
Roger Gitlin

Roger Gitlin is a California-credentialed teacher and sits on the steering committee for the Del Norte Tea Party Patriots in Crescent City, California. Roger also founded the Santa Clarita Valley Independent Minutemen. Roger Gitlin is running for Del Norte County, Supervisor District I in Crescent City, California.

Most Recent Articles by Roger Gitlin:

Who is The Perfect Candidate?

Friends, confidants, and those with an opinion continually ask me who is the perfect candidate to oppose Barack Hussein Obama, this November. Who is the Ronald Reaganesqe candidate with iron steel core values who will right the leeward-leaning American ship of state and restore all that is right and just? Who is the superhero who will swoop down like an American eagle and rescue the United States from the jaws of the radical Left, and an America-despising president who represents the interests of leeches, moochers, and the-just-plain lazy? Where is the perfect candidate?
- Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Is it too late to save the Golden State?

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, some 40,000 new laws take effect across the 50 States effective January 1, 2012. California leads the nation in passing arguably the most absurd of these laws. The Assembly, State Senate and Governor Jerry Brown defy comprehension.
- Saturday, December 31, 2011

Obama can cure the deaf, dumb, and blind

I know a couple in the city in which I reside who told me one of the funniest yet most profound stories one can imagine. The couple is in their 70’s. Unfortunately, the gentleman suffered two strokes some years back and is sadly unable to speak. He is not even able to utter his wife’s name. It is sad to see this couple have to endure this hardship. But persevere they must. No one is permitted to choose life’s curveballs or its outcomes; I am and continue to be grateful for my health and the good health of my family.
- Monday, December 12, 2011

Barack Hussein Obama compares himself to Theodore Roosevelt

Thank you, Charles Krauthammer, for reminding me of your words of wisdom. I tend not to listen to Barrack Hussein Obama’s speeches. His rhetoric annoys me. In the words of highly respected commentator, Charles Krauthammer, “Watch what he does, not what he says.”
- Thursday, December 8, 2011

Identity politics is alive and well in Obamanation

I was asked recently if I could support a candidate who shared my religion. As a Jewish person, could I carte blanc support my California Senators Diane Feinstein or Barbara Boxer, both of whom are Jewish? No delay of thought is necessary. I could no more support either simply because we share the same religion than I could support any inherently wrong decision I was about to make. Feinstein and Boxer’s opinions and mine are polar opposite on most if not all issues.
- Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Circling the Drain: The Death of the Democratic Party (1828-2012)

Allow me to borrow the above-noted title from political writer Charles Kimball when he predicted the death of the Democratic Party back in 2006. Mr. Kimball’s prediction was just a bit premature. We are watching in slow motion the demise of the Democratic Party in America. Ex- Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised to drain the swamp when she assumed power in 2007. It never happened…
- Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Republicans! Stop acting like Democrats

I’ve watched a number of the National Republican debates. Some of the candidates are squabbling furiously in an attempt to emerge head or shoulders above the competition. It’s getting bloody. These aspirants seek the Party’s nomination to supplant Barack Hussein Obama, less than a year from now. I continue to be astounded how petty and juvenile the party of the Elephant has become in vetting its candidates. Does the elite group of eight realize who the real foe is?
- Thursday, November 24, 2011

Newt is the latest to step into the murky world of illegal immigration.

Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich is the latest candidate to wander into to the world of illegal immigration before carefully thinking out his words. I am scratching my skull on Newt’s display of compassion for the so-called long-term illegal immigrants who have been in the United States at least 25 years. I continue to be confused by Newt’s lack of memory of the Immigration and Reform Act of 1986.
- Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Elena Kagan: Disqualify yourself or face impeachment

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments on the constitutionality of the highly controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare. The nine member Court will hear 5+ hours of testimony before rendering a decision. Sometime over the summer on the constitutionality of the law.
- Thursday, November 17, 2011

Interview with an icon

imageThe opportunity came to me quite unexpectedly to interview one of my boyhood heroes. I had the chance to talk with arguably one of the greatest baseball pitchers of all time: Vernon Sanders Law of the Pittsburgh Pirates. The year was 1960 and I was this impressionable 13 year-old in Los Angeles who suddenly became very interested in baseball. A bunch of friends and I hopped the Venice bus, switched to the Vermont trolley and paid $.75 admission to the Los Angeles Coliseum to watch the world champion Dodgers take on the Pirates during the summer. Vern Law, whose nickname was “the Deacon” was pitching that day, He was magnificent! He shut out Johnny Podres and the ex-Brooklyn Boys 2-0.
- Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Thrill of a Lifetime; visit to St. George Reef Lighthouse, Crescent City, California

imageIt was the thrill of a life time. Long anticipated, eagerly awaited, the weather was breathtaking, the stars were aligned, and I hopped on a helicopter at McNamara Field, in Crescent City, and landed on the pier of one of the most remote lighthouses in the world. I was one of few to take the cook’s tour of the St. George Reef Lighthouse, six miles off the coast of Crescent City, California.
- Monday, November 14, 2011

TEA Party - Lincoln Club

I am proud of Rick Perry, today. The Governor of Texas finally came clean with his previous idiotic statement on illegal immigration and apologized to those he accused of having no cardiac parts because they opposed offering “dream type” benefits to the children of illegal aliens. Perry admitted flat out he was misguided after his wife essentially kicked him in the butt saying that he was wrong in attacking those who disagreed with how the State of Texas deals with the fallout involving the children of illegal aliens.
- Saturday, November 12, 2011

Two mischievous children caught with their hands in the international cookie jar

Political chameleon president of France Nicolas Sarkozy was caught confiding with his soul mate, Barrack Hussein Obama at the G-20 meeting in France, last week. He, Sarkozy, can’t stand Israeli Prime Benjamin Netanyahu and L’enfant Grand actually called Netanyahu a liar. OMG !!! Pauvre, pauvre Sarkozy? The empathetic Obama retorted, “You are sick of him but I have to work with him everyday.” My heart goes out for the plight of these two children.
- Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Feds are at war with the States!

President Barrack Hussein Obama is certainly no Abraham Lincoln. Unlike the 16th president who brought the full power of the Federal government against the Confederacy during the Civil War, Obama takes out his hunting rifle and picks off States who are simply trying to protect themselves against the onslaught of massive illegal immigration. South Carolina is the latest State to attempt to do the job our Federal Government refuses to do: Protect our borders from illegal aliens flooding into the United States. Now the Palmetto State finds itself in Federal Court fighting the Regime of the America-hating Left.
- Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Mormon Myth- fishing for a red herring

People whose opinions I value very much asked me who my choice is for the Republican nomination for the presidency. I have been very careful not to state my preference since the political landscape is still very fluid and there have been no actual primary votes cast. Iowa and New Hampshire are right around the corner.
- Saturday, October 29, 2011

Comparison: OWS with America’s Tea Party

President Barrack Hussein Obama has on more than one occasion drawn a comparison of the current cadre of Occupy Wall Street protesters with America’s Tea Party movement.
- Thursday, October 27, 2011

What is Zionism?

Nothing in all the World is more dangerous that sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1963. When Dr. King spoke those all-too phonetic words, I don’t think he was thinking about the so-called problems created by Zionist Jewish bankers. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t thinking Jews should be deported, thirty-eight years ago.
- Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A conversation with Lefty

I was speaking to a Democratic friend of mind I affectionately call Lefty. (Indeed I do have friends on the other side). Humorously, I call him Lefty because he’s a southpaw, throws and bats from the left side. Interesting how his politics rooted itself on the Left, isn’t it?
- Sunday, October 23, 2011