
Bob Beers

Bob L. Beers was a member of the Nevada Assembly representing District 21 in Clark County, Nevada. Prior to his election in 2006, he was an author involved in graphic arts and illustration. Originally from Eureka, California, Beers attended Arcata High School and Humboldt State College. He currently resides in Henderson, Nevada with his wife and son.

Most Recent Articles by Bob Beers:

Who is the Real Hypocrite?

Esquire Magazine surprised me today by publishing an honest, fair and factual account regarding Sarah Palin. Mrs. Palin has been under attack lately by both those on the left and on the right. No surprise there because the left hates her because of her unflagging honest conservatism and open Christian faith. The right hates her because of her unflagging honesty. You don’t believe me? Then why is it that the only candidate the GOP put up for Nevada Secretary of State already has a few legal problems surfacing? Check out this story.
- Monday, March 15, 2010

Dumber and Truly Dumber

“College ready” means something entirely different for Barrack Hussein Obama than it does for most of the people I know. This link will take you to a March 15, 2010 article describing how George Bush’s No Child Left Behind, intended to somehow increase academic proficiency, wound up reducing it. The article also notes what the effect of Obama’s proposal would do; that’s right, reduce them even further.
- Monday, March 15, 2010

A Democrat Meltdown over Healthcare

You won’t read about this anywhere else for a while yet because it just happened. Sean Hannity managed to get a recording of Patrick Kennedy melting down over the fact that the news isn’t covering the ongoing debate over Obama’s hope for takeover of the US healthcare system. In his tirade, Kennedy becomes practically incoherent over the empty seats in the press box.
- Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Albert Gore and the Global Warming Ponzi Scheme

Most people of my generation (born in the 50s) are well aware that ex-vice president Al Gore is a walking joke with the functional intelligence of a slime mold. What is surprising is that in spite of this obvious handicap, Mr. Gore has managed to manipulate a significant portion of the world’s population into making him wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice. I’m talking billions, with a “B”. Check out this site, for pages of very damaging evidence. You will notice that an interesting point on how the media consider the deaths of past glory starlets such as Anna Nicole Smith far more important than the corruption of the scientific process for profit is made.
- Tuesday, March 9, 2010

One Law for the Liberal…

A while back I was contacted by an individual who represented himself as someone who spoke for the Islamic community. This person gave the impression that he was reasonable and willing to discuss the issue of Islamic extremism in a civilized and logical manner. He felt that I spent too much time in pointing out the bad without mentioning the good. I replied that if he was willing to condemn the bad acts of those claiming to represent Islam I would put his argument into my column. He agreed to this. This was several weeks ago. As you can see nothing has made it into print.
- Monday, March 8, 2010

For Those with Ears to Hear

The link, will take you to a video where Harry Reid states that “only 36,000 people losing their jobs is a good thing”. Every one of the three remaining Obama supporters will point to this statistic and cry, “See! The economy is getting better.”
- Friday, March 5, 2010

The Golems of Government

With the stroke of a pen, Barack Hussein Obama added over a trillion dollars to our deficit and potentially trillions more to our national debt. Now, because some rascals in the US Senate might not go along with his takeover of the American Health System, he is pulling out all the stops to reclaim his “precious”. Obama has no concern over whether or not bankrupting every single taxpayer will have any long term effects over our country. He isn’t bothered by the several million jobs his policies have cost our citizens or the probably several million more this takeover will cause. He wants his power. Or in other words, “His Precious.”
- Thursday, March 4, 2010

Promises Made, Promises Broken

imageEvery political candidate, regardless of the race, regardless of the office, offers up promises of integrity, fidelity, transparency and accessibility. Those who manage to hang on to their promises are rare. Even more so, because when the political world discovers they actually took their oaths and promises seriously, their brethren join hands with the opposition to destroy them. Our representatives have worked overtime to not only develop a culture of corruption but to perfect it.
- Sunday, February 28, 2010

Real Change

When Obama entered the race for President his main message was “hope and change”. There was little mention of what defined hope and any questions as to what sort of change were treated as if they were racist. The mainstream media, continuing their repackaging of Obama on a daily basis as the campaign went on gave America’s first mocha-toned President what amounted to billions of dollars in campaign support.
- Sunday, February 21, 2010

