
Scare mongering shysters

More of an Inconvenience Rather Than Truth

The last vestiges; of a long, harsh winter; with record breaking cold temperatures; has only just passed; and already the Climate Change Commissars; are ratcheting up the hysterical, fear mongering rhetoric; for you to be fleeced of more of your dwindling wealth; and the imposition of more government control over your life; all in the name of the Chimera; referred to as Climate Change. On the CTV News website; Canadian author Tom Rand has added his vehement voice to the cacophony.
With statements like; “the planet is heating up; and we need to wake up before the climate gets worse “. “In a market economy; unless you price something; it isn’t worth anything”. Now; that last statement is very telling; and it should signal the alert reader to the mindset it is really speaking from. I have felt increasingly alienated from the environmental movement; mainly due to the escalating shrillness of their appeals; and the closed minded; singular dogma; the only solution is; more punitive taxation, (already on a broke back economy; because the pundits of Globalism; can’t fathom the concepts of Economics 101); and more laws. Despotism camouflaged in a cloak of Green. The fact that the Carbon Cap and Trade scheme was developed by Al Gore (Nuff Said); and Ken Lay; raises a red flag. Ken Lay was the pilot of the Hindenburg; called Enron; which crashed and burned in 2001; costing 20,000 employees their jobs; and losing billions for their investors; eventually indicted in 2004; and sentenced in April 2006; for six counts of conspiracy and fraud. He died in July of the same year (there are some who suspect otherwise). I don’t want to get into the political malfeasance of these compromised, scare mongering shysters. Sad thing is that this is typical of the climate change crowd; a lot of shrill, hysterical prognostications; (without a shred of evidence); and the threat of dire consequences, and draconian retribution (with the obligatory self-mortification); if you do not subscribe to an unverified hypothesis. Psychologist Carl Jung; defines fanaticism as an unconscious doubt; therefore the subject feels the need to put his beliefs on another in order to validate his own. That is why the more shrill, I am told the threat of Climate Change is, the more I doubt the good faith of the messenger and have to ask myself the old Cicero maxim, ”Qui Bono?” (Who benefits?). After all it is your friendly neighborhood, paid liars (politicians; and their corporate sponsors) who are fiercely driving this program. You can drive a Grey Hound Bus through the Climate Change Meme, but since when has politics and common sense had any correlation? The 2006, Academy award winning, science fiction opus, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, featuring Al Gore at his burnishing best, was a frail edifice, built upon a singular premise. Ice core samples in the Arctic found a clear correlation between CO2 and temperature. Al Gore says the relationship is complicated, but does not specify what the complications are. What Al Gore does not say is that the link is the other way around. CO2 is not the cause of temperature changes. it is the product of temperature changes. Carbon Dioxide is a natural gas caused by all living things. Animals and bacteria produce 150 gigatons compared to six and half gigatons produced by humans. An even larger source of CO2 emanating in the atmosphere is generated by dying vegetation. Volcanoes produce more CO2 than all combined human activity; (1 of the 4 basic elements of life). Oceans are the largest source of CO2. So instead of blaming ourselves and waltzing with the masked, ready whipped; self flagellant ascetics; dancing in the square to long forgotten arias; outshined in the clarion light of holy propaganda, let’s face it people: that‘s how the Grand Poobahs of clandestine power groups and their boot licking, masked jackal; public representatives, who want you to kiss their rings, want us to feel about ourselves. They want us to hate ourselves for our crimes against Mother Earth. They want us to cut our own throats in the throes of remorse and fork over all of our earnings for a little indemnity for the soul. In comparison to some of the vested interest pushing this narrative, I don’t think I have much to worry about as far as my conscience is concerned. The true baleful and pernicious culprit behind the Climate Change calamity is known as Sol; otherwise reckoned as the sun. The sun sends its heat towards the earth. If it were not for Green House gases; solar radiation would bounce back to space leaving the earth desolate, cold and inhospitable. Green house gas traps the escaping heat in the Troposphere. That was only a miniscule, fraction of the spleen I have left to hurl at that elusive, white whale who camouflages itself under such orthodox names as an oncoming ice age, Global Warming, or Climate Change. I don’t deny that this is an unbiased article, and I welcome a free and open debate without vitriol or ad hominem. I believe in the market place of ideas. First of all, I believe we should be cleaning up our own back yards before poking our noses over the neighbor’s fence. Second, I think we should be evolved enough and creative and savvy enough to remind our fellow brothers and sisters of the extended family of our species; of their social hygiene and intrinsic, civic responsibilities without dipping into a rapidly, dwindling revenue stream; or having the worry of jack booted thugs kicking in our doors because we left the night light on for too long, or flushed the toilet too many times in one day; and then make you pay egregious fines for your own inconvenience just to get the point across. To me, that is a clear indicator of the weakness of your position, the kiss of death for any rational debate and a fervid call to reassess your suppositions.

Chris Baker -- Bio and Archives

Chris Baker has studied Logistics, Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy and is working on a fiction novel; Eye on A Frontier. Chis is currently working in the construction industry.