
Mr. Brock seems not to believe that Fox has any right to report the news without adding the left wing’s spin

No Free Speech for Fox News

A member of the District of Columbia’s sexual deviant class, armed with millions of Soros dollars has declared war on Fox Broadcasting, vowing to destroy it by any and all means available. That’s a big order, even for a limp-wristed crusader with a fat wallet, but that doesn’t seem to deter long-time left wing activist David Brock whose Media Matters was accurately described by Justin Credible, a contributing editor of Habledash as a “pathetic group of bed wetters … who have nothing to show for their lives” making “a desperate attempt to make the irrelevant relevant.”
Brock, a high-priced investigative reporter who in a girlish snit once took on Ann Coulter and got his ears pinned back, claims to have penetrated Fox News and is gathering all sorts of juicy gossip about TV’s most popular and watched network, using documents allegedly purloined by traitorous Fox insiders. Moreover he has declared war on Rupert Murdoch and pledges to ruin one of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful of media barons employing big bucks supplied by the extremely wealthy - and far left Mr. Soros, a self-confessed collaborator with the Nazis in hunting out fellow Jews to be killed or deported. According to press reports Brock earned $300,000 dollars last year doing whatever he was doing prior to declaring war on Fox. One expects that George Soros will up the anti for the war on Fox. It has long ceased to be amusing to watch the Left declare their allegiance to free speech while doing their damndest to put gags in the mouths of anyone who dares to disagree with them. Mr. Brock seems not to believe that Fox has any right to report the news without adding the left wing’s spin. Reporting the news straight is apparently not his idea of the proper role of the media. What amazes me is the tendency of much of the media to take this guy seriously. I guess his apparent access to extravagantly large sums of money rather awes them. Let’s see how his anti-Fox campaign succeeds in silencing such Fox mega-stars as Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. They all have huge audiences not likely to pay any attention to leftist snipers who are scared to death of the truth about their Marxist goals.

Philip V. Brennan -- Bio and Archives

Monday, Jan. 6, 2014:
Former columnist, Marine Corps hero, and Washington insider Phil Brennan passed away on Monday. He was 87 years old.

Born in New York City, Brennan served with the Marines during World War II before tackling a series of jobs in the nation’s capital, beginning with a campaign to win statehood for Alaska. —More…</em>