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Cabernet Sauvignon To Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

May 6, 2007

What can you do to decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease  (AD)? It's a question that has eluded scientists for years. Some researchers believe that Alzheimer's is due to an excessive amount of aluminum in the brain and we should try to decrease its intake. But would a glass of Sauvignon each day stop the cerebral ravage of this disease?

The Twin Epidemics

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

November 26, 2006

I experienced a terrible tragedy upon visiting an old friend. He failed to recognize me. All the past history of our years together vanished into the night. And as I drove home the question recurred; what had caused this mental disaster. Could he be victim to what's been called the "Twin Epidemic"? Had his long-standing diabetes played a factor in this condition?

Would Clint Eastwood Admit to a Crying Jag?

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

Friday, June 30, 2006

How much equality is there between the sexes? In recent years women have made strides in their struggle to gain equality with men. But surprisingly in one area men are getting the short end of the stick. Today the majority of people being treated for depression are women. The majority of men, however, suffer silently from undiagnosed and untreated depression. Why the gender bias in this case? And how can wives and families recognize this problem and urge men to accept treatment?

How To Keep Your Brain In Shape

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

July 19, 2005

Are there days when you think you need a brain transplant? You're getting those "senior moments" even though you're only 40 years age? Or at 70 you're forgetting things you shouldn't forget? These days with so much talk about Alzheimer's Disease, it's easy to assume you may be "losing it". But today there are ways to keep the brain functioning the way it's supposed to.

Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Caused Memory Loss in Astronaut

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

May 17, 2005

What had happened to Dr. Duane Graveline, former astronaut, medical researcher and aerospace scientist? His wife found him walking aimlessly about their property. When she spoke to him he didn't recognize her. He was rushed to a neurologist and six hours later his senses returned. The diagnosis? Global transient amnesia (GLA). His only medication, Lipitor? The medication was stopped, but doctors refused to believe this cholesterol-lowering drug (CLD) was the cause of this incident.

Shake Martinis But Not The Baby

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

What do I know about babies? Not much, and that's why I rarely write about babies. But I recently learned a devastating fact about them. James Bond always insisted that his martinis should be shaken. But a report in The Medical Post shows that shaking a crying baby can be lethal. And it raises the question of who caused the brain damage, the parents or the baby sitter?

REMEMBER-fX: The Smart Pill

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

January 11, 2005

Will a pill make you less befuddled next time you try to master the controls of your new digital camera? Will it make you as intelligent computer-wise as your 10-year-old child? Are you continually losing your keys and glasses, feeling less alert and concerned about Alzheimer's Disease?

The Restless Leg Syndrome

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

December 29, 2004

A 25-year-old university student from Winnipeg writes, "My legs are driving me crazy. I have the feeling there are thousands of ants marching in them. It's a creepy-crawling sensation that keeps me from sleeping and it's affecting my studies, not to mention my social life. What can I do?"

Course 101 In Back Pain

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

May 31, 2004

Ask me about Economics 101 and I'll flunk the question. But what about course 101 in back pain? In this case I have some answers. Ones that will help readers who ask "What is the best treatment for my aching back?"

Protect Children From Catastrophic Hockey Injuries

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

January 11, 2004

What should parents know about concussions in hockey? To find out I recently attended a seminar on this problem at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto. Today there's a huge debate raging over whether body checking should be allowed in players under 17 years of age. Unfortunately, the "big hit" does more to the brain than meets the eye. Today our national sport has become a violent past time.

Brain-Computerized Thought The Best and Terrible Science

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

July 19, 2003

It's said that "a picture is worth a thousand words". And the one that I recently saw in The Medical Post is one that's hard to forget. The picture shows a man totally paralyzed due to Lou Gehrig's Disease. To me, in 2003, it illustrates the best and worst of science.

Bell's Palsy: The Mona Lisa Syndrome

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

July 13, 2003

"How could it happen so quickly?" a patient asked me. A day earlier she could smile, open her eyes and showed normal facial countenance. Now, her face drooped on one side due to a paralysis of the facial nerve. The cause? A condition known as Bell's Palsy.

Demolition Drivers Could Save Us Billions of Dollars

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

March 9, 2003

How much whiplash pain is in the mind and how much in the neck? It's an important question because a huge amount of money is involved. And it comes out of everyone's pocket. This year the diagnosis, treatment, litigation and insurance payments of whiplash complaints will cost North Americans 29 billion dollars. Now, a fascinating report about demolition drivers separates fact from fiction. It could be of use to defense lawyers.

"Unroofing" The Spinal Column To Treat Spinal Stenosis

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

January 19, 2003

Ask most people what causes back pain and you get a variety of answers. Many mention sciatica, lumbago, a slipped disk or chronic back strain. But few mention or have ever heard of a condition called "spinal stenosis". Yet it's a disease that we will hear more and more about with an aging population.

In Multiple Sclerosis, Fewer Injections Are Better

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

May 5, 2002

Sir William Osler, one of Canada's great physicians, counselled, "The way to longevity is to develop a chronic disease early in life and learn to live with it." But this is easier said than done especially if fate hands you Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Fortunately, medicine is available to slow down the progression of this difficult disease. So why do many patients fail to follow their doctor's advice when it ‘s so important to do so?

Go Fast, Fast, Fast To Survive Brain Attack

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

July 2, 2002

Why did one person die from a stroke while stroke destined another to spend the rest of life disabled? And why did still another return to a normal life following a life-threatening stroke. The reason is that some people are "stroke smart". They know that speed can often mean the difference between a return to walking, or being confined to a wheelchair for life.

New Hope For Multiple Sclerosis Patients

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

September 16, 2001

Why is it that the farther away you live from the equator the greater the risk of developing Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? This nervous system disease is surrounded by many uncertainties. But I learned at the 17th World Congress of Neurology in London, England, that at least one question surrounding treatment of the disease is resolved. A drug "Rebif" has proven that higher, more frequent doses of medication yield better results than lower less frequent dosing.

Keep Cerebral Palsy Out Of the Courts

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

July 8, 2001

How can we best care for babies born with cerebral palsy? Are so©called "fetal strokes" an avoidable complication of labour? Possibly the fault of obstetricians failing to do Cesarean sections? Or is it time to end the myth about this disease and stop making lawyers rich? There is a way to protect children born with this disability.

Aspirin A New Approach To Treating Migraine

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

April 15, 2001

Have you ever heard of The London Migraine Clinic? I hadn't until a recent trip to England. What I discovered is that many migraine sufferers can be helped just by taking Aspirin. In fact, you may not need any other medication if you use this common and effective pain killer the right way.

Technology Can Help Spastic Patients

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

November 5, 2000

Can you imagine suffering a painful disease day after day?Knowing there was a treatment available to ease the agony, but denied relief due to the cost? This week, the story of four peoplewith different diseases, but who all face the same problem,"debilitating spasm". Technology could ease their suffering.

W. Gifford-Jones M.D is the pen name of Dr. Ken Walker graduate of Harvard. Dr. Walker's website is:

My book, Ò90 + How I Got ThereÓ can be obtained by sending $19.95 to:

Giff Holdings, 525 Balliol St, Unit # 6,Toronto, Ontario, M4S 1E1

Pre-2008 articles by Gifford Jones
Canada Free Press, CFP Editor Judi McLeod