
August, 2022

Donald: Don’t Let Back Stabbers Take You Down

Donald: Don’t Let Back Stabbers Take You DownThe biggest carbuncle on The Donald’s backside, other than son-in-law Jared Kushner, is disbarred attorney and felon Michael Cohen. Sprung from a jail cell when authorities were protecting felons from contracting COVID-19 in prison, Cohen emerged from the slammer with his ‘Get Trump’ stance on that Twit Grand Central known as Twitter. Here’s the latest from Twitter’s latest Twit Michael Cohen.
By Judi McLeod - Tuesday, August 30, 2022 - Full Story


ERIC--THE EPICENTER OF VOTER FRAUDThe American Policy Center has been kicking over rocks in the election fraud jungle for the better part of the last year. ERIC, the Electronic Registration Information Center is under every one, buried in the slime of intransigence, ignorance, and plausible deniability. Most state officials choose to defend or ignore it. Even some supposed “conservatives” want to wash over the truth. This MUST stop. America MUST recognize ERIC for what it is--the epicenter of the voter fraud in the nation today. Since early February, 2022, we at the APC have been reporting on ERIC. I personally have written six articles on election integrity, showing what ERIC is and what it does, as well as what we can do about it. I have learned a tremendous amount from experts along the way. My writings are listed at the end of this article.
By Kat Stansell - Tuesday, August 30, 2022 - Full Story

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine: Gantz—de Gaulle or de Goose?

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine: Gantz--de Gaulle or de Goose?
wo statements made this past week by Israel’s current Defence Minister– Benny Gantz--could see his run for Israel’s next Prime Minister ended after it has just started. Gantz told Kan Reshet Bet:
"Those who, in a clear left-wing position, consider 'two states for two peoples' as a solution are living in an illusion, and those who, in a radical right-wing position, think of a state without Arabs in the West Bank, are living in a greater illusion," 
By David Singer - Tuesday, August 30, 2022 - Full Story

White House Dumbfounded on Who Will Pay for Biden Student Loan Bailout

White House Dumbfounded on Who Will Pay for Biden Student Loan BailoutNot only is Joe Biden attacking so-called "MAGA Republicans" by calling them "semi-fascist," he is also proposing one of the most fundamentally unfair policies ever. Biden is looking to force the American taxpayer (you and me) to pay for other people's student loan debt. Biden's student loan bailout shifts the repayment burden from the people who took out the loans to the rest of America. When asked about the plan, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre couldn't say how much it costs, how it will be paid for, or who will do the paying.
By News on the Net -- Bobby Eberle- Tuesday, August 30, 2022 - Full Story

The worst flood ever in Pakistan happening right now

The worst flood ever in Pakistan happening right nowThe worst flood ever in Pakistan happening right now. • 33 mil people affected. • 784% above normal rainfall. This video is shocking. Watch the buildings getting taken out.
By News on the Net -- Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv)- Monday, August 29, 2022 - Full Story

Serious floods in Pakistan

Serious floods in PakistanIn Pakistan, climate change is not a threat- it's a lived reality. 33 million affected by the devastating floods. Over 1000 people killed and 200k+ homes destroyed. Pakistan produces less than 1% of global carbon emissions but it's disproportionately affected by global warming. A reply from Saurav Dutt @sd_saurav No. Extensive deforestation and the building of dams for irrigation and power generation across tributaries of the Indus river is the cause. Years of political unrest have also left their mark, + flood waters transport land mines, posing an extra danger to relief missions.
By News on the Net - Monday, August 29, 2022 - Full Story

Hunter Should Receive The Presidential Medal of Freedom

Hunter Should Receive The Presidential Medal of FreedomImagine if Joe Biden got on CNN and said, "Well, I'm sick and tired of having to pretend I care about what the American people think. Screw them. I rely on Hunter as my bag man for China and Ukraine, and although he's a degenerate crack addict, he has gotten me millions of dollars."
By Rick Hayes - Monday, August 29, 2022 - Full Story

The Seedy Story Beneath Healthy Cranberries

The Seedy Story Beneath Healthy CranberriesCranberries are a superfood. They are known to fight urinary tract infections. They have anti-inflammatory properties. Cranberries promote heart health. Researchers are even exploring a potential role in reducing cancer risk. But a myopic view that sees only the nutritional value of cranberries misses the larger not-so-pretty picture. It's a cruel irony that so healthy a berry has endured the unhealthy violations brought on by industry’s unthinking push for production and humankind’s fixation with sugar. Cranberries have been a staple of Thanksgiving celebrations for centuries. Harvard University served them at commencement dinner as early as 1703. A recipe for cranberry sauce appeared in a 1796 cookbook. General Ulysses S. Grant ordered his Union Army be served cranberries with the holiday meal in 1864.
By W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones - Monday, August 29, 2022 - Full Story

Battle of the Worlds Blu-ray an interesting example of ‘Fettu-cine’

Battle of the Worlds Blu-ray an interesting example of 'Fettu-cine'Everyone's heard of spaghetti westerns, but did you know there was also a genre of Italian sci-fi flicks as well? If not, I point your attention to Battle of the Worlds, a 1961 entry by Antonio Margheriti that stars the late great Claude Rains, star of such legitimate classics as Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia, The Invisible Man, The Adventures of Robin Hood, and so many others. Rains, near the end of his long career, is said in the essay notes that accompany The Film Detective's new Blu-ray, to have taken this role on the financial advice of his wife and, though he does tend to chew the scenery more than a tad in his portrayal of a somewhat mad (or at least antisocial) scientist, he definitely does not phone in the performance.
By Jim Bray - Monday, August 29, 2022 - Full Story

Drudge Gifts FBI Picture of Trump They So Desperately Need

Drudge Gifts FBI Picture of Trump They So Desperately NeedIt was on August 15 when Canada Free Press stated in reaction to the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago: “It was a dry run dress rehearsal for what they’re really after: The portrait of a shackled Donald Trump being led away to jail—a portrait that paints America’s elusive 45th as a CRIMINAL!” Two weeks after to the very day, the ignoble Drudge Report gave the FBI what it wanted: a horrendous picture of DONALD TRUMP, THE CRIMINAL! A picture telling the Biggest Lie of all time, one with which they intend to seal the fate of a still popular president!
By Judi McLeod - Monday, August 29, 2022 - Full Story