
Obama clearly has no interest in making the case against the evils which lurk in shadows ready to destroy our way of life. Who else will carry our banner?

Netanyahu’s Speech

The address by the Prime Minister of Israel to a joint meeting of Congress may turn out to be one of the most pivotal speeches in the defense of Western Civilization in our lifetime. The impact of his speech should be understood by its effect on different audiences.
Israeli voters on the eve of a general election and who were watching this historic address saw the overwhelming majority of both houses of Congress give Netanyahu a very warm reception and they saw Netanyahu go out of his way not to offend any political faction in our nation. They heard Netanyahu express to America what they already know: Iran is an existential threat to their nation and Americans need to clearly understand that threat. American voters saw Netanyahu explicitly thank Obama for his help in the past and saw him welcome Harry Reid back to the Senate, heard him tie American support for Israel dating back to Truman, he made a point on his way to the podium of shaking hands with key Democrats and never once heard him even hint at partisan attack. Americans heard a solid and direct case made to the American people about the very real dangers we face as we are, he reminded us, the “Great Satan” to the Iranian thugs. Netanyahu’s speech sounded very much like speeches two other leaders of the political right, Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan, have given to the American people, warning us of the grave threats that truly evil powers presented to their nation and the world. Netanyahu gave the sort of speech which has inspired Americans in the past.
American Jews saw Ellie Wiesel in the audience and recognized by Netanyahu and understood just what that meant: Wiesel survived the Holocaust and has dedicated his life to making sure that such genocide will never happen again. On the eve of Purim, that holiday which celebrates the Jewish deliverance from destruction by the Persian anti-Semite, Haman, American Jews hearing Netanyahu and celebrating Purim should find the words in his speech inspiring and timely. Obama and those Democrats of the radical left find themselves divided and a minority even within their party. Ninety percent of the members of Congress sat and listened to Netanyahu. Obama’s pettiness was never more in evidence and his waning power over other Democrats was never more evident. Obama’s lame duck status never more nakedly exposed and yet his power to pull down his party as its titular head remains around the necks of other Democrats. Republicans, who uniformly welcomed Netanyahu and expressed support for his case, will have a campaign issue in 2016 which may resonate with voters, especially Jewish voters in swing states like Florida and Ohio, more than appears today. There is, of course, another audience as well: the Free World, or at least what we used to call the Free World. It is besieged by many different attacks today. Radical Islam is overwhelming many European nations with hordes of unemployed and angry young men and these men are murdering in their homeland those European critics who have taken it on. Tsar Putin is lying through his teeth as he re-conquers parts of the Evil Empire and as he has his critics at home murdered in the street. North Korea is building its own nuclear arsenal and Red China is building the military muscle to threaten us in the Orient. Evil must be resisted. It cannot be bribed and it cannot be wooed away from malicious intentions. Obama clearly has no interest in making the case against the evils which lurk in shadows around the world today, ready to pounce on us and to destroy our way of life. Who else will carry our banner? It is more than curious that Angela Merkel, a good German chancellor but hardly a Churchill or Reagan, has been recently described as the real leader of the free world. Maybe that leader is Netanyahu. In two weeks, after Israeli citizens vote in their general election and after all the polls of the Americans regarding their reception to his speech will be finished and published, we know better the answer to that question. On March 3rd we may have watched a great moment in history and a turning point in a battle for survival of our way of life – a battle which we are losing now.

Bruce Walker -- Bio and Archives

Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990. His first book, Sinisterism:// Secular Religion of the Lie, has been revised and re-released.  The Swastika against the Cross:  The Nazi War on Christianity, has recently been published, and his most recent book, Poor Lenin’s Almanac: Perverse Leftist Proverbs for Modern Life can be viewed here:  outskirtspress.com.