
Another Sleazy American Politician

Our Versed Speaker

--Compiled by Morry Markovitz The following is a Special Tribute to Mr. John Boehner, the versed Republican Speaker of the House ve have vitnessed in the recent history of Vashington politics. (Kindly excuse the compiler’s accent, as he is practicing for his move offshore if, as, and ven our Speaker is re-elected.)
This Special Tribute is a select compilation of unusual testimonials-in-rhyme culled from various locations around the nation, and authored by various followers of Speaker Boehner’s trail. It’s been truly amazing to note the unanimity of opinion on Speaker Boehner which has arrived from so many different far flung corners of our nation -- and all with the same postmark, too! (Note: the first testimonial below appears to be from an offshore location somewhere in the UK – but again, with the same postmark.) From Bedlam Psychiatric Hospital, Ward Healer 2
What in the world could be plainer Than the need to oust Speaker John Boehner? He’s obsessed with betraying (By his doing and saying) His supporters. It’s a simple no-brainer!
From Hackensack, New Jersey
Speaker John’s a political hack With no spine in his back-stabbing back. With the greatest of sleaze He will bend with each breeze -- Then ask voters to cut him some slack!!
From our National Capitol
Since it’s now become easy to see Speaker Boehner’s gross hypocrisy, Voters think of his words As just so many turds In the cesspool we know as D.C.
From a northern suburb of Hackensack, New Jersey
Poor John Boehner, political hack With his innate, congenital knack For betrayal and lies: When the whole US dies, He’ll have no one to stab in the back.
From Sasquatch, Minnesota
Speaker Boehner had promised a lot But he’s given us, net, diddly-squat: If you give him your vote, This betrayer will gloat O’er the lies which away with he got.
From the National Republican Committee
No Republican act is insaner Than supporting House Sleazer John Boehner, For by now we all know This back-stabber MUST GO! (Like the man himself, it’s a no-brainer.)
From a southern suburb of Hackensack, New Jersey
Meet John Boehner, political hack, With his wondrous, congenital knack For betrayal and lies. If the whole nation dies, He’ll find SOMEONE to stab in the back!
From an indecipherable location with the same postmark
Mr. Boehner’s so full of hypocrisy, He must think it’s the proper way to be; He’s repeatedly lied While he floats on the tide Of the cesspool referred to as Wash., D.C.
Few would argue with the assertion that John Boehner is an unusual Speaker of the House. The mere fact that he has prompted the plaudits of the preceding plethora of profound poetry is probably enough to place him in a prominent position for posterity despite the fact that prosperity (or its prevention) appears to be the most predominant political pre-occupation of most people in the present period. Indeed, his name has already become a household word. Whenever I’ve visited the home of a friend or a business acquaintance during the period of Mr. Boehner’s tenure as Speaker, the “John” has almost always come up at least briefly in conversation, often several times. It would therefore seem fitting to honor him with a prompt ousting from office so that his record of attempted accomplishment will be completed that much sooner, and so he can be relegated exclusively to the concerns of posterity ASAP (Another Sleazy American Politician).

Morry Markovitz -- Bio and Archives

Morry Markovitz is a retired scientist, economist, author and businessman who still actively trades in commodity futures markets. 

After completing his formal education in physics at MIT, he took a staff appointment at MIT’s Draper Lab, where the computerized guidance system for NASA’s Apollo Project was developed, and where the countless thousands of computerized flight simulations were carried out in order to perfect, in theory, every detail of the mission—which eventually worked near-perfectly in practice as a result. 

Morry later switched professions to economics, taking a position as commodity market analyst for a well-known Wall St. firm—from which he was soon recruited by Commodities Corp (CC) of Princeton, NJ, which became within a few years the acknowledged premiere commodity speculating firm in the world.  In the mid-1980s, after becoming Senior Vice President at CC, Morry left that firm. to form his own company on Wall St., Mercury Management Associates, Inc. where he wrote, edited, and published a highly respected and often quoted market letter and also managed private speculative accounts.  BARRON’S Magazine called Morry “the thinking man’s trader.”  In 1994, Morry broke the Hillary Clinton commodity trading scandal for USA Today.