
I’m not saying the registry should be created. I’m just saying that it should be explored and that Megyn’s horror at it is typical of clichéd liberals.


Megyn Kelly is the covert anti-Trump, pinched facial expression, secret liberal. On her show she pretended she was a freedom fighter and criticized Carl Higbie, a former Navy Seal, for arguing in favor of a registry for Muslims. While Higbie was a courageous member of the military, Kelly is a spoiled woman in a variety of rich dresses.
I am not a brat who criticizes FDR for putting the Japanese in camps. If I were living at the time when Pearl Harbor took place I wouldn’t be arguing in favor of my enemy. I would have put the Japs in camps even though I like them now. Circumstances should dictate treatment. Turning the other cheek ends up scarring both cheeks. If we had formed a registry for Muslims after Ground Zero we might have avoided San Bernadino. With all the chaotic beheadings and Muslim killings Trump is right in wanting to create a resgistry of immigrants. If Kelly’s children were murdered by Muslims, I’m sure she would rethink her careless position. When Higbie announced that we did it in WWII, Kelly said, "You know better than to suggest that." So Kelly who has never had a fight in her life is telling a NavySeal how to handle this country. She is self-righteous but she has never been right in battle.
She then continued in liberal, defenseless fashion, "You can't be citing Japanese internment camps for anything the President-elect is going to do." Megyn is a civilian woman telling a Navy Seal how to protect the country. She doesn’t know what she is talking about. Trump’s and Higbie’s supporting a Muslim registry is an attempt to handle Muslims run wild. It’s a chance to tell the jihadists that they have to reform. It’s a chance to avoid future Orlandos and San Bernadinos. I’m not saying the registry should be created. I’m just saying that it should be explored and that Megyn’s horror at it is typical of clichéd liberals.

David Lawrence -- Bio and Archives

David Lawrence is a writer for Canada Free Press.