
Timothy Birdnow

Timothy Birdnow is a conservative writer and blogger and lives in St. Louis Missouri. His work has appeared in many popular conservative publications including but not limited to The American Thinker, Pajamas Media, Intellectual Conservative and Orthodoxy Today. Tim is a featured contributor to American Daily Reviewand has appeared as a Guest Host on the Heading Right Radio Network. Tim's website is tbirdnow.mee.nu.

Most Recent Articles by Timothy Birdnow:

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Donald Trump

In the ‘70s British sci-fi comedy 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy’, the interstellar government was ruled over by a two-headed alien named Zaphod Beeblebrox. Beeblebrox was elected President not because of his serious mind or his experience or capabilities but because the Presidency of the Galaxy was decided on popularity, rather like a prom-king, and Beeblebrox, a rather dull-witted "extreme" screwball, captured the imagination of a majority of voters. One of his acts as President was to steal an experimental starship he was christening.
- Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Trump is playing some high stakes poker

Western Journalism is reporting that Donald Trump refused to take a call from Sean Hannity regarding his appearance on the Fox debate, and even refuses to talk with Roger Ailes, but is demanding a call from Fox owner Rupert Murdoch.
Per Trump source: Trump’s position now is he is chairman of his company and he will only deal with Murdoch at a chairman-to-chairman level— Gabriel Sherman (@gabrielsherman) January 27, 2016 When all was said and done, Trump informed his supporters Tuesday evening he was not going to appear at the debate
- Friday, January 29, 2016

Lies My RINO Told Me

Every election cycle we hear the same arguments from the RINO/Establishment class. These claims cannot be justified in any way, and yet they are articles of faith, venerated words of wisdom, absolutes in the political world, and the Establishment asks us, nay demands, we follow their prescribed political program lest disaster overtake us. These overarching truths have little to no evidence to support them, and at this point, given the utter failure of their employment in the real world of electoral politics, can be classified as outright lies. Their purpose is to anesthetize the Conservative base, to lull us back into our collective intellectual coma, to force us off the field so that the elites can continue to run the show. What, pray tell, are these lies?
- Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Communists, Pagans, and the UM Columbia Race Protests

The University of Missouri Columbia is the pre-eminent college in the University of Missouri system, and since it has a long, illustrious history of great football, is the pre-eminent university in the state. If you were a community organizer you would try to crack that particular nut first, and the rest of the MU system would fall in line. This is no idle consideration, because you would set a precedent for all higher educational establishments.
- Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ingratitude, Thugs, and the Gay Community

A St. Louis coffee shop is imbibing some bitter brew over cups it gave to customers with FTP written on them. For those who can't figure it out, FTP means F@## the Police.
- Saturday, October 10, 2015

Why did McCarthy do it?

Kevin McCarthy has resigned from the race for Speaker of the House of Representatives. McCarthy shot himself in the family jewels with imbecilic comments that suggested the purpose of the select committee on Benghazi was to damage the political fortunes of Hillary Clinton. The subsequent uproar forced McCarthy to run for the tall grass.
- Friday, October 9, 2015

A Poverty of Understanding; the Climate Encyclical

God created poverty. This proposition, while demonstrably true, is guaranteed to bring guffaws and cries of outrage from the religious Left, but it is true nonetheless. It hearkens back to the curse of Man in Genesis:
- Monday, June 22, 2015

Murdering Memorials; God and Man in St. Louis

begin the demolition.' He took up his pickaxe and walked up to Allah's House saying, 'O Ka'aba, do not be afraid. O Allah we intend nothing but good.' The he demolished part of it near the two corners." Ishaq 85: If I were to mention riots in 2012 in Bengladesh that ended in the destruction of numerous Buddhist temples would you be surprised? Would you be shocked to learn that the Taliban demolished the millennia-old Bamiyan Buddhas in the last decade?
- Thursday, June 4, 2015

Free Range Children

A recent story in the media about 2 children aged 10 and 6 being taken into protective custody by over-zealous officials has introduced a phrase I expect we'll be hearing a lot more of in coming years - Free Range Children. The children were allowed to play unsupervised in a nearby park, and busybodies called authorities who took the children into custody without notifying the parents.
- Sunday, April 19, 2015

Digital Reichstag Fire?

Citing the cyber attacks on Sony, President Obama is proposing the creation of a federal cyber attack center. The idea is to model it after the National Counterterrorism Center.
- Friday, February 13, 2015

The Strange Timing of the Brian Williams' Affair

Twelve years ago Brian Williams made an astonishing claim. He said a Chinook helicopter he was flying in was shot down in Iraq. Now, few would believe such a claim could be a lie, because nobody would make such an easily verifiable claim if it were. It is an exercise in the strategy of Joseph Goebbels; if you are going to lie you go all in.
- Monday, February 9, 2015

Liberal Little White Lies

"Can't see the forest for the trees", the old saying goes. That means that one’s vision is blocked by too close a proximity to the object in question, that details can obscure the bigger picture. Reality is lost in a forest of individual items, sometimes seemingly unconnected, but when viewed from a higher perspective form an interwoven tapestry, a greater whole.
- Saturday, February 7, 2015

WMD's and the Road to a Political Cover-up

It has recently come to light that large caches of chemical and other banned weapons were found in Iraq, and that the Bush White House was fully aware of their existence but chose to suppress knowledge of their existence on the theory that they had lost the battle in the media and didn't want to reopen those wounds. Karl Rove appears at the epicenter of this strategy, apparently believing the truth is less important than media treatment.
- Friday, October 24, 2014