
Roger Aronoff

Roger Aronoff is a member of Citizens Commission on National Security. Roger is the writer/director of Confronting Iraq: Conflict and Hope

Most Recent Articles by Roger Aronoff:

Latest Obama-Rice Scandal Comes into Focus

What started out last year as an investigation by the Obama administration into Russian interference in our presidential elections has turned into the latest scandal involving both former President Barack Obama and his national security adviser, Susan Rice. The media are in full panic mode, attempting to keep the focus of the investigation on President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans, while trying to shield Obama and Rice from the consequences of their actions.
- Thursday, April 6, 2017

Self-Appointed Arbiters of Fair and Balanced News

A recent Washington Post article by media reporter Paul Farhi raises the alarm that the White House Correspondents' Association has not once, but twice, assigned a Daily Signal employee, Fred Lucas, to be the pool reporter, i.e., the reporter who serves as the "proxy for the rest of the press corps."
- Thursday, March 16, 2017

Obama’s Role in Undermining Trump’s Presidency

Media continue to obsess about the Russians, few reporters are taking a hard look at Obama’s continued political influence over organized protests meant to undermine Trump.
- Thursday, March 9, 2017

Fact-Checking the Media’s New Passion for Fact Checking

While President Barack Obama was in office, the media’s official “fact-checkers” rarely checked Obama administration policies and narratives for truthfulness or accuracy. In fact, they often published stories based almost entirely on administration talking points or press releases, and disregarded obvious evidence that contradicted the administration’s narratives.
- Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Trump Presidency: Four Weeks Down, 412 to Go?

The media think they’ve found their Watergate, and it only took them three weeks to get there. The truth may be something altogether different. With retired General Mike Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama, and former National Security Advisor under President Donald Trump, now gone from the administration, many questions remain.
- Thursday, February 16, 2017

Trump’s Court Battle in Perspective

Now that a federal appeals court panel has upheld the freeze on President Donald Trump’s executive order on refugees and immigration, he will likely have his first case before the U.S. Supreme Court in the not too distant future
- Friday, February 10, 2017

Trump’s Immigration Pause and the Media Backlash

The mainstream media continue their misleading reporting about President Donald Trump’s executive order, which calls for temporarily limiting immigration into the United States from seven countries, and a review of refugee policy. The media have blatantly sought to undermine Trump’s initiatives.
- Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Obama Legacy

While the media continue to champion the legacy of former President Barack Obama, some of his signature policies are rapidly being ended or overturned by his successor, President Donald J. Trump. However, this does not mean that Obama’s policies weren’t a disaster for America during his tenure. Obama’s enduring legacy, far from a collection of his signature achievements, will be the decline of his own party and a lackluster economy, as well as the appeasement of dictators, and a world in chaos and disarray.
- Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Obama's Disgraceful Departure

Although President Barack Obama acted friendly toward Donald Trump, aiding him in the transition and meeting with him, behind the scenes he left Trump with a number of policy landmines that our new President must confront as he pursues his agenda.
- Friday, January 27, 2017

Who Decides Which Facts are "Alternative" and Which are Real?

When White House counsel Kellyanne Conway said on NBC News that the White House Press Secretary, Sean #, had presented the press with "alternative facts" about the size of Donald Trump's inauguration crowd, the press immediately concluded that alternative facts were, in fact, lies. They've had a field day with it ever since.
- Thursday, January 26, 2017

Obama’s Iranian Nuke Deal is a Major Challenge for Trump

No matter how false and misleading it is to cite the Iran deal as “signed,” when it is little more than a set of unenforceable political commitments, the news media continue to publish fake news arguing that somehow Iran and the P5+1 have agreed on a single text of the deal. In reality, the Iranian parliament endorsed a different version of the deal than was supposedly accepted by the P5+1, and the JCPOA was agreed upon without signatures or signatories.
- Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Top Ten Misreported and Underreported Stories of 2016

As we look back on 2016, we would like to highlight some of the American media’s worst abuses that occurred during the past year, including coverage of the very divisive election campaign. We have picked ten stories in which the media were either derelict in their duty to report the truth, or sold a false or biased narrative to the public that furthered the left’s agenda.
- Wednesday, January 11, 2017