
September, 2020

How Cultural Marxism is Grinding Down America’s Public Schools

How Cultural Marxism is Grinding Down America's Public SchoolsCultural Marxism is the gradual process of grinding down western democracies by subverting the pillars of their culture, the structures and institutions of family, religion, education, politics, law, the arts and the media, as they provide the social cohesion necessary to a functioning society. 
By John Eidson - Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - Full Story

CO Governor Sued for Targeting Ministries

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – Liberty Counsel filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Andrew Wommack Ministries International (AWMI) against Governor Jared Polis and the state and local public health departments for discriminating against religious gatherings with restricted numerical and capacity limitations that are not imposed on nonreligious gatherings. Liberty Counsel is seeking a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction from the governor’s unconstitutional COVID-19 orders.
By Liberty Counsel - Monday, September 28, 2020 - Full Story

Four reasons why Democrats should blame themselves for Trump’s SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett

Four reasons why Democrats should blame themselves for Trump's SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney BarrettDemocrats say they are ready to do everything and anything possible to stop a Senate vote on Trump SCOTUS nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, before the election. But, maybe Democrats only have themselves to blame for her potential selection to the Supreme Court. Glenn reads an article from the Washington Examiner that explains how four, important decisions made by Democrats over the last several years could be to blame for Trump's recent pick. And it may have all started back in 2013 when Harry Reid decided to do what today's Democrats do best: overreach their powers.
By News on the Net -- Glenn Beck- Monday, September 28, 2020 - Full Story

Vote Buying In Ilhan Omar’s District?

Investigative reporter David Steinberg explains to Glenn how new video MAY provide enough evidence to begin a FBI investigation into alleged illegal practices by Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's campaign. In the video, produced and released by Project Veritas, residents of Omar’s community describe campaign teams that not only conduct illegal ballot harvesting practices but PAY people for their blank absentee ballots as well. And, Steinberg says, if true, these charges DO allow for the federal government to bypass Omar’s friend and protector, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison. So, could 2020 be the beginning of the end for Omar’s political career?
By News on the Net -- Glenn Beck- Monday, September 28, 2020 - Full Story

Scientists grow fresh dates from a 6th BC seed

Scientists grow fresh dates from a 6th BC seedMazal tov to Hannah and Methuselah on their 111 miracle babies! The proud parents are date palms grown from ancient seeds uncovered in archeological excavations in Israel. These dates, recently picked at the Arava Institute at Kibbutz Ketura in southern Israel, are a type that hasn’t been tasted since the times of Jesus and the Maccabees.
By ISRAEL21c - Monday, September 28, 2020 - Full Story

Amy Coney Barrett Impeccable Choice for High Court

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Judge Amy Coney Barrett will bring irrefutable character, education, and experience from her time in private practice, academia, and her service on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals to serve as Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. President Donald Trump said, “Apart from matters of war and peace, the nomination of a Supreme Court justice is the most important decision an American President can make.”
By Liberty Counsel - Monday, September 28, 2020 - Full Story


Erin O’Toole has been conservative leader for only a few weeks and not surprisingly that’s exactly how long it took him to throw Alberta under the proverbial bus. Shortly after his coronation, O’Toole stated that, “if elected Prime Minister I would ensure pipeline projects in the West continue to grow and spark the rest of Canada’s economy, there are projects (east to west pipelines) that will help us get a better price for Canadian resources, this is a resource that is important to our national interest, we better get the best world price we can as we’re recovering”.
By Action Alberta -- Ken Pirie- Monday, September 28, 2020 - Full Story

Amy Coney Barrett and the Zealots

Amy Coney Barrett and the ZealotsSupreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is in the grip of “dogmas.” So goes a criticism made by, ironically, the most dogmatic of people. In fact, the gripe reflects a certain dogma-born prejudice. Oh, I don’t speak of the anti-Catholic, anti-“religious,” anti-pro-life and anti-conservative varieties, though they’re also present. Nor do I refer to how a Muslim nominee would never be subjected to such scorn. Rather, the prejudice here is seldom recognized and something even good people may exhibit.
By Selwyn Duke - Monday, September 28, 2020 - Full Story

