
As in the Watergate scandal, what did Obama and Biden know of the coup to bring down the Trump presidency and when did they know it?

Obama is Publicly Embarrassed On Flynn Dismissal

Obama is Publicly Embarrassed On Flynn DismissalBarack Obama, the so-called “smartest man in the room” is coming across as gaffe-prone and as ridiculous as Joe Biden. Obama is being ridiculed without mercy on Twitter, Facebook and in the very buoyant and powerful online conservative media. The very powerful online conservative media smell blood. As do millions of Americans on the right side of the aisle. They sense that Obama is very vulnerable because of his involvement in his Administration’s allegedly illegal spying on Trump officials during the presidential election campaign.
The same media sense Obama is vulnerable and open to serious Senate scrutiny due to his personal involvement with Obama officials (and complicit liberal media) in the Flynn matter, the fake Steele Dossier funded by the DNC and the fake Russian/Trump collusion hoax during the Trump presidency. According to constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley, on his Twitter feed:
“President Obama is being quoted on Flynn, saying “There is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free”. It is a curious statement. First and foremost, Flynn was not charged with perjury. “Second, we now know Obama discussed charging Flynn under the Logan Act which has not been used successfully to convict anyone and is flagrantly unconstitutional. “Third, this reaffirms reports that Obama was personally invested in this effort. Finally there is precedent. “There is a specific rule allowing for this motion under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 48(a). There are specific Supreme Court Cases like Rinaldi v. United States addressing the standard for such dismissals.
“The Justice Department has dismissed cases in the past including the Stevens case. That was requested by President Obama’s own Attorney General Eric Holder for the same reason: misconduct by prosecutors. It was done before the same judge, Judge Sullivan. “How is that for precedent?”
Why did Obama come out publicly with his 3,000 cult followers in a telephone call that was conveniently leaked to Yahoo News? “One explanation is that with the Flynn dismissal and the disclosure of related Flynn documents, Obama has been exposed as being personally involved in the Flynn matter and in the Steele Dossier and the fake Russian/Trump collusion hoax. Obama is trying, but failing miserably to change the narrative; that he and Biden are up to their necks in the allegedly illegal spying on the Trump campaign and on trying to undermine the presidency of a duly and democratically elected president based on a fake Trump-Russian collusion hoax. As in the Watergate scandal, what did Obama and Biden know of the coup to bring down the Trump presidency and when did they know it?

Mitch Wolfe -- Bio and Archives

Mitch Wolfe, a graduate of Harvard University, is the author of “Trump: How He Captured The Trump White House”, which he wrote and had published prior to the election. (available on Amazon.com)