because I have now seen much more than I ever truly cared to. I am so disappointed in you, America. It appears that the dumbing down, the mental bleaching/mesmerizing has done the job. Most of you are zombies. And of course the last people to recognize any of that are always the zombies themselves. But lies are what make normal people behave like zombies. And through the years I have seen how lies really work.
- Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Bridge Is OUT!

The Bridge Is OUT!University of North Carolina, Wilmington professor Mike Adams was found dead inside his home Thursday. I know that many of you are wondering, "Who was Mike Adams?" To me, he was most 'notorious' simply for the fact that he was not shy about sharing his conservative beliefs with anyone who cared to listen. Besides being a columnist, he would Tweet real controversial stuff such as:
"Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being."
Oh, and here is another one that will just blow your mind…
"Rioters don’t care about social issues. They are thugs looking for an opportunity to break the law with impunity."
- Tuesday, July 28, 2020

'Touchy-Feely Joe', Liberal Media's Choice for Your Next President

'Touchy-Feely Joe', Liberal Media's Choice for Your Next PresidentIf we can maintain enough clear vision to see past the garbage the nation is being fed by the liberal media tv and newsprint shysters, we should be able to clearly see that we are being sold some serious lies as the most critical 2020 elections are approaching. One of the biggest and most distressing of those lies is Joe Biden. Just as Tucker Carlson indicated a few nights ago, the Democrats have no other choice but Biden. And, at the same time, he is precisely what they were hoping to find. He really is just a shell of a man. It's obvious that the only mind he has left is whatever is pumped to him through his teleprompters. And, the people who are supposed to be reporting our news to us impartially are talking this guy up as though he is truly the spotless rocket scientist his campaigners bill him as. He is a babbling idiot.
- Monday, June 29, 2020

Racing to Defund Those Police Before We Wake Up

Racing to Defund Those Police Before We Wake UpYears ago I was listening to a radio program. I didn't catch the name of the law professor who actually said what--as God as my witness-- is entirely the truth of what I heard. It was one of those syndicated radio programs that I caught, in bits and pieces, as I was speeding across the Midwest late one evening. The talk show was a big one with people calling in from all points of our country. The guy who was being interviewed, a very famous and honored law instructor, was teaching at either Harvard or Yale. I'm sure it was one of the two. At any rate, I have scoured the Internet but still cannot find who this speaker was. If anybody out there might have a clue, I would appreciate the help. Here goes …
- Sunday, June 21, 2020

Dear Dad, You Were Right!

Dear Dad, You Were Right! A way back in the year nineteen hundred and seventy, a bunch of us kids threw a rock concert in one of our city's parks. We were raising money to help us beat the school board into allowing us boys to wear long hair in our high schools. My father, having seen the flyers around town, told me that I was absolutely not to attend the concert.
- Monday, June 15, 2020

It's 2020, And We Still Aren't Getting Much Right

It's 2020, And We Still Aren't Getting Much RightRemember when the biggest problem we had was the coronavirus? Now America is on fire. Shop and bank windows are getting beaten in. Cars and trucks are tipped over, people are hurt and killed - you name it. All because a bunch of slobs have been convinced they are authentic 'protesters.' But they aren't protesters. They are simply more anarchist 'shoppers' with no money carrying sledgehammers. Some are young adventure-hunters who don't have a nodding acquaintance with any righteous cause. Others are paid to disrupt our country and have no real connection to the act they are allegedly protesting.
- Sunday, June 7, 2020

An Artist Looks At Joe Biden

Joe BidenBack in Bible days, when people were freaked out and wished to express shock (and, most often, indignation) at wrong things that were being done--things that went against the grain with God (what was then considered simply going against common sense)--the following behavioral 'formula' was how men of God made certain that their emotions and resolve were not hidden from the careless dummies around them. Here is just one of many examples found in Scripture. This is probably my favorite …
- Friday, May 22, 2020

