
In years to come, we will all look back in shock and disbelief that we allowed these, so-called leaders to destroy the sanctity of life.

Murder of Babies Celebrated in New York and Lands in Virginia!

New York, not only, passed, but celebrated a new bill that allows babies at nine months of gestation to be ripped from their mother's wombs and murdered. This new bill does not just allow late-term abortion for mothers whose health is in danger, but welcomes anyone, for any reason to abort their baby up until the moment of birth. Add insult to injury, this murderous policy was recently introduced in the state of Virginia. Democratic Virginia Delegate, Kathy Tran introduced HB 2491, or the Repeal Act, in January. This legislation seeks to repeal current restrictions in Virginia on late-term abortions. The requirements that three physicians must conclude that the third trimester abortion is necessary to preserve the health or life of the mother has been stripped from the bill as well as the mandate that these late-term abortions be performed in hospitals. It would essentially allow a doctor to perform an abortion at any time, even when a woman is in labor.....actually in the process of giving birth. But, isn't aborting a baby at this point considered murder?
Virginia Democratic Governor, Ralph Northam commented as follows:
“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."
Does the current Governor of Virginia support infanticide? The Governor defended Tran's bill by implying that he supports born alive abortions. On the same day Delegate Kathy Tran introduced HB 2491, allowing abortion of babies up until birth, she also introduced HB 2495, which protects the lives of insects. So, we as Virginians are supposed to support the protection of life and limb to cankerworms and gypsy moths while allowing the murder of innocent human beings at the moment of their birth?
Democratic Governor Andrew Abortion called New Yorks Bill "
"A historic victory for New Yorkers and for our progressive values."
But, is abortion on demand up to and including birth, truly a victory and a bill to celebrate? As Americans will we accept these horrific policies and continue to vote for and support the leadership of those who believe babies have no rights? The Bishop of Albany is one who believes this new bill will have drastic results. In a letter to his parishioner, Governor Andrew Cuomo, he pleads, "Do not build this Death Star." Surprisingly enough, the 2016 Democratic platform includes this statement,
"To Ensure the Health and safety of ALL Americans."
However, watching Governor Cuomo and other Democratic lawmakers celebrate the signing of this bill in New York, speaks differently. The question is, do the American people support the abortion of babies up to and including birth? In years to come, we will all look back in shock and disbelief that we allowed these, so-called leaders to destroy the sanctity of life.

Leigh Bravo -- Bio and Archives

Leigh Bravo works in the Hospitality and Marketing Industry.  Leigh considers herself a concerned citizen interested in reaching those people who may not be aware of the entire truth. Leigh is happily married and a mother of three looking towards a better future for her kids. Leigh also writes for thetrumpet.me