
For two decades now, traditional science has been menaced by an overfunded, myopic monster named Climatology

One-eyed Clima-clops Just Won’t Stop

For two decades now, traditional science has been menaced by an overfunded, myopic monster named Climatology. This most recent member of the science club has never bothered to learn the club ‘rules’ and when confronted with puzzling data has chosen to create their own rules.
Climate is the end reaction of energy flows from a number of sources, with a number of buffering and amplifying systems. Climatology is the end reaction of a number of monetary flows, mainly from the taxpayer and buffered by the elite and amplified by the elite controlled media, academia and federal government. As imposing as the Clima-clops may appear to the public, this beast is no match for scientists armed only with truth and courage. The Clima-clops is full of boogie-bear stories of the hazards of YOUR energy use, never mind use by the elites. For it is only your energy use that causes the planet to burn, seas to rise, polar caps to disappear, species extinctions, among a staggering host of maladies. Your carbon energy use may even cause hangnails, bunions and ‘male’ performance issues. In short, ANYTHING you can be afraid of is caused by carbon energy use. Let’s briefly examine the Faux Science legs this monster is standing on. Carbon energy use results in a benign, three atom molecule called carbon dioxide which is REQUIRED for life. The Clima-clops claims that this gas forms a greenhouse and is warming the planet. Carbon dioxide DOES absorb radiant energy along two narrow spectrum bands and DOES slow cooling of the planet by night. What the Clima-clops fails to mention is that carbon dioxide ALSO absorbs in these same narrow band during the day, which prevents some of that same infra-red radiation from reaching the planet, in effect, cooling the planet by day. There is a limit to the incoming-outgoing IR energy, so there is a fixed limit on how increases of CO2 affect temperatures. CO2 is a buffering agent, cooling by day and warming by night. There’s plenty of Clima-clops Faux Science to expose but let’s instead focus on the current news stories and this monsters miraculous recovery from repeated and seemingly mortal blows. This windbag must have an inner resealing membrane. Every puncture is quickly plugged by the carbon commodity traders, the academic hookers or the hucksters of philanthropic foundations who are the only beneficiaries of this defective horror myth. It is actually very amusing to witness this faux feint with every truth thrust. True science is an eye glazing mix of serious mathematics, accurate evidence and defendable theories. The fun begins when all objectivity ends, and one group forms which pretends nonsense is science. When this foe refuses reason, then it’s fair to resort to ridicule.

The Illogical Society of London

I love London, but it does have an over abundance of dunces. While some might prefer to call their organization the ‘Geological Society of London’ there is far too much ‘ill’ that outweighs the ‘geo’ in this society. There is a 76 KB file titled “Climate Change: Evidence from the Geological Record” which is proof of their warmist illness. This Nov 2, 2010 website offering is an insultingly simplistic series of straw dog questions and spoon fed pabulum answers. It is a true waste of time to dwell on the entire treatise. Their opening statement that “Climate change is the defining issue for our time” could not be more correct. For this issue HAS defined who is in support of truth and traditional scientific methods and who would sell out humanity and science to the carbon credit cabal.
Illogical: “The greenhouse effect arises because certain gases…in the atmosphere absorb the long wavelength infrared radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface and re-radiate it, so warming the atmosphere”.
Logical: Well, except that those same ‘gases’ absorb incoming sunlight during the day thereby preventing that portion of IR from warming the planet. Carbon dioxide has a very narrow absorption band at 5 micrometers and a wider band at 15 micrometers, which it shares with the ever present atmospheric water vapor. To those society members who are still subject to scientific persuasion, it is recommended that you read “Carbon Heat Trapping; Merely a Bit Player in Global Warming” by Richard J. Petschauer.
Illogical: “Global sea level is very sensitive to changes in the global temperature. Warming also heats the ocean, causing the water to expand and the sea level to rise….during the Pleistocene, world sea level fell to at least 120 meters below where it stands today.”
Logical: Water has a low rate of volume change (thermal expansion) which would be dependent on a thermal increase thru out the average 3000 ft deep ocean. With just surface heating by the Sun this would be impossible. Virtually every Geologic period is defined by massive shifts in temperature and sea levels and every one of those occurred INDEPENDENT OF HUMANS.
There are 26 more pages of this same kind of lunacy, but we must move on, for we’ve other foolish fish to fry.

