
Obama continues to feed on America's freedoms everyday, taking more and more, never satisfied

Obama's Little Shop of Horrors!

"Feed me! Feed me now!! Feed me all night long! If you feed me, I can grow up big and strong." These are lines spoken by Audrey II, in the movie, "Little Shop of Horrors." The plant that grows bigger every time he eats and is never quite satisfied. He always wants more. It is never enough! "FEED ME!"
Obama continues to feed on America's freedoms everyday, taking more and more, never satisfied. Most recently, the FCC passed Net Neutrality Regulations. Obama and Democrats fully supported the takeover of the Internet, demanding it become a public utility controlled by the government, regardless of opposition from the American people. The FCC is supposed to be an independent government agency, but as we are discovering, there are no boundaries honored by this administration. "FEED ME!" In 2010, the takeover of America's healthcare system, leaving millions of Americans without the insurance Obama promised they could keep if they liked it. He then illegally delayed the individual mandate for 2 years, extended the deadline to enroll, gave business a waiver from the employer mandate, gave waivers allowing "friends of the White House," not to participate in Obamacare. Obama then offered waivers to Congress and their staff from having to participate in the very healthcare law that has been crammed down America's throat."FEED ME!" What about Obama's EPA? They have been allowed to slowly take over more and more property around the United States regardless of the consequences to the American people and their livelihoods. The most recent is 12 million acres in Alaska. It does not matter that the people of Alaska need the land in order to survive. The Antiquities Act of 1906 allowed the federal government to take small parcels of land for monuments and national parks. However, the Obama administration has taken this to a whole new level, and is using the law to take over million and millions of acres of land across the United States. "FEED ME!"
Under the guise of environmentalism, the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts have enabled Obama's EPA to take control of anyone and everyone's land if it contains even a runoff creek, resulting in their ability to tell you what you can and can't do with your own property. "FEED ME!" Under Obama's Executive Order for National Defense, the government can now seize all US resources and persons, including during peacetime, for self-declared "national defense." It also claims power to place any American into military or "allocated" labor use. "FEED ME!" President Obama has made it no secret that he will not control our borders from illegal immigration, but opens our doors to millions of illegals to enter into our country, partake in our education system, healthcare system, housing, IRS tax credits and American jobs, through his illegal Executive Order. Taking it one step further, the taxpayer has been billed for all the services provided to illegal immigrants, but we also footing the bill for charter flights and bus service to distribute illegals into our communities. The majority of these illegals have never been vaccinated, which poses a health risk to all Americans. "FEED ME!" The United States Department of Education, allowing government to take over the Education system in the US, was implemented under Jimmy Carter and continues to weigh down our education system. The Obama administration along with our Justice Department and Eric Holder sued many states to stop the use of educational vouchers, which allows taxpayers to choose to attend charter schools instead of their own failing public schools. Although Obama and Democrats claim to support the education of minorities, they have sued states and demanded taxpayer choices be taken away. In recent years they have pushed common core onto the public school system, which has shown to be less than effective. The United States continues to fall in world rankings on education, failing to rank within the top 20. "FEED ME!" Obama's Administration has embedded itself into our banking system as well. Under Operation Choke Point, Obama and the Justice Department is forcing banks to withhold banking services to companies this administration doesn't like, and forcing legitimate payday lenders out of business. "FEED ME!" What about illegal spying on Americans? Obama has taken the NSA to a whole new level, authorizing intrusive practices of government to spy on, collect data, read emails and texts without authority of our court system which is demanded by our Constitution. "FEED ME!" The IRS has proven itself to be untrustworthy in light of the continuing investigation into the illegal targeting of conservatives and their political views. The IRS, is another independent government agency which our constitution demands have no ties to the White House. Yet, once again, this administration knows no boundaries. It has also been discovered that the agency has fraudulently spent millions and millions of taxpayer dollars for parties and trips. Add insult to injury, the taxpayers are funding bonuses and salaries of IRS employees who have refused to pay their own taxes for years. "FEED ME!" It appears that The Little Shop of Horrors is a cult movie based on current reality! In the original ending, Audrey II, the man-eating plant, eats his namesake, Audrey, and Seymour her boyfriend, produce multiple offspring and eventually take over the world! In the theatrical ending, Seymour saves Audrey, electrocutes Audrey II, the man-eating plant, they marry and live happily ever after in their dream home. Which ending do you prefer?

Leigh Bravo -- Bio and Archives

Leigh Bravo works in the Hospitality and Marketing Industry.  Leigh considers herself a concerned citizen interested in reaching those people who may not be aware of the entire truth. Leigh is happily married and a mother of three looking towards a better future for her kids. Leigh also writes for thetrumpet.me