
John Eidson

Since 2008, John has written nearly 900 freelance articles distributed (free of charge) exclusively via email to my large e-distribution list. John is a conservative political independent with an electrical engineering degree from Georgia Tech (1968).

Most Recent Articles by John Eidson:

Climate Change: Most Brazen Scientific Hoax In Human History 

Climate Change: Most Brazen Scientific Hoax In Human HistoryBased on years of terrifying reports about the climate, I was a firm believer in man-made global warming theory as recently as 11 years ago. My position abruptly changed in 2009, when a climate research cheating scandal rocked the scientific world to the core. Hacked emails among highly influential scientists at the center of worldwide hysteria over climate change revealed routine data tampering and other instances of flagrant scientific misconduct.
- Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Do black lives matter?

Do black lives matter? Why are America's prisons filled with so many young black men? Are they inherently bad? Too shiftless to succeed? To stupid to learn? A resounding no on all three counts.  A disproportionate number of young black men pursue a life of crime because they were cheated out of an adequate education by the inexcusably sorry urban schools they had no choice but to attend: ● In 2010-2011, public schools in the nation's capital spent $29,345 per pupil—nearly $600,000 per each classroom of 20 students—yet the District's 8th graders finished dead last in a nationwide proficiency test in math and reading.
- Thursday, August 20, 2020

My sad farewell to the Boys of Summer

My sad farewell to the Boys of SummerMy passion for professional baseball began when I was ten. In 1954, my parents signed me up with a Little League team at the U.S. Air Force base in Wiesbaden, West Germany. The six teams in the league were named after major league teams back home in America. I ended up on the team named after the Brooklyn Dodgers. With my interest in big league baseball piqued, I made a scrapbook about the Dodgers from articles in the sports section of the U.S. military newspaper known as The Stars and Stripes. The first clipping in my scrapbook was the line score of Game 7 of the 1955 World Series, between the Dodgers and the New York Yankees.
- Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Our Decaying Civilization

Last week, I received an email from a friend. As a former U.S. Army intelligence officer during the Cold War, he carried out clandestine collection operations for the Defense Intelligence Agency in Germany, and later worked as an international war correspondent for the Associated Press. He's served on numerous corporate boards and is a military historian and lecturer. The email from him was to let me know that he'd just posted this on Facebook:
- Thursday, July 30, 2020

Another Crushing Blow to the Climate Fearmongers

Michael SchellenbergerOn his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative commentator Dennis Prager recently interviewed someone most people have never heard of: Michael Schellenberger. A passionate defender of the planet, the 49-year-old environmentalist is shown below in a picture taken in 1995 in Maranhão, Brazil.   A TIME magazine "Hero of the Environment" and Green Book Award recipient, Schellenberger is a lifelong Democrat and environmental activist. An internationally respected energy expert, he has been asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and was invited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to serve as an Expert Reviewer of its next Assessment Report. A frequent contributor to The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and Scientific American, Schellenberger has been one of the world's most vocal environmental alarmists for the last 30 years.
- Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A Premeditated Crime Against America's Most Disadvantaged School Children

A Premeditated Crime Against America's Most Disadvantaged School ChildrenWhy are America's prisons filled with so many young black men? Are they inherently bad? Too shiftless to succeed? Too stupid to learn? Actually, none of the above. Most black men who do time were cheated out of a decent education by the inexcusably sorry public schools they had no choice but to attend. And why do so many young black women fall into the demeaning lifestyle of government dependency? Are they inherently bad, too shiftless to succeed, too stupid to learn? In every case, no. Like their male counterparts, they too were robbed of a decent education by the grossly substandard public schools that failed to educate them. 
- Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A free nation cannot long survive if its press takes sides

A free nation cannot long survive if its press takes sidesOn March 16, the New York Times’ Mara Gay posted a stunningly dishonest tweet about President Trump’s conversation with state governors concerning medical equipment needed to treat coronavirus patients:
- Monday, March 23, 2020

Climate "Studies": The Longest List the World Has Ever Known

In every western country, including this one, "experts" are conducting a relentless stream of dire "studies" purporting to show that virtually everything on Earth is being adversely impacted by what once was called global warming. When satellite data showed the accelerated warming trend of the 1980s more or less as out of steam in 1998, the climate fear industry quietly added an alternate name for the alleged threat: "climate change." 
- Monday, March 16, 2020

