
October, 2018

An Unstoppable Exodus

#Walkaway It was historic. It was energizing. It was telling. As the Fake News Media is engaging in a non-stop campaign of rhetoric and accusations against President Donald Trump, his “America First” agenda and his supporters, it was a clear illustration of what is really happening all across our nation: The Democratic Party is self-destructing. They are losing what’s left of their base and are in a panic as the mid-term elections approach.
By Doug Hagmann - Monday, October 29, 2018 - Full Story

The Fake Media - Master Manipulators More Dangerous Than Russia

The Fake Media - Master Manipulators More Dangerous Than Russia Whether it be the caravan invasion, pipe bomb mailings or Dr. Ford's testimony, the fake media can be counted on in every case to spin the facts to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump and undermine the Constitution in the process. And but for a corrupt media, the upcoming November midterm elections shouldn't be close.
By Rick Hayes - Monday, October 29, 2018 - Full Story

Have Heart, Stand Tall

Have Heart, Stand Tall, Rendezvous with destiny
You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We can preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we can sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done. -- Ronald ReaganTime for Choosing” speech, 1964
By Jim ONeill - Monday, October 29, 2018 - Full Story


REICHSTAG BURNING 2.0 The Democrat party was supposed to win coming elections on November 6, 2018. The overwhelming majority of the "mainstream" media campaigned for it. Virtually all Hollywood celebrities were for it. Curricula in schools, colleges, and universities were crafted to make the pupils and students believe that such a win was inevitable and good.
By Mark Andrew Dwyer - Monday, October 29, 2018 - Full Story

While We Were Looking for New Ways to Present the Gospel – The World Changed

While We Were Looking for New Ways to Present the Gospel – The World Changed This writer enjoyed a recent visit to the Sothern Evangelical Seminary’s 25th Annual National Conference on Christian Apolegetics in Charlotte, North Carolina. The event was headed by my former pastor Dr. Richard Land who is now the President of SES. Besides being one of the most profound influences in my life, Dr. Land is a friend and a caring Christian brother.
By Rev. Michael Bresciani - Monday, October 29, 2018 - Full Story

Did The Incompetent Bomb-Making Terrorist Have Help?

Did The Incompetent Bomb-Making Terrorist Have Help? The criminal prosecution of accused 56-year-old mail bomber, Cesar Altieri Sayoc of Aventura, Florida, who is said to have sent non-operating improvised explosive devices to Democrat headliners like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros, is scheduled to begin today.
By Matthew Vadum -- Front Page Mag- Monday, October 29, 2018 - Full Story

Can Stem Cell Injections Replace Hip and Knee Surgery?

Can Stem Cell Injections Replace Hip and Knee Surgery? What should you do if the doctor says, “You need a hip or knee replacement due to severe arthritis? The time – honoured treatment has been a major operation to replace the injured joint. This may still be the best option for some patients. But how many of these joints could be repaired by stem cell injections, thereby saving the potential complications of surgery?
By W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones - Monday, October 29, 2018 - Full Story

Secure The Border Before It Is Too Late

SECURE THE BORDER BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE With an army of 10,000 migrants closing in on the Southern border, The White House is considering a range of options including a temporary halt to asylum. On Friday, it was reported that approximately 1,000 troops would be deployed to the border to provide additional resources to the U.S. Border Patrol.
By Jeff Crouere - Sunday, October 28, 2018 - Full Story

New Zealand issues ‘new’ world map

New Zealand issues ‘new’ world map How do you solve being missed off world maps? Take a Prime Minister, a global rock star, a Kiwi comedian and a Hollywood director, create a new map and put yourself at the centre of it.
By Travel New Zealand - Sunday, October 28, 2018 - Full Story

US Economy Grows at Fastest Back-to-Back Pace in 4 Years

US Economy Grows at Fastest Back-to-Back Pace in 4 Years “The US economy grew at a faster rate than expected in the July-September quarter, according to the Commerce Department’s advance report released on Friday,” Akin Oyedele reports for Business Insider. With 3.5 percent GDP growth for the third quarter, it marks “the economy’s best back-to-back quarters in four years.”
By West Wing Reads - Sunday, October 28, 2018 - Full Story

Latest on Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting

Multiple people dead, six others injured, including 4 officers, at Pittsburgh synagogue; suspect in custody Law enforcement treating synagogue attack as hate crime The victims of the massacre at a synagogue in Pittsburgh included a grandfather, a husband and wife, and two brothers, officials and family members revealed as new details about the alleged gunman behind the deadly rampage were released Sunday.
By News on the Net - Sunday, October 28, 2018 - Full Story

Liberals: “The Axis of Ignorance”

Liberals: The Axis of IgnoranceHave your listened to the rhetoric of today's liberal politicians running for office? Can you discern anything positive they are presenting other than personal invective against President Trump, the Republicans and giving out more “free stuff”? How do those attacks on the president make the average American's life better other than to create more animosity among both the Democrats and Republicans?
By Chuck Lehmann - Sunday, October 28, 2018 - Full Story