
MSNBC is racist!

MSNBC dumps 'worthless' Melissa Harris-Perry after she melts down and boycotts her own show

I'm not really sure what MSNBC was expecting. When you give a crazy person a TV show, you have to expect them to do crazy things. It's just that simple. Hand unfettered airtime to a person like Melissa Harris-Perry, and you should assume she'll end up using it to model her tampon earrings. More importantly, if you let a person like Harris-Perry rant for a few years, she's going to end up with an ego the size of Manhattan Island. Since 2012, she was allowed to rant, rave, and flip out over all sort of imaginary racism, and the network said little or nothing. So it shouldn't really come as a surprise she finally decided that - in a world where everything was racist - her own network was racist too.
As the New York Times reported Friday, Harris-Perry was boycotting her own show because *gasp* it had repeatedly been pre-empted with actual news:
In an unusually public flare-up, one of MSNBC’s television personalities clashed with the network on Friday in a dispute about airtime and editorial freedom and said she was refusing to host the show that bears her name this weekend. The host, Melissa Harris-Perry, wrote in an email to co-workers this week that her show had effectively been taken away from her and that she felt “worthless” in the eyes of NBC News executives, who are restructuring MSNBC.
This was a fascinating development because - if the execs at MSNBC really viewed Harris-Perry as "worthless" - it would mark the first time they've ever been right about anything.

MSNBC has confirmed that they're all done with the Harris-Perry crazytrain

Harris-Perry blasted her network, which she apparently feels is almost as racist as Darth Vader. In an email to her staff, she wrote:
Here is the reality: our show was taken — without comment or discussion or notice — in the midst of an election season. After four years of building an audience, developing a brand, and developing trust with our viewers, we were effectively and utterly silenced. Now, MSNBC would like me to appear for four inconsequential hours to read news that they deem relevant without returning to our team any of the editorial control and authority that makes MHP Show distinctive. The purpose of this decision seems to be to provide cover for MSNBC, not to provide voice for MHP Show. I will not be used as a tool for their purposes. I am not a token, mammy, or little brown bobble head. I am not owned by Lack, Griffin, or MSNBC. I love our show. I want it back. I have wept more tears than I can count and I find this deeply painful, but I don’t want back on air at any cost. I am only willing to return when that return happens under certain terms.
We now know those "terms" will not be met. MSNBC has confirmed that they're all done with the Harris-Perry crazytrain. The host, no doubt, is doing what she can to keep her chin up.
While MSNBC may believe that I am worthless, I know better. I know who I am. I know why MHP Show is unique and valuable. I will not sell short myself or this show.
A few examples of her "worth" appear below, and I'll be wearing a black armband to mourn the passing of my favorite network's wackiest show. ...Unless black armbands are racist because they're black. Is there a "Melissa Harris-Perry awareness ribbon?

Melissa Harris Perry Says Star Wars Is Racist

MSNBC tax delinquents lecture audience on taxes

Melissa Harris-Perry: Be 'super careful' about saying 'hard worker' because it demeans slaves

Melissa Harris-Perry frets American tourists are 'plague on rest of the world'

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