
Cancelled gas plants in Oakville and Mississauga

New Gas Plant Costs Stunning

TORONTO, ON - The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is stunned by the latest revelations from the committee investigating the costs of the cancelled gas plants in Oakville and Mississauga.
Earlier today, Ontario Power Authority boss Colin Anderson admitted taxpayers will pay $310 million to move the Oakville gas plant, not the $40 million claimed by the Ontario government. Premier Kathleen Wynne also appeared before the committee today, and despite the admission that her numbers were off by 675 per cent, Wynne again refused to take responsibility for this fiasco, or the unabashed miscalculation of costs by her government. Earlier this month, an auditor general report found the cost of cancelling the Mississauga plant was $275 million, not $190 million as claimed. “Taxpayers are fed up with Premier Kathleen Wynne’s lack of accountability on this file, and her government’s blatant waste of tax dollars,” said CTF’s Ontario Director Candice Malcolm. “It’s difficult to believe that the premier of a province doesn’t know the true costs of such a high profile expense in her government,” Malcolm continued. “Premier Wynne has bent herself into a pretzel trying to hide her green energy policies. The jig is up. It’s time for her to end this game and come clean with taxpayers.” Candice Malcolm, CTF Ontario Director: cmalcolm@taxpayer.com

Canadian Taxpayers Federation -- Bio and Archives

Canadian Taxpayers Federation