
Police officers deserve our respect.Until police departments are adequately staffed, our major cities will remain unsafe with unacceptable levels of violent crime


America needs more police officers. In cities across the nation, officers are retiring and resigning in record numbers. With police shortages, more violent criminals roam the streets of our country to prey on innocent victims. For example, New Orleans is the Murder Capital of the nation and has a shortage of over 600 police officers.

Police officers face constant scrutiny and oversight. While some officers abuse this public trust and are removed from their positions, the vast majority serve with distinction in very difficult circumstances.--More...

Jeff Crouere -- Bio and Archives

Jeff Crouere is a native of New Orleans, LA. He is the host of a Louisiana-based program, “Ringside Politics,” which airs at 7:30 p.m. Friday & 10:00 p.m. Sunday on WLAE-TV 32, a PBS station; and 7 till 11 a.m. weekdays on WGSO 990 AM in the New Orleans area & Wgso.com worldwide.

Jeff Crouere’s Youtube Channel

For more information or to order his new book, America’s Last Chance, visit his website JeffCrouere.com  For questions or to schedule Jeff for media appearances, email him at jeff@jeffcrouere.com