
August, 2019

The Economic Crisis and the Protest Movement in Iran: One Year after the Renewal of Sanctions

The Economic Crisis and the Protest Movement in Iran: One Year after the Renewal of SanctionsAs expected, the renewal of economic sanctions against Iran one year ago led to a worsening of an already bad economic situation in Iran. A number of economic indexes attest to the severity of the economic crisis, mainly the budget deficit stemming from the unprecedented drop in the export of Iranian oil, high inflation, and negative economic growth. In contrast, a number of indexes may also suggest that the Iranian economy is gradually acclimating to the sanctions regime.
By INSS -- Raz Zimmt, Tomer Fadlon- Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - Full Story

Fewer Canadian-invented patents stay in Canadian hands

Montreal – Canada has the right conditions for innovation, with its skilled workers, strong research institutions, generous tax credits, active venture capital scene and access to the large US market. Yet its record on patents and development of intellectual property (IP) is modest, at best, says a new study from the Institute for Research on Public Policy.
By News on the Net - Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - Full Story

American Politicians Can’t Hide “Private Lives”, Ilhan Omar

American Politicians Can’t Hide Private LivesMinnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar obviously thinks that being a “woman of color” grants her the privilege of keeping her “personal life” off the public radar screen—a status that doesn’t exist for American politicians, ‘women of color’ or not. Activist politicians of our day work with social media to create and control their own digital image. In the case of active “Squad” member, Ilhan Omar, the man with whom she is allegedly ‘romantically’ connected, was paid some $240,000—in less than one year—to create her phony digital image.
By Judi McLeod - Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - Full Story

How the Left Gets the Statue of Liberty Poem Wrong

How the Left Gets the Statue of Liberty Poem WrongBeing a writer means never knowing what you might be remembered for. Or how badly. That poem that Emma Lazarus became famous for was forgotten, remembered again, and has been misused, quoted out of context and transformed into a battle cry for open borders and a disastrous immigration policy. Its lines about “wretched refuse” and “poor” immigrants have been taken literally. And yet the vocal advocates for the poem imprinted on the Statue of Liberty would have loathed the Confederate socialite and the Zionist writer who are responsible for the words they claim to love.
By Daniel Greenfield - Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - Full Story

Saudi Arabia jolts Jordan to negotiate with Israel on Trump plan

Saudi Arabia jolts Jordan to negotiate with Israel on Trump planAbdul Hameed Al-Ghabin, "a Saudi writer and a political and tribal figure" , has challenged Jordan to negotiate with Israel on President Trump's "deal of the century" , or risk losing control of the Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem currently vested in Jordan under the 1994 Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty and the Washington Declaration. Al-Ghabin's views have, significantly, been published by an Israeli newspaper. Saudi Arabia's rulers have not condemned Al-Ghabin or disavowed his views--indicating that Al-Ghabin's message could represent Saudi Arabia's official position.
By David Singer - Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - Full Story

Digital Slavery: 5G, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence

Digital Slavery: 5G, Internet of Things and Artificial IntelligenceTechnocracy was originally defined as “the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population…” (The Technocrat Magazine, 1938) Planted as a seed in 1932, Technocracy has grown into a tree so big that it literally covers the earth today: that is, through the rebranding and repurposing by the United Nations as Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, New Urban Agenda, etc.
By Patrick Wood - Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - Full Story

What San Francisco Is Doing Is Criminal

What San Francisco Is Doing Is CriminalThroughout most of its history, San Francisco has been known as the beautiful "city by the bay." It has wonderful scenery, the Golden Gate bridge, the cable cars, Pier 39 among other wonderful cultural attractions. Sadly, it is also led by unhinged progressives who are in the process of destroying this unique city.
By Jeff Crouere - Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - Full Story

Time to tear down 24 Sussex

Time to tear down 24 SussexTaxpayers have a message for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. "Mr. Trudeau, tear down this house!" The house in question is a century-and-a-half old, and hasn't been renovated in decades. There's still asbestos in the walls, cracks all over the place, water damage, ancient electrical wiring and dodgy plumbing.
By Canadian Taxpayers Federation -- Aaron Wudrick, Federal Director- Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - Full Story