Money Talks Part 2

As is usual, when a column hits a nerve I get quite a few comments from folks who may have read it, but didn’t get the message in the words. One commenter sent me a comment spread over 3 long emails. Somehow, to this writer, if I even suggest that the question of Obama’s legitimacy may be a valid topic for discussion, I have gone over the deep end into the tin foil hat conspiracy stew.
- Friday, February 19, 2010

Money Talks

Those conservatives upset at others of their philosophy seeming to turn on Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and others for simply being employees of Fox need to do some digging into their recent history. What change in the message coming from these apparent bastions of conservative thought has occurred over the past couple of months? Who in the talk radio line up has shifted to a “more moderate” turn of phrase when discussing the actions of the Middle Eastern States? You may be surprised, you may not.
- Thursday, February 18, 2010

Partisanship? What Partisanship?

Back in October, Anita Dunn, the White House Communications Director revealed just how arrogant the Obama Administration was going to be. Here is a link to the video:
- Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Conservative Manifesto

Today’s newspaper was filled with stories, articles and columns regarding the potential electoral disaster facing the Democrats this coming November. Even the Las Vegas Sun, Nevada's lone liberal rag carried a column by the New York Times offering a serious warning to the Democrat establishment that they ignore the Tea Party at their own peril. The one overriding point missing from all of these and practically every other piece written by the Mainstream Media since the days of George Bush Senior is, just what a conservative is.
- Monday, February 15, 2010

Sarah Palin way better than Obama

As as been reported, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs mocked Sarah Palin’s much publicized use of notes written on her hands at the daily White House press briefing yesterday. Right in the middle of answering a question about whether Republicans were serious about helping Obama pass legislation on jobs and health care, Gibbs suddenly held up one of his hands and showed a list of things scrawled onto the palm. He pointed to a list of things for his son that included an inane breakfast choice, but the secretary said he'd written down some other reminders for himself as well.
- Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Twice now Barrack Hussein Obama has dumped on the city of Las Vegas as a place to avoid spending money in. Obama, a man of mixed parentage, has no problem at all in hiding behind his physical appearance when he deposits his size 12 into his mouth. Neither is he, nor his supporters, at all slow when it comes to dispensing racist remarks against those who disagree with him. And, as is typical, the Democrat leadership in Nevada suddenly found themselves muzzled because there seems to be an unwritten commandment within the liberal hierarchy; “Thou shalt not criticize the black president,” even when he is bankrupting your state.
- Friday, February 5, 2010

A USO in Las Vegas? Not a Chance…Hold on a Minute

Call me cynical, but does anyone with half a brain think Harry would have exerted the amount of political muscle it took to get the USO to suddenly decide to reverse course without something being in it for him? Don’t get me wrong, I am as pleased as a flea in a dogpound for the young men and women who will no longer have to sack out on a hard airport floor in front of strangers while they wait for that bus. What irks me is the political chicanery behind the whole thing.
- Thursday, January 28, 2010

Too Dumb to Believe Liberalism Works

This headline showed up recently, “Today's CNN poll shows a majority of Americans think stimulus money has been wasted.”
- Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama’s Kiss of Death

Rasmussen Reports is one of the few polling companies you can trust to give you real numbers rather than those the Obama Administration uses to skew the results. After the Massachusetts debacle, the west wing of the White House went into a major spin overdrive in an attempt to prove what had just happened hadn’t. The reality is something else entirely.
- Friday, January 22, 2010

A Boston Tea Party Massacre

Every mainstream media news organization derided the Tea Party protests as laughable, even going to the point of creating a disgusting frat house joke around the name “teabagger”. Networks such as MSNBC and CBS refused to take any point of the Tea Party seriously, writing it off as if it was no more irritating than the yipping of a neighbor’s small dog. I doubt they think that now. Scott Brown handed the Democrat Nominee, Martha Coakley a million-plus vote drubbing last night. This morning every single Democrat leader is blaming everything except the actual cause of this Tea Party Massacre.
- Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Liberals Cannot Fix Education

Not surprisingly, my home state of Nevada continues to rank at or near the bottom in state-by-state comparisons for student achievement in reading and math. Another non-surprise is that those whose agendas have essentially created the conditions for this outcome want to step in to “solve the problem”. One of those is WestEd, a Californian Educational agency with political connections throughout the southwest. Here is a quote from a recent paper on Nevada from Paul Koehler, Director of WestEd’s Policy Center:
- Monday, January 18, 2010