
Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield is a New York City writer and columnist. He is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and his articles appears at its Front Page Magazine site.

Most Recent Articles by Daniel Greenfield:

The Law Is There's No Presidential Transition Until Congress Certifies The Election

THE LAW IS THERE’S NO PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION UNTIL CONGRESS CERTIFIES THE ELECTIONEven though the votes are still being counted, Joe Biden declared that he is the President-Elect, a shadow government office invented by Obama and invested with a pseudo-government seal, and he has been holding fake briefings and taking phone calls with foreign leaders. The United States only has one president at a time. Maintaining a fake shadow presidency undermines the sitting administration to the American people and to foreign governments.
- Tuesday, November 17, 2020


Masks in Europe“If we just wore these masks,” Joe Biden said, at the final presidential debate, holding up a mask like a totem, “we can save 100,000 lives.” The Democrat nominee’s plan for fighting the coronavirus was all about wearing masks. And indeed the only notable element of Biden’s plan has been a national mask mandate.
- Friday, November 13, 2020

What Trump And The GOP Need To Do By Election Day

Between the pandemic, the lockdowns, and the crime rates, the country is a mess. And when the country is a mess, voters respond by kicking out whoever is in power. In 2016, Republicans were running as insurgents. Now they're running as incumbents. Election Day is coming up and Republicans need to make a better case than they have until now. The Republican case suffers from overcomplicated arguments, references to things that non-conservatives aren't familiar with, and mixed messaging on key areas like the pandemic and crime.
- Monday, October 26, 2020

Black Lives Matters Wants To Send A Black Man To Jail

Black Lives Matter 757, a Virginia ally of the national racist hate group, has spent four months trying to send a black man to jail. Even though the racist organization had demanded the dismantling of the Virginia Beach Police and its judicial system, it had dedicated its Shut Down the Oceanfront 2.0 rally on Independence Day to demanding that the police, whom they wanted to eliminate, arrest Manny Wilder.
- Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Anti-Semitic Democrats Blame Orthodox Jews For The Coronavirus

“I have to say to the Orthodox community tomorrow, ‘If you’re not willing to live with these rules, then I’m going to close the synagogues.’” Governor Andrew Cuomo told religious Jews. His basis for the decree was a photo of mourners who weren’t practicing social distancing at a funeral. But the photo of a crowd of Orthodox Jews on Cuomo’s slide was from 2006. It was a very different message than Cuomo’s condemnation of bigotry when he had insisted, “There is zero evidence that people of Asian descent bear any additional responsibility for the transmission of the coronavirus." The new message is, don’t blame the Asians, blame the Jews.
- Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Democrats Want You To Pay The Media's Bills

Democrats Want You To Pay The Media's BillsThe media is dying. Its business model is defunct. Its bias has alienated most of the country. In the latest Pew survey, the only group that still trusts the media are Democrats. And while so many millions are out of work, Democrats are bailing out the media.
- Thursday, October 8, 2020


In June, Speaker Pelosi called for a national mask mandate forcing everyone in the country to wear masks. That same month, she tweeted a photo of a Congressional meeting with the brother of George Floyd, the ex-con whose death after a struggle with police led to nationwide race riots, and numerous injuries and deaths, while her nose and mouth remained uncovered. In July, she ordered that any member of the House not wearing a mask be forcibly removed.
- Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Black Lives Matter Leaders Support Violent Riots, Biden Won't Condemn Them

After the recent toll of mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter rioting wrecked cities and tilted the polls toward Trump, Joe Biden and even Kamala Harris began condemning “violence”. Biden has said meaningless things like "we condemn the violence", and "I condemn this violence unequivocally" as if violence were an independent entity. Condemning violence, like condemning war, is either pacifism or evasion. Since Biden isn't a pacifist, he's evading. Violence is a concept. You don't condemn a concept: you condemn its perpetrators.
- Sunday, October 4, 2020

Arab Muslims are People of Color, Arab Christians are White

Maintaining its proud commitment to printing all the news that will divide Americans by race, sex, and creed, the New York Times published a list of what it claimed were the "922 of the most powerful people in America" while claiming that only 20% of them are people of color. The term “people of color” is already ambiguous enough with white professors, grad students, and NAACP presidents claiming to be black. But the New York Times’ racial list, a thing reeking of Nuremberg and Goebbels, put the paper in charge of deciding who is a person of color by marking them with yellow. It’s a good thing no notorious racist ideology had the same idea.
- Sunday, September 27, 2020

