
The one obvious conclusion the media draws from this is that it is all Mitt Romney's fault. Don't you see?

“One death is a tragedy, but one miliion deaths is a statistic”

"One death is a tragedy, but one million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin Remember: This all occurred on our eleventh commemoration of 9-11-2001. Consider: What if Iran has a bomb? What if Iran can only produce dirty bombs ... but can do it right now? What if Syria's [known] Chemical Weapons and [notional] Biological Agents fall into the hands of the Revolutionary Combatants and Islamists? What if Mohammed Morsi and his Arab friends are planning an attack on Israel on Yom Kippur?
[Note: Yom Kippur in 2012 is right around the corner on Wednesday, the 26th of September. Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is a day of fasting and repentance, affording man the opportunity to cleanse himself of his sins and renew his relationship with God.] What if Israel is attacked with all of the above weapons systems? Are we close to seeing Israel "go it alone" against the madmen of the Middle East and their toady supporters worldwide? Is another 9/11 slaughter awaiting for America? This happened in 1973, don't think the enemies of Israel would not try it again.
What if more attacks are planned in Iraq, Afghanistan, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon, or Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, or elsewhere? Should we not consider the whole region to be colonized by Islamists in part or whole? There is an unconfirmed report floating out there from "Lebanon News" that The American Consul Chris Smith was raped [i.e. sodomized] by his attackers before he was murdered, and then dragged through the streets. I can't confirm this; I was a German specialist not an Arabic speaker. [Any one out there who can translate?] Below is the rough (Google) translation. Sources tell AFP that “the U.S. ambassador to Libya was raped sexually before killed by gunmen who stormed the embassy building in Benghazi last night to protest against the film that is offensive to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh),” The sources said that “Ambassador was killed and representation of his body in a manner similar to what happened with Gaddafi, such as murder. ” The disrespectful dragging of a body through the streets is reminiscent of Bush's Fallujah, Iraq failure, and Clinton's failure in Somalia in 1993. Dragging dead bodies is more degrading than marching American Embassy Captives through the streets of Iran in 1979. Do you see where I am going with this? Where is the US we headed? Can we not see the depraved evil involved here? The Leftist wags want us to buy into this crap, and blame this on some Fundamentalist Pastor in Florida, or a Jewish Film-maker living and working in California The stories about being rescued and taken to the hospital by heroic Libyans looks to me to be quite a smokescreen by either the Libyan revolutionary government or by our own State Department. Look at the pictures and ask yourself:
  1. Do these photos really show us heroic rescuers?
  2. Do I believe everything I am told by a media who can't even report honestly about Obama?
  3. What does it say when Romney's accurate assessment, and his notice of Obama's lack of action draws more fire from the media than the Libyan and Egyptian attacks?
  4. Why were Embassies worldwide not on full alert and ready to evacuate?
  5. Why were not our people fully reinforced, or better yet removed to a safe location earlier?
  6. Information from Egyptian Intelligence sources ... and reported by Israelis to us would suggest acting prudently. Obama and Clinton are complicit due to negligence in the American deaths and no one dares suggest this?
In a bigger sense:
  1. George Bush finished reading the school children the story after being informed about 9/11 attacks, the 'red press' went ballistic. Obama attended a campaign event and the 'red press' is mum. Why is this?
  2. Why do the lines and excuses from the killer Islamists sound the same yada-yada that Jeremiah Wright still preaches, and that Barack Obama listened to for twenty years?
  3. When George Bush declared Mission accomplished and dared a response, he got ridiculed by the press and a response in kind from an unvanquished enemy. Are we slow learners?
  4. Clinton and Obama did a victory dance on Osama's grave and then compromise methods and operations. Are they so stupid and ideological as to think the Islamists won't try to respond? ... Oh, I forgot, Obama told us he has Al Qaeda on the run.
  5. One might wonder what exposures and footing our soldiers in Afghanistan [and the few probably still in Iraq] are on right now? Has our President reassured us? ... Oh, I forgot, he is out in Colorado and Las Vegas fund-raising and campaigning.
  6. Obama has fumbled the "football." He has missed so many Intelligence Black Book Briefings that it is little wonder that we are vulnerable. Why does Obama forsake his number one job, National Security, for campaign events?
The one obvious conclusion the media draws from this is that it is all Mitt Romney's fault. Don't you see? I am fired up! Educate yourself. [url=http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/09/12/Report-Egyptian-Intelligence-Anticipated-Attacks-on-US-Embassy-as-Early-as-Sept-4]http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/09/12/Report-Egyptian-Intelligence-Anticipated-Attacks-on-US-Embassy-as-Early-as-Sept-4[/url] See Also: [url=http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/09/12/Exclusive-Obama-Skipped-Intel-Briefings-Week-Before-Embassy-Attacks]http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/09/12/Exclusive-Obama-Skipped-Intel-Briefings-Week-Before-Embassy-Attacks[/url] [url=http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/12/Obama-Camp-Condemns-Romney-Before-Terrorists]http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/12/Obama-Camp-Condemns-Romney-Before-Terrorists[/url] [url=http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/12/CBS-Reports-Libyan-Security-Forces-Showed-Militants-Where-to-Attack-Our-Ambassador]http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/12/CBS-Reports-Libyan-Security-Forces-Showed-Militants-Where-to-Attack-Our-Ambassador[/url]

William R. Mann -- Bio and Archives

William R. Mann, is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].