
Worst of all for the cunning globalists: When this winter melts into spring, as all winters do, most of us will still be here, still standing, and still more than willing to fight them off and survive!

Message to WEF and Globalist Friends: When Winter Snow Melts, We’ll Still Be Here

Message to WEF and Globalist Friends: When Winter Snow Melts, We’ll Still Be Here
For all of those kind folk worried that I would be sad over Christmas, missing the Ontario home I left for Nova Scotia last May. Being in Ontario not the place to be this holiday season. So many of my dear Ontario friends are still buried under the snow since Christmas Eve. In my House by the Sea in Nova Scotia, my dreams of having a White Christmas came true—one inch of snow that dusted the ground on Christmas Day, the first of this Winter’s season.

House-bound because of road closures

Looking outside my windows on Christmas Day with the smell of turkey wafting from the oven didn’t stop my worry for dear friends having to be left behind—Margaret and Ralph, Beverly, Debbie and Joe, among others in Goderich; Tammy & Matt, Virginia and Terry in hard-hit Stratford, Ontario, Kyle and New Brunswick partner, Andrew in Port Rowan, some of them virtually house-bound because of road closures. My biggest worry was for Margaret, separated by necessity from her dear husband, Ralph of more than 30 years. For Margaret, so looking forward to being with Ralph at his daughter, Rose’s house on the outskirts of Goderich for Christmas Day, turned into the sadness of staring out her windows at a steadily falling snow fall that kept anyone willing to drive her to Rose’s, off the roads. I knew that Kyle, one of those rare entrepreneurs in their 20s would be all right. Kyle and Andrew left southern New Brunswick returning to Kyle’s vacationing parent’s house in snowbound Port Rowan, and will return to N.B. in the spring, where they will continue clearing 5-acre lots for moderately-priced pre-fab houses. Anyone with the street smarts to relocate to N.B. from Covid-ravaged Ontario should cause no one worry—even though when he last emailed us, Kyle’s car was waiting to be dug out from under many feet of piled up snow. That brings me to one of my most cherished friends, a devout ‘cancelled’ Catholic priest, whose name will never appear in this, or any other of my columns.

Father was in the kitchen baking a Tourtière for Christmas dinner

When I reached Father, still waiting out a ‘cancellation’ for doing nothing wrong, by telephone on Christmas Day, his car was buried in the snow, and all roads leading out of where he now lives, were closed. Father was in the kitchen baking a Tourtière for Christmas dinner. I continue to call him and all cancelled priests “Father” because no ordained priest can be truly cancelled by any papal or bishopric hierarchy. Ditto for the recently “laicized” FATHER—not “Mister” Frank Pavone. My many months lone ‘cancelled’ Father was, as always, upbeat during our conversation. The last time I saw him he wanted me to teach him how I made the refrigerator pie dough, which I’d been making for years from a ‘Madam Benoit Cooks At Home’ recipe book. “I finally got my pie dough right!” he happily reported. “I just followed the instructions for the recipe on back of the Tenderflake package!”

Thank God he escaped the frustration of a power outage. Cooking, not only perfumes your kitchen during long, lonely winters, but keeps one sane in a world gone-and still going totally insane! Reading, curled up in a deep chair with an old-fashioned book is another escape, as is, of course, staying in closer touch with The Almighty in these darkest of days. While we wait it out under drifting snow, and for bone-chilling winds coming off Great Lakes and, in my case, the ocean, globalist activists, pretending to be world ‘leaders, are readying to trot out plans blaming the — bomb for Global Warming/Climate Change. They’re ready to roll any day now. That’s been their main goal after having to back off the Corona Virus.

Joe Biden is toasting his golden-haired toes in St. Croix, Caribbean sands

While much of North America digs out from what the weather folk describe as “the worst snow storm in the last 50 years”, the U.S., Barack Obama-installed President Joe Biden is toasting his golden-haired toes in St. Croix, Caribbean sands. We’re not sure where Assisted suicide-pushing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is vacation or hiding, but remain steadfastly sure that many Canadians don’t really care where he is. A certainty worth contemplation, this storm of the century will pass, followed by other storms. All whose cars are buried will dig them out. Best of all: The Winter that globalists are using to scare the masses out of any wits they have left, will once again survive Old Man Winter. Worst of all for the cunning globalists: When this winter melts into spring, as all winters do, most of us will still be here, still standing, and still more than willing to fight them off and survive!
Images of the Storm -- Yahoo

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.