
Matt Barber

Matt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of BarbWire.com. He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).

Most Recent Articles by Matt Barber:

I Will Raise Your Baby, Queline – Let Her Live

This is like nothing I’ve ever written before. It’s an open plea for prayer, an open window into my heart and that of my wife, Sarah, and an open last-ditch effort to reach out to a cherished young Jewish woman in New York City who finds herself in a desperate situation.
- Sunday, April 17, 2016

‘Transgender’ Conditioning is ‘Child Abuse’

George Orwell famously wrote, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” For those tethered to biological reality, the self-evident truth that, prior to birth, people develop either “XY” or “XX” genetic markers and, as such, are objectively, and shall forever remain, either male or female, is as plain as blue is blue or pink is pink.
- Sunday, March 20, 2016

You Blew It, Kasich, Move Aside

Much will be written about the utter thrashing GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump took at the hands of the far-more prepared, knowledgeable, qualified and otherwise principled Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio during Thursday night’s Republican presidential debate on CNN. I will, therefore, focus, instead, on another Republican candidate who’s absolutely got to go: Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
- Sunday, February 28, 2016

Johnny Cash: The Unsung Disciple

On the 26th of this month, legendary singer/song-writer and iced-cool customer Johnny Cash would have celebrated his 85th birthday. Even as I write, his live version of “Folsom Prison Blues” click-clacks through my earbuds like a Southern Pacific boxcar over oily railroad ties.
- Sunday, February 7, 2016

Myth Busted: 'Separation of Church and State'

The American church has a problem. It's one part fear, one part confusion and one part apathy. Pastors, priests and rabbis have long swallowed the false notion that all things religious and all things political are somehow mutually exclusive--that never the twain shall meet.
- Sunday, January 31, 2016

Nothing Says ‘Love’ Like Murder

Abortion and promiscuity. Planned Parenthood and “# shaming.” I was reminded on this, the 43rd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s disgraceful Roe v. Wade abortion-on-demand opinion, how inexorably linked are America’s abortion death culture and her ongoing sexual revolution.
- Sunday, January 24, 2016

Ted Cruz, First 8 U.S. Presidents All Ineligible!

Stinkin’ Canadian. Dang feriner, conspirin’ to come over here and replace our delicious, crispy, all-American bacon with that floppy, communist, Canadian crap. And Budweiser? Like your Budweiser? Forget it. If he’s elected, it’s nothing but that skunky Molson swill for you, my friend. Football? Banned. It’s all sticks, pucks and missing teeth from here on out. A wall on the southern border? ISIS? TB-infected Mesicans and Central Americans? Ha! A mere diversion. Trump needs to build that wall up north to keep commie Canucks like Ted Cruz out of the White House.
- Sunday, January 17, 2016

Every Muslim will bow before Jesus

My goal here is not to offend. Neither is it to persuade. In matters of the spirit, there is but One capable of opening the eyes of the heart. Rather, my objective is to sow seeds of Truth so that the Holy Spirit might, according to His perfect pleasure, purpose and will, cultivate the soul as He deems just.
- Sunday, January 10, 2016

Myth of the ‘Moderate Muslim’

“When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” – The Quran, Surah 9:5
When it comes to the global scourge of orthodox Islam, the Western world, which Islamists expressly seek to “destroy from within,” is an upside-down realm wherein objective facts, logic and reason must yield to multiculturalist make-believe, “progressive” propaganda and political correctness run amok.
- Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Gift of Religious Freedom

Last Tuesday, Kentucky’s new governor, Matt Bevin, issued an executive order that eliminates the names of all county clerks from marriage licenses and protects the unalienable constitutional rights and religious freedoms of Kim Davis and all other clerks in Kentucky.
- Sunday, December 27, 2015

Jesus Joins the NRA

“Hillary is a liar.” This was Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.’s response to Sean Hannity when asked about Hillary Clinton’s disgusting, and completely out-of-context charge that he committed treason by encouraging LU students to defend themselves should Muslim terrorists, like the “San Bernardino Two,” ever attack Liberty University.
- Sunday, December 13, 2015

‘Emmaus Code’ Shows Jesus is the Messiah

One of my favorite C.S. Lewis quotes points out, as only Lewis could, that Jesus was either the Messiah (and the Son of God) as prophesied in the ancient Jewish scriptures, or He was a liar, a lunatic, or, worse, the “Devil of Hell.”
- Sunday, November 29, 2015

A Christian Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis

“It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”– Ronald Reagan
What was President Obama’s immediate and instinctive response to this month’s Islamic terror attacks in Paris? Did he offer prayers for the families of the slaughtered and vow to wipe out the global cancer that is Islamic Jihad? Did he pledge to come alongside France and work with our wounded European ally until every last Islamic State barbarian is wiped from the face of the earth?
- Sunday, November 22, 2015