
Robert Laurie

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Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

The Dems’ ‘FBI investigation’ talking point is completely obliterated by …Joe Biden?

Everyone, let’s have a big round of applause for Joe Biden! He’s the gift that keeps on giving. Not only is he a constant, ridiculous, gaffe-machine – he’s also one of the Democrats’ best and brightest hopes for 2020. For many, Crazy Uncle Joe represents just the right balance between genuine lefty and genial, blue-collar, every man. They think he can capture some of the populism, and patriotism, that propelled Trump to victory.
- Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Schumer demands Kavanaugh withdraw before hearing – after spending weeks demanding to hear from accuser

Schumer demands Kavanaugh withdraw before hearing – after spending weeks demanding to hear from accuser Chuck is scared, y’all. For the last two weeks, Democrats have been demanding that Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser be allowed to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. During that time, they’ve stalled, delayed, and offered a whole host of ridiculous excuses about why Christine Blasey Ford shouldn’t be forced to appear. She’s afraid of flying, doesn’t like the people who might question her, doesn’t care for the press, etc. After all of that, we STILL don’t know if she’s actually going to show up on Thursday. A confirmation vote has been scheduled for Friday, but no one has any idea if it will take place.
- Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Report: Lisa Page was there when Rosenstein talked about ousting Trump, says he was not joking

Report: Lisa Page was there when Rosenstein talked about ousting Trump, says he was not joking Uh-oh. The Democrats have a little bit of a Lisa Page problem. As you know, Democrats have spent months portraying FBI lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page as good, honest, morally-upright agents who tried to do the right thing and were railroaded by an evil monster known as Donald Trump. Any effort to impugn their pre-and-post election efforts is met with a Democrat chorus singing “how dare you besmirch these heroes!”
- Tuesday, September 25, 2018

UPDATE: Rosenstein not fired, not resigned. …For now.

Axios reports Rod Rosenstein has resigned over ‘wear a wire’ story, Mueller Investigation UPDATE 3: After a day of “will they won’t they” that would put Ross and Rachel to shame, It turns out “they won’t” – at least for now. No one seems entirely sure what when down today at the White House, but the official story is coming to us via Press Secretary Sarah Sanders:
- Monday, September 24, 2018

Dem Sen. Mazie Hirono: your presumption of innocence depends on whether I agree with you politically

Dem Sen. Mazie Hirono: your presumption of innocence depends on whether I agree with you politically She may not have intended to do so, but Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) just made the Dems’ position on the Kavanaugh accusations crystal clear. If they don’t agree with your political viewpoint, they will not offer you presumption of innocence. If you’re a conservative, they will ruin your life based solely on an accusation. No corroborating evidence is necessary, no witnesses are needed, no proof will be required.
- Monday, September 24, 2018

Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Warner sign letter demanding FBI defy Trump declassification order

Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Warner sign letter demanding FBI defy Trump declassification order As you’re no doubt aware; on Monday President Trump ordered the declassification and release of myriad documents relating to the Carter Page FISA application and the “Russian collusion” charade. This material includes portions of the application itself, FBI reports of all interviews conducted in conjunction with the application (particularly Bruce Ohr) and thousands of text messages from Strzok, Page, Comey, and McCabe.
- Wednesday, September 19, 2018

New Hillary interview: I lost because ‘I was an obstacle to Russia’s plans to undermine and disrupt our democracy’

I lost because 'I was an obstacle to Russia's plans to undermine and disrupt our democracy' Hillary Clinton was, without question, one of the worst presidential candidates in history. At this point, there’s just no way to deny it. Her unpleasant demeanor, arrogance, myopic strategy, and presumptuous belief that she couldn’t fail congealed into one of the most atrocious campaigns anyone has ever seen. Heck, even people who wanted her to win admit that she was, quite simply, the worst.
- Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Jake Tapper hammers Ocasio-Cortez on how she’ll fund her $40 trillion plan; she has absolutely no idea

Tapper hammers Ocasio-Cortez on how she'll fund her $40 trillion plan; she has absolutely no idea If geriatric coot Bernie Sanders is really going to run again in 2020, maybe he should pick Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as his VP. They’re both socialists, they both have nebulous plans to give everything away, they both want massive tax hikes, and they both live their lives unencumbered by reality. OK, fine, that last point may be a bit snarky, but the rest is true.
- Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Report: Bernie expected to make another presidential run in 2020 …and that’s good news

Report: Bernie expected to make another presidential run in 2020 The prevailing Democrat wisdom (if such a thing exists) is that “Bernie woulda won.” Everyone, they claim, was just champing at the bit to embrace Bernie’s curmudgeon act. Leftists, socialists, and progressives are certain that – had their party not shafted him – the Vermont Senator would have defeated Donald Trump in a landslide.
- Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Michael Moore: Trump’s an ‘evil genius’ who beat the ‘smartest person ever to run for President’ – wrote the NYT op-ed himself

Michael Moore: Trump's an 'evil genius' who beat the 'smartest person ever to run for President' Michael Moore has had a tough couple of years. Please note; that’s not sympathy. It’s just a statement of fact. His Broadway show went down in flames, the man he considers to be one of the worst people on Earth demolished his political party, and his movies don’t enjoy the accolades (or box office receipts) that they used to.
- Monday, September 17, 2018

‘The Week’ panics as TDS sets in: Trump will repeal 22nd Amendment, President forever!

‘The Week’ panics as TDS sets in: Trump will repeal 22nd Amendment, President forever! Everywhere you look, you see them: Panicked progressives and NeverTrumpers, running wild in the streets, screaming that the sky is falling. America – democracy itself – is doomed and soon we will awaken to find ourselves in a post-apocalyptic Mad Max hellscape. Once powerful pols and pundits will roam the barren land searching for seersucker and bowties, trying desperately to organize the kind of cocktail parties they used to enjoy.
- Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Politico outlines doomed last-ditch effort to stop Kavanaugh, as Salon throws in the towel

Politico outlines doomed last-ditch effort to stop Kavanaugh, as Salon throws in the towelSince day one, I’ve said that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh was a fait accompli. Barring a political miracle/disaster, I argued that Kavanaugh had a 100% chance of being the next Supreme Court Justice. his record was clear and there was simply no coherent way to deny his appointment. Red state Dems couldn’t afford to vote against him and, even if they wanted to, Harry Reid’s nuclear option probably ensured that the GOP already had the votes.
- Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Senator Angus King (D-ME): Boy, 9/11 sure is a lot like those Russian Hackers!

Senator Angus King (D-ME): Boy, 9/11 sure is a lot like those Russian Hackers! Just….wow. There are hot takes, and then there are takes so hot that you need an asbestos suit just to get near them without being incinerated. These aren’t ordinary hot takes. No, sir. These are takes that can’t be handled unless you have a pair of those giant iron tongs that blacksmith’s use to dunk red hot horseshoes in water.
- Tuesday, September 11, 2018