
Conservatives are principled individuals who will not bend to the intoxicating aspects of being on Capitol Hill

Nothing Wrong with the System—Only with Us

Nothing Wrong with the System—Only with UsI am often asked about what has gone wrong with our system of government. I answer that nothing is wrong with the system—there is something wrong with us. We have not held ourselves or our elected officials accountable for their actions. We have not confronted them about their promises made and those promises not kept. We have not challenged them when they come home to visit—if they come home—to explain why they campaigned on one platform and then, the moment they get to DC, they immediately cast themselves as swamp creatures. They turn their backs on their constituents and, even if challenged on fundamental issues, give us the Potomac Two Step Shuffle to avoid answering tough, direct questions. More on this very issue in my VA section later in this newsletter.

Why do we not hold our school boards and administrators accountable

Why do we not hold our school boards and administrators accountable, particularly after we see the garbage our children are being taught? Why do we not go to school board meetings and demand that parents be surveyed about what they, the parents, want for their children as this pandemic hypocrisy plays itself out? Why do we not demand what is best for the families as opposed what is best for teacher unions? Why do we not hold board members accountable for their rubber stamping stupid, dangerous rules that put outputs ahead of out-comes for your children? Why? Explain that to me. 
Why do we not hold our governors and legislators accountable for the fact that, in Iowa, it continues to be the worst state in which to do business? Why do we not hold those same individuals accountable for not having school choice options where taxpayer dollars follow the child instead of the school district. In Iowa, there needs to be charter schools, online options, homeschooling options and a voucher program. Why are taxpayers, including those who no longer have children in school, not demanding that our elected officials give parents as many options as possible?
 Taxpayers need to ask their governors and legislators why tax structures have not been fixed so that states are more attractive to businesses? Why do Iowans stand for the fact that one man and his backers have a near strangle hold over who gets elected and who doesn’t? When are we going to wise up, find our voices and “throw off bad magistrates?” Remember, these jackabouts work for us. We do not work for them.

Conservatives & Conservatism Scare Republicans

I am so tired of having people be nice about things. We have lost civility in our culture, I get that, but the time for being nice to our politicians is over. We hoist these people onto pedestals. Trust me, they do not deserve it. Most are unscrupulous, self-serving and have lost their moral centers. I know, I have been around so many and fitting into the stereotype is consistent across the board. What is most disturbing is not what the Democrats do but what we get out of our Republican side. We know what the Democrats will do. We have their playbook and know their approach inside out. What we don’t expect is what we get out of the Republicans. 
The Republicans suck in newbies and those newbies, star-struck with the attention they get, become arrogant and narcissistic. That is why when they come home and you confront them, they get defensive, haughty and condescending. They treat us like petulant children, pat us on the head and ask us to sit in the corner. They will take care of things, because we don’t have the knowledge, skills or wisdom to worry about these “complicated” issues.
 What is really happening is that conservatives and conservatism scare them. Conservatives are principled individuals who will not bend to the intoxicating aspects of being on Capitol Hill, regardless of where that is.

Dr. Sam Clovis -- Bio and Archives

Samuel H. Clovis, Jr., Doctor of Public Administration
Liston to Sam on LATalkRadio, Sundays: 1:00 to 3:00 PM (PST)
(Impact With Sam Clovis)

Sam Clovis was raised in Kansas and attended the United States Air Force Academy, serving for 25 years on active duty as a fighter pilot.  He retired as a Colonel and the Inspector General of NORAD and the United States Space Command.

Sam served as a Fellow at the Homeland Security Institute, contributing in national preparedness and immigration policy.  He recently served as a tenured full professor of economics at Morningside College.

Sam has a BS from the Academy, an MBA from Golden Gate University and a doctorate from the University of Alabama.  He served as national co-chair and chief policy advisor for the Trump for President Campaign, was a policy director during the transition period and served as the Senior White House Advisor to the US Department of Agriculture.  He currently lives in rural Iowa.