
January, 2016

There Is a Cancer Growing in America

There is a cancer growing in the United States. It is the cancer of ignorance and lack of leadership, and it is growing into a malignancy. Too many of us, both in and out of public service, cannot or will not recognize what is threatening our very existence and cannot decide elemental questions like: Is capitalism better than socialism?
By Ray DiLorenzo - Friday, January 29, 2016 - Full Story

Trumping hydrocarbon fuels and consumers

Donald Trump loves to tout his poll numbers. But if he's doing so well, why does he pander to Iowa's ethanol interests? The gambit might garner a few caucus votes among corn growers and ethanol producers. It certainly brings plaudits from renewable energy lobbyists and their political enablers. But it could (and should) cost him votes in many other quarters--beyond the Corn Ethanol Belt and even in Iowa.
By Paul Driessen - Friday, January 29, 2016 - Full Story

There’s Not a Dimes Worth of Difference!

We all know that Bernie Sanders is an avowed Socialist, but what about Hillary Clinton and Martin O,Malley? Both Hillary and Martin say they are “Progressives” thereby trying to sanitize what they really are, “Socialists”.
By Chuck Lehmann - Friday, January 29, 2016 - Full Story

CNN Stages Town Hall to Boost Clinton Candidacy

Who ever heard of a presidential primary debate or town hall meeting opening with a kiss on the cheek between the moderator and the frontrunner? It’s safe to say that didn’t happen between Fox News’ Megyn Kelly and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. And not just because he didn’t show up for Thursday night’s debate in Iowa.
By Roger Aronoff - Friday, January 29, 2016 - Full Story

On the Lam?

Just in case you feel a need for being on the lam, nature has a tip for you! Whether you're hiding out in the bush or mingling with the downtown crowd, you ought to wear the old-fashioned zebra-type striped garb. You know what I mean, the kind of garb that was common in certain government institutions, like in the picture nearby.
By Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser - Friday, January 29, 2016 - Full Story