
Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga on steroids

Obama’s war-game on Syria a publicity stunt?

If there’s anything Barack Obama loves as much as himself it’s publicity.
Obama wants his name on the lips of all citizens of the world’s nations, his image flashing on every big screen television; his identity mixed with that of Jesus Christ; to channeling whatever American president suits his convenience at the time; his picture ad infinitum. Like the thrill that comes from spending other people’s money, he just can’t get enough of it. While some shudder in disgust at the got-rich-on-publicity Kardashians, Obama and his Mrs. get off on publicity overkill. In reality, they’re Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga on steroids. What better way for Obama to force publicity on himself than to threaten an attack on powder-keg Syria?
The whole world is not just talking about what might happen in Syria this Labor Day weekend or shortly thereafter, but is aquiver about the results that would follow a solo Obama attack. Is even Bashar Assad taking seriously a hinted solo hit from Obama that first warns him it will be over in just a couple of days; “will come from offshore warships, perhaps a bomber or two, they’ll use cruise missiles. The purpose is for punishment not regime change.” “Perhaps we should be publishing the exact times the bombs will fall, lest we disrupt dinner in Damascus,” writes Charles Krauthammer. (Washington Post, Aug. 29, 2013). Even Assad’s 11-year-old son, or someone writing in is name, is not afraid of Big Bad Wolf Obama and taunts him openly on today’s Facebook. Bullying Barry is becoming a national past time. In spite of the long launch of horrors Obama is inflicting on his own country, not the least of them being ObamaCare, Amnesty, a racial unrest trying to equal the real one of the ‘60s, many Americans, and folk in other countries, tune out the moment they see Obama’s face or hear his voice. Down at heart they know there is no Hope and Change coming from the Obama administration. They know that the free cellular phones and food stamps won’t last forever; that the money for road-worthy cars, new kitchens and furniture is running out and that the big well known as America is beginning to run on gulch-dry. You can only hold an audience captive for so long on late night TV. It’s getting more difficult to find comedy in a country where jobs are disappearing as fast as access to coal and cheap gas. Even his latest party where he tried to steal the inspiration of Martin Luther King was a big flop. No one knows how Obama will get out of the corner in which he has painted himself regarding Syria. What we do know is that Labor Day Monday should be safe for Syria as he will be spending it with big union gun Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO. Time will soon tell that Obama’s big Syria bluff was all fluff; a publicity stunt more compelling than most others. How does it get away with it? Just like there are no good guys in Syria, where Muslims are fighting each other and blaming sarin gassing of civilians on each other, there are no good guys in Washington, only politicians feathering their own nests, ignoring Obama’s painful Fundamental Transformation of America and planning on getting re-elected no matter how totalitarian life has become in the USA.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.