
What is ObamaCare?

ObamaCare: be afraid, be VERY AFRAID

Friends, is it just me or does it seem like stories about ObamaCare and its outlandish roll-out are making Onion News look like objective journalism? I don’t know about you, but I find it absolutely horrifying to think that the same people who turned a website launch into a fiasco that makes North Korea’s School Lunch Program look efficient — I am HORRIFIED that these people want to RUN the U.S. Health Care System.

It’s one thing to wait for a driver’s license in the DMV until your toenails curl — and quite another to have a HEART BLOCKAGE or CANCER, only to be jammed into a bureaucratic sausage-grinder. This web roll-out is many things, but above all, it’s a WARNING — DO NOT ALLOW anti-free market, anti-choice PROGRESSIVES to take over 18% of the American economy via health care. Not unless you want your economy to implode, your debt to skyrocket, your dollar to be worthless, and your ability to receive quality health care to rise above the level of “take a number and die.”
 Toward this end, I am now of the mind that of ALL the impeachable offenses committed by Zippy Botingles – using the I.R.S. as a political weapon, covering-up Benghazi, NSA spying, Fast and Furious, etc. – the worst and now MOST IMPEACHABLE offense is the River of Lies he told – and continues to tell! – on ObamaCare. Zippy Botingles is UNFIT FOR OFFICE, and if we had a media in this country – instead of TASS – we would not have to suffer through three more dangerous and damaging years.
 The key is education. All sensible, non-brainwashed Americans must inform their fellow citizens about ObamaCare, how it was passed (lies), why it was passed (to buy votes and create dependency), and what it will do (keep reading.) Consider the following from The Conservative Hammer Facebook page a primer. And use it. 

What is ObamaCare?

  • ObamaCare is the destruction of medical privacy.

  • ObamaCare is the destruction of the doctor-patient relationship.
  • ObamaCare is the destruction of private charity in the delivery of medical services.

  • ObamaCare is lies and deceit sold as “compassion” and “reform.”
  • ObamaCare is redistributive taxation of productive members of society for the purpose of expanding dependency beyond the poor to the middle-class.
  • ObamaCare is the death of free-will within a dynamic marketplace.

  • ObamaCare is State Control.

  • ObamaCare is massive debt.

  • ObamaCare is the end of America as a Constitutional Republic without possibility of reversing course.

Send to liberals, libertarians, and conservatives — the Truth is the Truth…  And we need to spread it far and wide!

Greg Halvorson -- Bio and Archives

Greg Halvorson is an island of conservative clarity in the liberal armpit of Portlandia, Oregon.  He regularly drives liberals berserk at The Conservative Hammer Facebook page.  His Twitter handle is @GHalv.