The long-anticipated death of the Great American Experiment

The long-anticipated death of the Great American ExperimentElection alert: There are no “moderate” Democrats. Desperate to keep the truth hidden from voters, the modern Democratic Party has turned against the constitution it swore to protect and defend, and sharply toward the scourge of socialism.
- Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Communist Plan to Overthrow America from Within

The Communist Plan to Overthrow America from WithinIn his best-selling book "The Naked Communist," former FBI Special Agent W. Cleon Skousen revealed the 45 communist goals to overthrow America, not by a foreign invasion, but via stealth, infiltration and deception carried out by American citizens who have quietly moved to the side of the hammer and sickle. As you read the following partial list of those goals, ask yourself which political party most closely aligns itself with these profoundly un-American objectives.
- Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How Democrats are using multiculturalism and immigration to destroy America

How Democrats are using multiculturalism and immigration to destroy America“Multiculturalism” refers to the progressive teaching that every culture is equally valid, and that cultural norms different from our own should be immune from criticism. In other words, if another person’s culture is cool with female genital mutilation and throwing gay men from rooftops — accepted practices in some Muslim countries — who are we to say those things are wrong? Multicultural ideology demands that America open its arms to immigrants and refugees from all cultures, even ones that condone mutilating the genitals of young girls and throwing innocent gay men to their death.
- Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The True Story of the First Thanksgiving

The True Story of the First ThanksgivingMillions of school children have been taught the revisionist history that the first Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims giving thanks to their Indian neighbors for saving them from starvation. Around this time each year, a historically accurate account of the first Thanksgiving is told on national radio. A few years ago, I compiled a lightly-edited transcript of that account, which appears below. Please enjoy and share The True Story of the First Thanksgiving, as narrated each November by conservative radio host, Rush Limbaugh, owner and operator of the Excellence in Broadcasting Network.
- Thursday, November 28, 2019

A victim of unrelenting child abuse gives an angry speech at the UN

Greta ThunbergHow do you take over the world? You find a way to terrify the world's children to believe they will die if they don't listen to you. In what amounts to nothing less than intentional child abuse, the Left has sought since the 1980s to terrify the world's children about global warming. This cabal of socialist elites have preyed like hyenas on the fragile emotions of easily-frightened -- and easily-indoctrinated -- young people, the most famous being Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg, who was severely traumatized when she was a little girl by adults who targeted children with climate hysteria. (It's as unforgiveable for adults to terrorize a little girl's mind as it is to terrorize her body.) Now 16, Greta is still deeply traumatized, as evidenced by the pained look on her face at her emotional speech at the UN.
- Sunday, September 29, 2019

Obamas make remarkable commitment in fight against climate change & wealth inequality: Concerned couple buys ANOTHER massive mega-mansion!

Obamas make remarkable commitment in fight against climate change & wealth inequality: Concerned couple buys ANOTHER massive mega-mansion!In their tireless fight against climate change and wealth inequality, Barack and Michelle Obama reportedly are set to purchase a stupendous beachfront mega-mansion in Martha's Vineyard, presumably as a much-needed summer retreat to supplement the $8.9 million mega-mansion they already own in one of the most exclusive areas of the nation's capitol. Situated on 29 beachfront acres and listed at $14,850,000, the ultra-luxurious Martha's Vineyard estate comes equipped with a long and enviable list of high-end amenities demanded by the rich and famous.
- Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Homelessness and the Trump tax cuts

Homelessness and the Trump tax cuts My friend Susan, my cousin Ralph, and George Clooney Their lives torn asunder by the cruel tax cuts of a heartless president, 58,000 homeless proletariats are living in taxpayer-provided tents on the streets of the People’s Paradise of Los Angeles
- Monday, March 26, 2018

Oprah takes veiled swipe at Trump the Racist during Golden Globes speech

Oprah takes veiled swipe at Trump the Racist during Golden Globes speech Without mentioning him by name, Oprah Winfrey obviously had President Donald Trump in mind during her acceptance speech at last night’s Golden Globe Awards:
“…we all know that the press is under siege these days. But we also know that it is the insatiable dedication to uncovering the absolute truth that keeps us from turning a blind eye to corruption and to injustice. To tyrants and victims and secrets and lies. I want to say that I value the press more than ever before, as we try to navigate these complicated times.”
- Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A Grand Old Flag

A Grand Old Flag I am the battle-tested flag of the United States of America. During the Revolutionary War, I saw a nation being born. Through the years ahead, I watched in awe as my country fearlessly confronted evil in all corners of the world.
- Monday, July 6, 2009