
Travel New Zealand

For more information on New Zealand, please visit: NewZealand.com. The site offers interactive planning tools, special travel deals, operator listings and information on New Zealand.

Most Recent Articles by Travel New Zealand:

New Zealand stars in hit movies

- Ruth Atherley Movie fans have always wanted to know more about the making of their favourite films. In New Zealand, there are many movie themed activities and tours that take fans behind the scenes and showcase some breathtaking locations while providing some insider scoop about the making of the films.
- Saturday, December 12, 2009

10 New Zealand students 'likely' have swine flu

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — New Zealand said Sunday that 10 students "likely" have swine flu after a school trip to Mexico, as governments across Asia began quarantining those with symptoms of the deadly virus and some issued travel warnings for Mexico.
- Sunday, April 26, 2009