
Aaron I. Reichel, Esq.

Aaron Reichel is a New York attorney whose writings have been widely published and republished, some in the U.S. Congressional Record. His most notable book remains Fahrenheit 9-12 – Rebuttal to Fahrenheit 9/11.

Most Recent Articles by Aaron I. Reichel, Esq.:

Before the ACORN Sprouts into a Tree

Were the press to fully expose the scandal of Acorn prior to the election, as outlined below, a tree would be prevented from growing to maturity and sprouting roots of corruption and branches that would block the sunlight of full discovery
- Monday, October 20, 2008

What the Republicans SHOULD Be Saying in Their Debates and Ads

I find it most frustrating that Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin, and most of their surrogates and ad writers, have failed to put forth many of their strongest and most persuasive arguments most of the time. Were they to only set forth their strongest arguments, they would easily turn the campaign around. I offer the following points which I hope readers will be able to bring to the attention of the Republican leadership, or at least to the attention of their own friends, relatives, colleagues, and other acquaintances.
- Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sarah Palin’s Level of Experience Is a PLUS; Not a Minus

Many opponents of Governor Sarah Palin have criticized her for her alleged lack of experience. They cannot be further off the target. As a sitting governor, Sarah Palin had more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined, even after she completed her first day in office.
- Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Responses to Ongoing Allegations Popping Up Against Palin

Many opponents of Sarah Palin have criticized her for her alleged lack of experience, and for issues of influence involving her pastors, her troopers, and her children. In another article, this writer will show how her experience, in perspective, is one of her strengths, as she stacks up against former presidential candidates and her present opponents. This article will respond to some of the main accusations that have surfaced shortly after she burst onto the national scene.
- Monday, September 22, 2008