
STOP THEM! For four years, we must pay higher taxes, but most of the so-called benefits won’t kick in until 2014

NBRA socialized medicine alert !!!

Democrats in Congress are rushing headlong to push our nation into a disastrous socialized medical scheme. We urge our supporters to take a few minutes TO WRITE OR CALL YOUR LEGISLATORS NOW!
STOP THEM! For four years, we must pay higher taxes, but most of the so-called benefits won’t kick in until 2014. Even worse, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), under the Democrats’ plan, the cost of health care will go up, while the quality of care will go down. This is outrageous. Polls show that 57% of Americans do not want the Democrats to enact their devastating health care reform. Yet, the Democrat Congressional leaders continue to thumb their noses at us, using hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to bribe Democrat legislators into voting for this ObamaCare legislative monstrosity. Have they no shame? TELL THE DEMOCRATS NO! No to socialized medicine. No to government intrusion between the doctor and the patient. No to a massive new entitlement program, while Democrats have our government drowning in debt. No to denial of transplants or hip replacements to the elderly. No to forcing people to buy insurance or go to jail. Pick up the phone and CALL YOUR LEGISLATORS NOW! US Capitol Switchboard Number: 202-224-3121

Five Facts About The Current Senate Health Care Bill (HR 3590)

(Courtesy of American Solutions for Winning the Future and the National Federation of Republican Women)
  1. Medicare Cuts. The bill would cut Medicare by $500 billion, and millions of seniors would lose access to Medicare Advantage plans.
  2. Higher Health Insurance Premiums. As confirmed by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the bill would result in non-group premium increases of $300 per year for individuals and $2,500 per year for families.
  3. Higher Healthcare Costs. The current Senate bill, like the one passed by Speaker Pelosi in the U.S. House, would increase healthcare costs, not lower them.
  4. Lost Coverage. As confirmed by the CBO, up to 10 million people would lose their employer-provided healthcare coverage.
  5. More and More Spending. Actually, $2.5 trillion worth, in its first 10 years of implementation, increasing our national debt even more.

Frances Rice -- Bio and Archives

Frances Rice is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel, a lawyer and chairman of the National Black Republican Association.