Take His Side, While We're Still Free To Do So

Take His Side, While We're Still Free To Do SoThe more the Trump administration serves its time, the more evident it becomes that the well established, leftist news media along with leftist politicians and their machine-generated trend-obedient celebrities despise Donald Trump and anyone who supports him. Because the aforementioned group effectively constitutes the loudest voice in the Western Hemisphere, America and the world are being lied to on a scale unmatched even by the Hitler-controlled media that helped swallow up Germany in the last century.
- Monday, January 6, 2020

The Devil-Delivered Impeachment Sleight Of Hand

The Devil-Delivered Impeachment Sleight Of HandThe socialist left has done nothing for the past three years, other than tearing down the President who threatens to wreck their machine. I am joining a whole chorus of people in declaring that obvious fact. So, with that said, we need to take a look at the spirit behind the ugliness coming after our president and our nation.
- Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Destroyers Are Hiding In Their Own Storm

The Destroyers Are Hiding In Their Own StormThree years ago this month I, here on Canada Free Press, released an article entitled, "Finally I Can See What 'Emailgate' is REALLY All About!" The press worldwide had fumbled around trying to guess why Hillary would be taking classified material home to her unprotected server. All sorts of people were guessing about her motives. In my article, I simply wrote what I then saw as the 'aerial view’, which clearly separated the forest from the trees.
- Sunday, November 3, 2019

All Play And No Thought Have Made Jack A Lost Slave

All Play And No Thought Have Made Jack A Lost SlaveAs many of my good readers know, I stopped watching network television way back in 1987. It had become trash in my house for which neither I nor my wife and kids had any further use. Having children opens a brand-new door in your heart. And you start seeing things from a tenderly different perspective (or at least you should), specifically that of a caring and cautious parent.
- Thursday, October 10, 2019

More Freshly Manufactured Whistleblowers - Blowing Smoke

More Freshly Manufactured Whistleblowers - Blowing SmokeAnd so even more "whistleblowers" emerge ... The Democrats talk about reparations? They need to give this president an extra four years reparations to replace the presidency they have wasted for our nation. We the people have been robbed, outright, of the president WE ELECTED three years ago.
- Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Bible Keeps Happening All Around Us!

The Mark of the Beast: Universal Product Codes, Cashless Society, RFID Chips, Book of RevelationWay back in 1975, I happened to tune in to a weekly, Sunday afternoon, Catholic radio program (I'm not Catholic) where the priest/host was interviewing a representative from a very well known cash register company. That guest was introducing listeners to, what was then, the coming new universal product code (UPC) - the barcode that today identifies/interfaces, in computer language, nearly everything that we touch. It would be just a few years after that radio program, in a grocery store, that I would first see a computerized laser reader in action. Astoundingly, the checker just waved an item over that multi-beamed electronic eye and "BEEP!"--the rest is history (as we now all know).
- Thursday, June 20, 2019

Jussie Smollett Did The Curtain Call For The Closing Night Of The Mueller Fiasco

Jussie Smollett Did The Curtain Call For The Closing Night Of The Mueller Fiasco The Chicago police chief was the target of an interview today with his mayor, Rahm Emanuel, about the glaring obviousness of Jussie Smollett's visible bastardization and disregard for our laws and our spirit of fairness. The Chief was righteously outraged at the turn that had been taken in the Chicago prosecutor's allowing Smollett to walk in the face of such screaming evidence which entirely demanded prosecution and punishment. Even Rahm Emanuel, who is not what I would call any pillar of virtue, had to distance himself in expressing his disgust at the carelessness with which the hate-crime-faking actor managed to escape justice. I will be watching attentively as they more closely examine the influences that helped Chicago's district attorney to arrive at her shabby decision to dismiss such a mountain of self-explanatory, incriminating facts.
- Friday, March 29, 2019

The Devil’s Shell Game Transforming the USA Into ‘Amerika'

There is a meme floating around the net showing a picture of Morgan Freeman making a statement to this effect: "If our government wants to regain the faith of its people, they should start by throwing Hillary Clinton into prison." Even if he didn't say it, that is, nonetheless, the solid truth put into layman's terminology. But it is way too late. And we all know that it's not going to happen--at least, not like it should.
- Friday, March 15, 2019