
June, 2022

Kari Lake just incinerated Bret Baier

videolake062922Kari Lake just incinerated Bret Baier and exposed Fox News in a heated nearly 10 minute interview. "I am really disappointed in Fox, I thought you were better than CNN"
By News on the Net -- Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte)- Wednesday, June 29, 2022 - Full Story

Wanda Sykes must have failed Civics

Wanda Sykes must have failed Civics"The problem is that middle stuff. It is those states in the middle, that red stuff. Why do they tell get to tell us what to do, where the majority of us live out, New York, California, and we are paying for all this crap, really?"
By News on the Net -- Tom Elliott (@tomselliott)- Wednesday, June 29, 2022 - Full Story

Two suspects dead, six officers injured in shootout at Saanich bank

Two suspects dead, six officers injured in shootout at Saanich bankTwo suspects were killed and six police officers were injured in a shootout at a Saanich bank Tuesday, an incident the district’s police chief said was unlike anything he’s seen in his 27-year career. Saanich and Victoria police officers and members of the Greater Victoria Emergency Response Team were called to the Bank of Montreal in the 3600-block of Shelbourne Street at around 11 a.m. Tuesday following reports of armed men entering the bank.
By News on the Net -- Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray)- Wednesday, June 29, 2022 - Full Story

Tucker Carlson’s Misguided Attack on Republicans

Tucker Carlson’s Misguided Attack on RepublicansFor the record, I believe Fox News host Tucker Carlson is by far the best high-profile TV commentator of our time. I frequently cite him in my news-oriented articles, and his monologues are tours de force. Thus is it notable that I’ve never seen him stumble so badly as on his last Wednesday evening show. Aside from taking at face value a rather portly Google engineer’s claim that a computer he’d been working with, which he calls a “person,” has become sentient (highly improbable at this time), Carlson launched an attack on the Republican Party that, while containing some truth, failed to see the forest for the trees.
By Selwyn Duke - Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - Full Story

The Good—The Bad—The Ugly

The Good—The Bad—The UglyAs a people, Christ set us free. As American citizens the United States Declaration of Independence and Constitution gave us the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The question is: Are “We the People” of America using the freedoms and liberty granted us wisely? Are “We the People” fulfilling the legacy our Founding Fathers envisioned for the gift they gave us? Or, are “We the People” squandering those gifts and setting ourselves up to submit again to a yoke of slavery?
By Steve Rossiter - Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - Full Story

Annual Indigenous spending expected to reach $35.5 billion in 2026, largely due to judicial settlements

Annual Indigenous spending expected to reach $35.5 billion in 2026, largely due to judicial settlementsVANCOUVER—The federal government’s recent substantial increase of Indigenous spending is mainly due to judicial settlement payouts, finds a new study published by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. “At a time of large budget deficits and mounting debt, the explosive growth of Indigenous spending is expected to continue, driven largely by settlement payouts,” said Tom Flanagan, professor emeritus at the University of Calgary, senior fellow at the Fraser Institute and author of Indigenous Spending in Budget 2022.
By Fraser Institute - Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - Full Story

Vultures or Eagles? What’s the Character of the Creatures in Residence?

Vultures or Eagles? What’s the Character of the Creatures in Residence?Is it the home of vultures or eagles? Sometimes it’s hard to know what kind of nest you’re looking at: vulture nest or eagle nest? Size and location can be good clues, but often you need to check out the occupants to be certain who’s living there. Then you’ll have a better idea about how they survive in this world … their approach to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
By R.W. Trewyn Ph.D. - Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - Full Story

The Target on Australia’s Back

The Target on Australia’s BackCongratulations to Ted Dwyer in “Spectator Australia” (25/6/22) for asking why Australia has bet-the-house on the US/NATO adventurism in Ukraine. There are few innocent parties in Ukraine today - an undeclared civil war has been simmering for this whole century. Since the Mongol destruction of Kiev in 1240, almost everyone has invaded Ukraine – its flat fertile lands and mineral resources attract plunderers. Russia has a long memory of invaders from the west including Napoleon, the Austrians, the Poles, the Swedes and Hitler’s Nazis.
By Viv Forbes - Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - Full Story

The Unvarnished Truth of ‘The Jan. 6 Documentary’

The Unvarnished Truth of ‘The Jan. 6 Documentary’As the kangaroo court known as Liz Cheney’s and Adam Schiff’s largely unwatched Select Committee’s Investigation into the Jan. 6 Attack continues, ‘The Truth of Jan. 6 Documentary,’ first released on June 6, 2022, bares the Truth about what really happened on that fateful day in what was to become the Democrat Party’s main plank in upcoming Midterm Elections. The live footage in ‘The Truth of Jan. 6 Documentary’ throws antiseptic sunlight on the lies and propaganda of the Democrats and lapdog mainstream media about what really took place during the over-hyped so called ‘INSURRECTION!’ that supposedly took place at the unprotected Capitol that day.
By Judi McLeod - Monday, June 27, 2022 - Full Story

The Original Medicine of Stingless Bees

The Original Medicine of Stingless BeesThe American poet Emily Dickinson understood the profound gifts of nature. She wrote, “The lovely flowers embarrass me, They make me regret I am not a bee –” If bees could speak, they might add, “Let me do my work, so that you may live.” Bees are vital pollinators, ensuring the success of a wide variety of the world’s most nutritious agricultural crops grown for human consumption.
By W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones - Monday, June 27, 2022 - Full Story