
George Washington and his men as they crossed over the Delaware on Christmas night, 1776

Merry Christmas and Thank you, George

Today is Christmas and our last daily Christmas song is noted below - Joy to the World. We chose this song because we wanted one that might have been sung by George Washington and his men as they crossed over the Delaware on Christmas night, 1776. Our research shows that this song was sung during those times - History of Joy to the World Imagine that. George was a believer in Christ and put his faith and trust in God. Before he left to row across the Delaware to fight one of the world's largest armies with a band of worn-out, de-motivated patriots, he left behind this message scribbled on a piece of paper -- "Victory or Death." Read more about this battle at: Washington Crossing
How many of those who are our leaders today would be willing to fight the battles and leave notes such as "Victory or Death" behind on their desk for the sake of others? George later became the first President of the United States. He was asked to be the first President because he had already earned his stripes by fighting many battles to win liberty for America. He was a natural-born leader, a military strategist and a humble man who put God above self. America was a blessed nation for having a man such as this at the helm. We pray the same will be true in 2012. On this Christmas day as you celebrate the gifts of peace and joy because of the birth of our King, please remember the warriors of our past who stood up against tyranny for liberty's sake so we could remain free. Remember George and his men tonight as you sit in your warm homes, surrounded by family and friends, and enjoying the freedoms we have. Merry Christmas dear patriots. Joy to the World, the Lord has come!

Billie J. Tucker -- Bio and Archives

Billie J. Tucker
CEO/Executive Coach/Corporate Facilitator/Tea Party Leader

Billie Tucker has spent her entire career working with CEOs and executives.  She has earned a reputation for her keen understanding of the motivations, challenges and goals of executives and her experience in coaching them to become more effective.  Because of her experiences, she has emerged as a key source for the media and others who want to understand important insights about executives, management teams and Board dynamics.