Mann’s Fall From Grace

Apparently fear that the US midterm elections might place a few honest congressmen in chairmanship of key ‘oversight’ committees, there has been a sudden flurry of warmist rehabilitation efforts. I’d like to say I was surprised when New Scientist offered a forum to the world’s most famous hockey stick maker, Michael Mann of Penn State University. Fear that two coats of Penn pal white-wash might not protect against harsh ‘oversight’ lights, this Clima-clops went on the offensive with his article “Professional Climate Change Deniers Crusade Continues”. Pity, this truth impaired warmist can’t even write a six word title without telling a lie. There is NO such thing as a Professional Denier on climate. All the professionals are the Professional Climate Change Liars who have sucked down over $80 billion of taxpayer’s money and are most fearful that their gravy train may make a sudden stop. Even worse, is the fear that they, and their universities, may be held ‘accountable’ for this greatest FRAUD in all of human history. This Clima-clop claims the “Hacking into the CRU’s email was simply the latest skirmish in this war against science”. Never mind that is public funded material was ILLEGALLY denied by over four dozen legal Requests For Information by these conspirators. Exposing agenda driven data manipulation is NOT a war against science. In reference to his infamous hockey stick graphic, Mike says: “The graphic which I helped crate while I was a postdoctoral researcher at U of Mass, tells a simple story: that the warming of recent decades is unprecedented in at least a millennium”. What a whopper. There is nothing extraordinary about the thermal swing of this or any other millennium in the last 3.8 billion years. Earth’s temperature has NEVER been constant.

Somebody Buy This Chu A Clue

With so many game balls in play it’s difficult to keep an eye on them all. On June 16, 2010 the US Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced ‘investment’ of 612 million of YOUR tax dollars into pumping a harmless gas into the ground. The ‘Carbon Capture and Storage’ scam monies were awarded in three contracts to various consortiums of beltway pimps. They included Archer Daniels Midland, General Electric, Schlumberger, Valero among others. An interesting fact is that one team included the Illinois State Geological Survey and two teams included the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology. Amazing which hogs hit the trough when American Recovery and Reinvestment Act slop is dumped by the truck loads. This is Phase Two for these hogs, after they each successfully completed Phase One. Chairman Chu is the same clueless science doctorate that claimed painting all rooftops and highways with WHITE paint would solve our global warming problems. Apparently whitewashing is a recommended treatment for a variety of scientific problems. If this PhD genius only had access to google Earth maps he could be persuaded that the majority of the planet was covered with water and of the land area, roofs and highways constitute an immeasurably tiny fraction. In a further act of desperation the warmists announced this week they have a new ‘save the Earth’ video game to entice our youth. You can now multi-task, merging your valuable thumb dexterity routine and Eco-brainwashing into the same time slot. But, maybe you are a grown up and tired of all these childish antics. Maybe you went to the polls on Nov 2 and voted to put the grown-ups back in charge. Luckily the founders of America gave us a remedy for governmental stupidity. Every two years we get to induce reason into the most vulnerable segment of this demented oligarchy, the House of Representatives. The record sized new freshman class will be a formidable challenge to the K Street lobbyists corruption capacity. History has shown that you cannot ‘elect them and forget them’. The House is where all spending bills originate. Properly motivated Representatives can eliminate funding for unnecessary portions of the bureaucracy. It is time for them to de-fund about 50 Czars and while they are at it, ask them to chop off the top of the Clima-clops.

Joseph A Olson, PE -- Bio and Archives

The Strange Tale of Green House Gas Gang and Motive Force for All Climate Change are both posted at ClimateRealist.com along with a complete series of articles on the Geo-nuclear climate forcing theory.