When will hysterical defenders of “science” face up to the destruction the US medical system is caus

When will hysterical defenders of Millions of masked people, who border on hysteria, believe they know COVID science. On closer examination, these people believe what their television sets tell them. They believe Fauci because he's on television, and he's talking from the White House, and he disagrees with Trump. These elements are not exactly what Galileo had in mind when he challenged the Roman Church on the issue of the Earth revolving around the sun.
By Jon Rappoport - Monday, September 28, 2020 - Full Story

Go Ahead and Catch the Travel Bug

William Shakespeare wrote, “In the night, imagining some fear, how easy is a bush supposed a bear!” For many families having lost loved ones to the coronavirus, this has been a devastating year. The death numbers are broadcast relentlessly. Small wonder people have become paranoid about travelling. But does this anxiety make sense? Normally airports are chaotic and unpleasant. Joyless crowds stand toe-to-toe in long lineups through insufferable screenings and baggage checks, only to be herded like sheep onto cramped planes.
By W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones - Sunday, September 27, 2020 - Full Story

New behind the wheel? Here’s some advice for new and inexperienced drivers

New behind the wheel? Here's some advice for new and inexperienced driversBack to School season may be the "most wonderful time of the year" if you're a parent whose kids have been driving you up the wall for the past several months, but it's also a time when many people are heading back to classes – or work, or whatever, as well. This means, as I'm sure you'll have noticed, that our highways and byways are filling up again – not, perhaps, as much as they were back before our forcible, free trial of tyranny began, but more than were on the roads during the early heights of the health hype. This prompted the folks at OK Tire to offer some tips they think can help the more inexperienced drivers among us to have safer and/or more pleasant driving experiences than they might otherwise.
By Jim Bray - Sunday, September 27, 2020 - Full Story

Viganò: Deep State has now teamed up with Deep Church to overthrow Trump, usher in New World Or

Seeking to find any coherence of the recent action of the Society of Jesus with the original intentions of Saint Ignatius of Loyola is an arduous if not impossible task, to the point that in hindsight one considers the reconstitution of the Order in 1814 after its suppression by Clement XIV in 1773 to have been ill-advised. It is not surprising that, in the process of dissolution and self-demolition to which the entire ecclesial body is subjected, the contribution of the Jesuits has been – and still remains – decisive. It is no coincidence that since 2013 even the highest throne has been occupied by a Jesuit, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, even though this is in violation of the Ignatian Rule that forbids members of the Society of Jesus to take up positions in the hierarchy.
By News on the Net -- LifeSiteNews- Sunday, September 27, 2020 - Full Story

Biden Compares Trump To Nazi Leader, Struggles To Finish Point In Interview, Says He’s Been In

In moments highlighted in video clips which quickly circulated online Saturday, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden compared President Donald Trump to a notorious figure in the Nazi Party, struggled significantly to make multiple points during an interview, and remarked that he was elected to the U.S. Senate “180 years ago.” Three of the gaffes pointed out by critics online came from Biden’s interview on MSNBC Saturday with host Stephanie Ruhle
By Daily Wire - Sunday, September 27, 2020 - Full Story

Woman charged with attempted murder after plowing through crowd of Trump supporters with car

A woman was arrested and charged with attempted murder for driving her car through a crowd of President Donald Trump supporters on Saturday. Two people were hit by the vehicle and suffered "major injuries." There were dueling protests in Yorba Linda, California, on Saturday afternoon between Black Lives Matter supporters and a pro-Trump crowd. There was also reportedly a demonstration by "Caravan for Justice," a Black Lives Matter-inspired social justice group that is "dedicated to the next level of progression in our fight for equality and justice" and calls for the "boycott businesses and foundations that support and fund corrupt police departments," according to the group's Facebook page.
By News on the Net -- The Blaze- Sunday, September 27, 2020 - Full Story