
April, 2016


Drones are in, just ask an armed forces general or other delivery specialist. Need a 50-ton tank delivered in the middle of the tundra? No problem. Or need a few containers of Christmas ribbons at the North Pole for Santa and his Elves? No problem either.
By Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser - Friday, April 29, 2016 - Full Story

Will Obamacare Collapse Before Obama Leaves Office?

Obamacare has turned out to be a massive boondoggle for the American people, despite the media's consistent attempts to cover up this law's failures. After all, to disparage Obamacare is to tarnish President Obama's legacy.
By Roger Aronoff - Friday, April 29, 2016 - Full Story

The Unexpected Snake

The moral of this Aesopian fable from a mere 2500 years ago is that doing good to evil will only lead to more evil. Aiding those who kill only brings more death, not life. It is human nature to think that people will return good for good and evil for evil. This kind of thinking perversely leads some to assume that if they are being assaulted, then they must have done something to deserve it. This logic is routinely used to argue that Islamic terrorists are simply paying us back in the same coin.
By Daniel Greenfield - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - Full Story

VIDEO: See Trump’s foreign policy speech here

Most of this is hard to argue with. I don't really care much about whether we got the Olympics, but for the most part Trump has Obama dead-on right. He does pick fights with our friends while bowing to our enemies. He does make horrible deals that are not in our own best interests. He does inspire no fear whatsoever on the part of adversaries. He does absolutely nothing meaningful to make anyone pay a price when they harm us.
By Dan Calabrese - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - Full Story

Toyota Prius moves from merely pious to pretty nifty

Don't sit too close to this column lest you become collateral damage from the lightning strike it may prompt. Why? Because for the first time ever, I spent a week driving a Toyota Prius and I didn't hate every second behind the wheel. And I have to be honest enough to tell you that.
By Jim Bray - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - Full Story

The chaos of ‘Splitsville America’

The donkeys are braying. That’s what donkeys do when they sniff excitement in the air. They bray loudest while waiting for the mainstream media to bring on their feed.
By Judi McLeod - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - Full Story

Trump Lays Out Foreign Policy Vision

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump vowed to undo the many foreign policy and national security failures of President Obama, along with the persistent sense of American impotence in the face of international challenges, in an important, muscular speech yesterday, outlining what a Trump administration would do in office.
By Matthew Vadum - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - Full Story

Justice for Clay: A True Story of the Cruel and Unusual Punishment of a Brain Injured Veteran

Clayton "Clay" John App is a 33 year old, 7 year veteran of the US Army who served two tours in Iraq during Operation Enduring Freedom. A soldier who returned home from the war with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and who now sits in the General Population of a Florida state prison serving an 18 month sentence for selling $200 of drugs to a confidential informant. This wounded warrior is my cousin and this is Clay's story.
By Megan Barth - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - Full Story

Oof: U.S. GDP growth a horrendous 0.5 percent in 2016 1Q

Businesses aren't spending money. Neither are consumers. And while the unemployment rate is made to look good, record low labor-force participation tells a different story. The economy is not good. The economy has not been good for the entire Obama presidency.
By Dan Calabrese - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - Full Story

US investment in – not foreign aid to – Israel

In 2016, Israel is a major contributor to – and a global co-leader with – the USA in the areas of research, development, manufacturing and launching of micro (100 kg), mini (300 kg) and medium (1,000 kg) size satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), as well as joint space missions, space communications and space exploration sounding rocket and scientific balloon flights.
By Yoram Ettinger - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - Full Story

China’s president: Won’t allow war on Korean peninsula

China is North Korea's "ally" in the sense that every wacky little brother has a big brother who rolls his eyes and gives him wedgies when it becomes necessary. I guess that's what you get for clinging to communism. You're stuck with friends like Bowl Cut Jr., although you do get very nice things written about you by Thomas Friedman in the New York Times.
By Dan Calabrese - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - Full Story