
Eddie's Edge

Olympic roundup and ratings, Russians in Georgia

I'll be the first one to admit that the Chinese deserve applause for the success of this installment of the Summer Olympics. Well planned, efficient and successful in just about every way possible except for one. The entire games, except for a few highlights as Michael Phelps and his 8 swimming gold records and Usain Bolts shattering the 100 and 200 meter marks in track, were an incredible bore. The Games did more to put the world population to sleep than a snout full of ether. It just seemed to lose much of its drama and I believe the time differential and subsequent live TV presentation of events lost a lot of viewers. I'm interested in seeing what the final viewer ratings will be like.
Speaking of Usain Bolt and his shattering of two of the most prestigious track records in Beijing, congratulations are in order for the entire Jamaican track team for taking home an impressive 11 medals at the Games. One of the highlights of the journalistic portion of the Olympics was the reporter that asked a Jamaican team member, "What makes the Jamaicans so fast" and hearing that having a cop armed with a Glock chasing a young man can do wonders for the development of blinding foot speed! Saw the national story about the guy in Scarborough who claims that a tree in his backyard is showing an uncanny resemblance to the Virgin Mary. There is absolutely no way that the appearance can be possible for I truly believe that if the mother of God was to appear anywhere she would have better taste than to show herself in Scarborough. Did any of you catch the live CNN feed of Russian President Dmitri Medveded's press conference the other day about the invasion into Georgia and how it makes no difference to him if the world returns to the frightening threats and rhetoric of the Cold War.? The most amazing thing about his press conference to yours truly was though, after analyzing Medveded's lengthy speech I was truly amazed that I never once saw Vladimir Putin's lips move. Another highlight from the crisis was the statement from President Bush that it would be a cold day in hell before he let anyone especially some damn Ruskie burn Atlanta again. My hero of the week is a beautiful German shepherd mix angel named China that makes her home outside of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It seems that this new mother who was caring for her six newly born puppies came across a day old human baby in a field that was abandoned by her mother. Taking the baby gently she pulled the infant 75 meters to where her puppies lay and cared and fed it as one of her own. The next day a man who heard the baby crying came to investigate and found the child. Authorities say that the canine with the strong maternal instincts is a hero and that the baby would have surely died quickly if not for the help of this wonderful dog. A 14-year-old girl, who has been hospitalized, is being questioned for the birth and abandonment of the newborn. All I can tell you is that if that beautiful pooch saved my child, she would be guaranteed a life of steak and leisure forever. Until next time

Edward Zawadzki -- Bio and Archives

It is with a heavy heart that I write tonight that sportscaster, ‘King of Fight’ Eddie Zawadzki is gone.  Eddie’s sister, Christine called to tell Canada Free Press (CFP) that Eddie died this morning of a massive heart attack, age 55.

Death of sportscaster ‘King of Fight’ Eddie Zawadzki