‘Free Stuff, Sanders’ Promises A Fair & Balanced Pravda On The Potomac

‘Free Stuff, Sanders’ Promises A Fair & Balanced Pravda On The PotomacFor pikers like straight out socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, ‘fair and balanced journalism’ is Pravda all the way. Shirtless while singing ’This Land Is Your Land’ on his honeymoon in Moscow, this DNC-esteemed ‘white man of socialist privilege’ is now singing the ‘What Journalists Should Be’ ballad for an all too-accommodating Columbia Journalism Review (CJR.) A CJR note at the bottom of an op-ed in which Sanders calls for action “to restore the media that Joseph Pulitzer and Walter Cronkite envisioned”, reads: “CJR welcomes all candidates to submit op-eds related to journalism.”
By Judi McLeod - Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - Full Story

Berkeley Bans Natural Gas in New Residential Buildings

Berkeley Bans Natural Gas in New Residential BuildingsWhile natural gas is setting consumption records nationwide, Berkeley, California, is banning its use in new residential buildings. Beginning January 1, 2020, the city will not allow developers to build homes, townhouses, or small apartment buildings with natural gas hook-ups for cooking, heating, or hot water. Berkeley intends to expand the ban to bigger apartment buildings and commercial structures as it implements its goal of "fossil-free new buildings." For those wishing to have a gourmet gas stove in their kitchen, Berkeley will not allow it in a new house.
By Institute for Energy Research - Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - Full Story

Denver Post and Jared Polis are hazardous to Colorado Freedom

Several thousands of Coloradans, especially Conservatives, as well as many Republicans, have become a formidable force as they have focused a very serious effort on the recall of Gov. Jared Polis this summer. The effort has been resisted by the state’s mainstream media outlets even before the official procedures were initiated.
By Dennis Jamison - Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - Full Story

Obamas make remarkable commitment in fight against climate change & wealth inequality: Concerned

Obamas make remarkable commitment in fight against climate change & wealth inequality: Concerned couple buys ANOTHER massive mega-mansion!In their tireless fight against climate change and wealth inequality, Barack and Michelle Obama reportedly are set to purchase a stupendous beachfront mega-mansion in Martha's Vineyard, presumably as a much-needed summer retreat to supplement the $8.9 million mega-mansion they already own in one of the most exclusive areas of the nation's capitol. Situated on 29 beachfront acres and listed at $14,850,000, the ultra-luxurious Martha's Vineyard estate comes equipped with a long and enviable list of high-end amenities demanded by the rich and famous.
By John Eidson - Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - Full Story

McLuhan’s ‘Media is the Message’ Now ‘Message of the Media

McLuhan's 'Media is the Message' Now 'Message of the MediaThe latest salvos in the war on America's heritage exploded last week, fired-off by major media, congressional actors and stage-managed youth. After 50 years of leftist academics and media rewriting history, the New York Times is going for broke. Re-imagined history (because the Times' 1619 Project is a figment of their imagination) was built into an emotional introspection peddled as a serious examination of this nation's founding.
By A. Dru Kristenev - Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - Full Story

Climate Computer Models Lacking in Accuracy

Climate Computer Models Lacking in AccuracyIn the 60 years before 2010, China was reported to have warmed by 0.79 plus or minus 0.10. However, a recent report reveals that China could have experienced a real warming of only 0.46 plus or minus 0.13 C. Nicola Scafetta and colleagues compared what the top greenhouse models driven by CO2 predicted. And , lo the models were totally wrong. 1 Somehow the combined might and supercomputers at NOAA, NASA, Hadley and the Bureau of Met experts all missed this. 2
By Jack Dini - Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - Full Story

Israel in Iraq: Expanding the Campaign against Iran

Israel in Iraq: Expanding the Campaign against IranThere are growing signs that Israel has expanded its campaign against Iran’s efforts to consolidate its power in the region, including in attacks on infrastructures in Iraq that are linked to Iran. An overall cost-benefit analysis should prompt Israel to consider the potential implications of expanding the campaign, among them an early withdrawal of US forces from Iraq and Syria, which would leave Israel alone in the campaign against Iran's entrenchment in the region.
By INSS -- Orit Perlov, Udi Dekel- Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - Full Story

Watch: Five things you might not want to mix with birth control

Five things you might not want to mix with birth controlWASHINGTON--Many forms of birth control are hormone-based, but not everything mixes well with those hormones. This week on Reactions, learn about some common products that could make your birth control less effective or cause dangerous side effects:
By American Chemical Society - Monday, August 26, 2019 - Full Story