
Michael R. Shannon

Michael R. Shannon (The Whole Shebang (mostly)) is a Virginia-based public relations and media consultant with MANDATE: Message, Media & Public Relations who has worked in over 75 elections on three continents and a handful of islands.

Most Recent Articles by Michael R. Shannon:

Why Term Limits Lost and Ranked Choice Voting Will Succeed

Why Term Limits Lost and Ranked Choice Voting Will SucceedThere have been two major attempts to change the calculus of elections and officeholders since the ‘90s. One is a top down ‘reform’ that’s currently being imposed on voters a jurisdiction at a time. The other was a bottom–up effort imposed on the politicians. The fate of the two is very instructive.
- Friday, January 25, 2019

That Long Winter at Valley Shutdown

That Long Winter at Valley ShutdownThe long winter at Valley Shutdown is evidently growing more dire for federal employees. They have now missed their FIRST paycheck. Repercussions from this disaster extend all the way into Latin America. My son was browsing the Facebook page for the Swamp suburb where we live. He came across a female federal employee who was distraught because the furlough had forced her to lay off the housekeeper.
- Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Hospitals Guard Prices Like the CIA Guards Secrets

Hospitals Guard Prices Like the CIA Guards SecretsWay back in 2017, before we were on the Road to Nuremberg With Donald Trump, the Washington Post was outraged that hospitals were trying to make a profit. Like most stories involving reporters, economics and healthcare it was both wildly inaccurate and agenda–driven.
- Saturday, January 19, 2019

America at a Rubicon Moment & MAGA Isn’t Enough

America at a Rubicon Moment & MAGA Isn’t Enough Author and speaker Os Guinness knows America is divided, but he has a different line of demarcation than some other cultural observers. During an appearance at the Family Research Council in Washington to promote his new book: “Last Call for Liberty”, Guinness said the division is the difference between those who understand “the Republic viewed through the lens of the US revolution and those who view it through the lens of the French revolution.”
- Saturday, January 12, 2019

Four Weeks from Oblivion, GOP Congress Slumbers On

Four Weeks from Oblivion, GOP Congress Slumbers On The session of Congress that occurs after the just–completed election and the swearing in of the new Congress in January is called a lame duck session. It will last four weeks.
- Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Mitch McConnell: How to Win Without Doing Anything

Mitch McConnell: How to Win Without Doing Anything The best summary of the 2018 midterm elections came from National Review, that hotbed of Never Trumpism. David French wrote, “Republicans solidified their theoretical advantages in the [Senate].”
- Thursday, November 15, 2018

Illegal Aliens Regularly Granted Lawless Benefits

Illegal Aliens Regularly Granted Lawless Benefits Michael Anton is amazed by housebroken conservatives that support an immigration position that will eventually remove any chance for conservative government. Anton is the author of ‘The Flight 93 Election’ that outlined the stakes facing conservatives in stark terms, making him one of the first respectable conservative intellectuals to come out in support of Donald Trump.
- Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Transgenderism’s Recruiting Plans Include Your Kids

Transgenderism’s Recruiting Plans Include Your KidsRyan T. Anderson, the author of ‘When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment’, gave a speech last week at Catholic University of America. It was all very dignified and featured a walking–on–eggshells atmosphere. Yet under Anderson’s proper and decorous message was a stark warning for parents: Gender Red Guards are seizing the curriculum in government schools and they are coming for your kids.
- Saturday, September 22, 2018

We Put a Hand Over Our Heart, Nike Puts Thumb in Our Eye

We Put a Hand Over Our Heart, Nike Puts Thumb in Our Eye Failed NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick continues to stay culturally relevant by depending on the kindness of strangers. If it weren’t for white folks, beginning with his foster parents, Kaepernick might just be another player who peaked early and disappeared.
- Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Democrats, Still the Party of Voter Suppression

Initiative 77 Democrats and the rest of the left have a somewhat bifurcated approach to the vote. During their Jim Crow regime in the South, Democrats specialized in retail vote suppression. When a potential black voter attempted to register that brave individual was met with literacy tests, poll taxes and other extra–constitutional roadblocks placed by a Democrat government between a minority and the voting booth.
- Friday, September 7, 2018

Time for the Rest of Us to Unfriend the Media?

Time for the Rest of Us to Unfriend the Media? The news media has a shaky grasp of the Constitution. It’s true the 1st Amendment promises freedom of the press, but the Constitution does not promise immunity to criticism. President Trump is free to voice his opinion of journalists.
- Friday, August 24, 2018

A Heretic Offers Surrender Terms to Christians

A Heretic Offers Surrender Terms to Christians Julie Rodgers, described by the Washington Post as “a writer, speaker and advocate for LGBTQ people in faith communities”, has offered a “compromise” proposal to Christians designed to end the cultural war between believers and alphabet soup alternate lifestyle advocates.
- Wednesday, August 15, 2018

How Dare Catholic Hospitals Protect the Unborn!

How Dare Catholic Hospitals Protect the Unborn! FiveThirtyEight.com is an Opposition Media website that assures us of its superiority and authority: “FiveThirtyEight uses statistical analysis — hard numbers — to tell compelling stories about elections, politics, sports, science, economics and culture.” What that glowing description leaves out is that FiveThirtyEight reporters also use bias and selective ‘facts’ to color how they report their “hard numbers.”
- Saturday, August 11, 2018

Leftists Taking Language Instruction from Corporations

Leftists Taking Language Instruction from Corporations Jordan Peterson, a Canadian professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, is enjoying some measure of fame and its attendant notoriety for boldly coming out in support of common sense. He’s even steadfast enough to continue his support when it conflicts with edicts from the leftist Speech Police.
- Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Starbucks Seeking Volunteers for Sociology Experiment

Starbucks Seeking Volunteers for Sociology Experiment Previously Starbucks’ customer base had its own individual criteria for choosing a favorite coffee spot among the company’s many outlets. It might be a comely barista, the pastry selection or the free Wi–Fi signal’s clarity.
- Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Mitch McConnell Is Just a Clerk at Heart

Mitch McConnell Is Just a Clerk at Heart Curator of the Senate Mitch McConnell has decided to re-define his role in public life. McConnell is moving away from characterizing himself as a conservative legislative titan. According to an obsequious profile in The Weekly Standard (a Never–Trumper hotbed), McConnell has found his true calling.
- Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Constitutional Work–Around for Term Limits

The Constitutional Work–Around for Term Limits I’ve always wondered why the National Education Association (NEA) and the country club conservatives in the Republican House and Senate leadership aren’t allies, instead of enemies. Both organizations use the same tired talking points to defend inert members from the forces of accountability.
- Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Democrat’s Latest: Jim Crow Meet Juan Canto

Democrat’s Latest: Jim Crow Meet Juan Canto It’s been a decade since I agreed with the Democrat platform, but I must give the party a great deal of credit for its consistency. There is a direct correlation between Democrats in 2018 fighting to increase their political power by demanding vote–less illegal aliens be counted in the census; and Democrats in 1818 demanding equally vote–less slaves continue to be counted in the census to increase their political power.
- Thursday, April 12, 2018

Free Market Term Limits Breakthrough

Free Market Term Limits Breakthrough    Serial entrepreneur Norbert Richter claims no relation to the inventor of the Richter Scale, but if his breakthrough idea is successful, he’ll be causing political tremors for decades. Richter has used his failed congressional primary challenge as inspiration for a free market workaround that has the potential to be voter–imposed term limits.
- Wednesday, March 28, 2018