
Obama, new efficiency standards

Obama Reinvents The Lightbulb

There truly is nothing sacred to this administration. They believe they can do everything better (they aren't excluding much), and they'll take yet another American success story and screw with it.
Aiming to keep the focus on climate change legislation, President Barack Obama put a plug in for administration efforts to make lamps and lighting equipment use less energy. "I know light bulbs may not seem sexy, but this simple action holds enormous promise because 7 percent of all the energy consumed in America is used to light our homes and businesses," the president said, standing alongside Energy Secretary Steven Chu at the White House. Obama said the new efficiency standards he was announcing for lamps would result in substantial savings between 2012 and 2042, saving consumers up to $4 billion annually, conserving enough energy to power every U.S. home for 10 months, reducing emissions equal to the amount produced by 166 million cars a year, and eliminating the need for as many as 14 coal-fired power plants.
Someone will have to show me the raw data for these figures, because in order to make their points, these climate-changers have a tendency to pull "truth" out of their backsides.

Bob Parks -- Bio and Archives

Bob Parks is a is a member/writer of the National Advisory Council of Project 21. Bob’s websites are Black & Right and youtube.com/BlackAndRight