Black Mayors and Police Chiefs are Being Accused of White Supremacy

“I would have so much more respect for the Bail Fund if they had bailed him out and then let him stay in one of their homes,” Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins blasted the Massachusetts Bail Fund. A statement from a DA blasting the MBF for freeing a rapist wouldn't usually be extraordinary, except that Rollins, whose campaign was backed by George Soros, was supposed to be different. Not only had Rollins run on a pro-crime platform promising not to prosecute shoplifting, breaking and entering, and resisting arrest, but she had reacted to the Black Lives Matter riots with a hysterical rant about her rage and the white community. Rollins had dismissed the damage from Black Lives Matter riots because it "could be fixed".
- Friday, September 25, 2020

America Can’t Breathe

America Can’t BreatheA Soviet citizen goes to the dentist. He lies back in the chair. The dentist tells him to open wide. “But I’m afraid to open my mouth,” he replies. The old joke has a new resonance in the age of lockdowns and masked pedestrians, cancel culture and self-criticism sessions when Americans are the ones fearful of opening their mouths. Fear is the common denominator. A nation has spent the year holding its breath. And waiting.
- Wednesday, September 23, 2020

3 Synagogue Arsons in 1 Month in the Most Progressive US Cities

3 Synagogue Arsons in 1 Month in the Most Progressive US CitiesAfter an arson attempt at The Way Christian Church church in Berkeley, the pastor and the media blamed it on a racist who was lashing out at the church's Black Lives Matter banner. "McBride is now considering whether his decades long work challenging police brutality, registering people of faith to vote, or speaking out against white supremacy irritated the suspected arsonist, or whether they were angered by the Black Lives Matter sign hanging from the church," a press release from The Way Christian Church announced.
- Friday, September 18, 2020

Black Lives Matter Led to Record Number of Mass Shootings

Even as gun violence breaks records in New York City, Chicago, and Philly, the Democrats don’t have much to say about the epidemic of shootings or their pet cause, gun control. While activist Democrat prosecutors like Attorney General Letitia James have neglected to deal with the violence and are instead targeting the NRA, they aren’t really talking about gun control.
- Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Who's Really Looting America?

A hardcover copy of "In Defense of Looting" will run you 21 bucks at Amazon and 28 bucks at Barnes and Noble. That’s just how capitalism works for the distribution and sales of a product from one of the biggest publishing companies in the world that’s part of the Lagardère empire. Why is the largest publishing company in France pushing what Publishers Weekly called, “a provocative, Marxist-informed defense of looting” to Americans? Because it makes money. Learn why private property is just a social construct for only 21 bucks.
- Thursday, September 10, 2020

How an Islamic Terror Sheikh Ended Up Selling Meth in Orange County

How an Islamic Terror Sheikh Ended Up Selling Meth in Orange CountyThe end of what law enforcement had called the most imminent Islamic terrorist plot since September 11 came when Gregory Vernon Patterson left his cell phone behind at a gas station. Patterson and his roommate, Levar Haley Washington, had joined Jamiyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh, a prison Islamic terror group, and had been conducting a robbery spree to finance terror plots against the LAX airport, the National Guard, and local synagogues during the High Holy days.
- Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Teachers’ Union Won’t Go Back to School -- But Will Go to Sharpton’s 50,000 March

Teachers’ Union Won’t Go Back to School -- But Will Go to Sharpton’s 50,000 MarchThe American Federation of Teachers union boss Randi Weingarten claimed at the union's annual convention that teachers were so terrified of going back to school that they were "quitting in droves" and "making their wills". The AFT threatened that its members would go on strike if they were expected to go back to actually doing their jobs and teaching in a classroom.
- Sunday, September 6, 2020

Violent Crime More Important to Voters Than Black Lives Matter

Violent Crime More Important to Voters Than Black Lives MatterReal crises end with a solution. Fake crises end when they become a real crisis. Black Lives Matter began as a fake crisis that used out-of-context viral video clips to falsely claim that police shootings of innocent black people were a national crisis. Black Lives Matter became a real crisis when its riots looted, burned, and beat their way across major cities.
- Thursday, September 3, 2020