
Dave Merrick

Dave Merrick, Davemerrick.us is an internationally known and published artist whose works reach into the greatest diversity of audiences. Known primarily for his astoundingly lifelike portraiture, Merrick’s drawings and paintings grace the walls of an impressive array of well-known corporate and private clientele. Many of his published wildlife pieces have become some of America’s most popular animal imagery. He has more original work in the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame than any other artist. His wildlife and Southwestern-theme work is distributed internationally through Joan Cawley Galleries of Scottsdale AZ.

Most Recent Articles by Dave Merrick:

Transcending everything else: The Man Behind the Curtain

Former full-time genius, Winston Churchill, once added this to his bottomless library of brilliant quotes and observations: " A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." And so it is with our archenemy's principal weapon in the battle that rages between free-willed mankind and the adversary of our souls, a very real devil. He is the father of all lies, and when he speaks he doesn't waste a word. And he wastes no time in getting his message out.
- Monday, July 4, 2016

Brexit: The Shot Heard 'Round The World!

"The party is over. Everybody out of the pool - at least for the moment." Britain, by only a very small margin, elected to leave the European Union. This, most probably the Brit's last stand for independence, is an object lesson that absolutely should not go unheeded by the United States that is aspiring, tooth and nail, to be the next Finland.
- Friday, June 24, 2016

Islam: The 'Light' That Is Darkness

A couple of weeks ago a woman working at a sandwich shop on the West Coast was venerated by a local TV station for refusing to do business with some guy who hurled anti-Islamic criticism at a couple of girl patrons wearing hijabs. In the shop's video, you can hear his disparaging remarks regarding the bad things Islam is bringing upon America. The crusading employee who expelled the name-caller was proud and bubbly as she detailed her defense of the two 'Muslim' girls and how she wouldn't accept the man's money (and took back her food).
- Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The 'Religion Of Peace' Rears Its Ugly Head - Again!

Jesus said that we can know the genuine value or worthiness of any person or group by simply looking at the quality of what they produce. Specifically, he said: “For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil." (Luke 6:43-45 NKJV)
- Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Not All The Bad Guys Are Behind Bars

A while back I was invited to tour a newly opened maximum-security prison. My host, an upper echelon officer of the state's Department of Corrections, drove me to the big gate at the multi-facility prison grounds. Along the way were a half-dozen subsequent checkpoints with mirrored, bulletproof windows that housed the vaguely-silhouetted guards who monitored dozens of cameras. At the huge, brick and concrete 'New Max', we walked among twenty-foot-high cyclone and barbed-wire walls topped with concertina wire.
- Tuesday, May 31, 2016

"Be Confident In Your Blackness"

In his recent commencement address at Howard University our president's racism-laced message to graduates strategically included the words, "Be Confident in your blackness." But what most got my attention was that his entire speech was presented in his own version of 'homeboy' with a clumsy Ebonic lilt/cadence.
- Thursday, May 12, 2016

2016 America’s Gift To Hillary - The Oval Office! Part 2

I am an American writer, and I am proud of my association with Canada Free Press. It is the Canadian paper that behaves in a more traditionally American spirit than do many publications based in the United States. I think if Benjamin Franklin were alive today, and looking to resurrect his Pennsylvania Gazette, he would soon be in league with CFP whose motto/battle cry is, "Because without America, there is no free world."
- Friday, May 6, 2016

Leading Us Down The Aisle

The former Democratic senator from Pennsylvania, Harris Wofford, has announced his plans to marry his boyfriend, Matthew Charlton, this weekend. To most anyone over 30 years old (who might not have heard about this engagement) the news should naturally still knock a bit of the wind out of you.
- Saturday, April 30, 2016

Into The Minds Of Babes

Back in '86 I saw Oliver Stone's graphically intense ‘Platoon’. It was opening in a brand new theater with a screaming sound system that made you feel as though you were in the center of the battle. Sitting right across the aisle were two well-dressed, young, absolutely moronic parents who had their son sitting between them.
- Friday, April 22, 2016

Before It’s Too Late: Islamic Violence In America

Obama’s most recent breathtaking whopper, “Republican base has been fed this notion that Islam is inherently violent,” is now plastered all over the Internet like a “BRIDGE IS OUT” sign. Yet any unified protest to this lie is only voiced by a shrinking, relative few who have bothered to do their homework. Barry has once again, just as he has with global warming and other bottomless issues, lied and used his place of influence to shut down the argument for the selfish expediting of his own pet agendas.
- Friday, April 8, 2016

Common Sense Doesn't Need A Visa

Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin's recent combative remark, "tanks don't need visas," is what can be called an 'overflow.' They were easy words for him to say because the United States is only a threat as long as our oil is still flowing and our words are still considered solid. With our economy in the hands of the Chinese, and our nation overrun with and generally governed by selfish children, he felt comfortable in saying that. 'Taking down America' is probably a break room joke between Vladimir Putin and the rest of the boys. (Notice that he was not in the slightest censured for his remarks. That's got to tell you something -- or at least it should.)
- Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Islam: Dirty Work At The Crossroads

My first real job out of college was riding trains as a brakeman in the Colorado Rockies. Immediately, one learns as a railroader that a speeding coal train – at a mile-and-a-half long and weighing in at nearly fifty million pounds – doesn’t stop on a dime. It takes a long time and a lot of space to even noticeably slow all that mass down. Oftentimes when a car or truck straddled our tracks at a crossing over a mile away, the engineer and I would soon become very concerned if the vehicle didn’t move after we began blowing our horns of warning.
- Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My Midnight Call From Benjamin Netanyahu

In 1991 – several years after my conversion to Christianity and well into my own life as a husband and father – every Saturday morning, my two youngest children would drag me out of bed to watch cartoons with them. I would quietly sit on the sofa, wiping the sleep from my eyes, while Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny did their thing.
- Friday, August 15, 2014