
Why is Mazen Malik trusted to hold such a high-level civilian state government position?

Mazen Malik: Oregon state official has terrorist-supporting background

Most Oregonians know Mazen Malik, a senior economist at the Oregon State Legislature, from his occasional appearances touting the alleged tax revenue bonanza that marijuana sales have brought to Oregon. But many likely do not realize that in the 1980s, Mazen Malik was an active supporter of Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), an anti-Israel organization whose horrific terrorist acts have resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people. It is important to understand that communists worked with radical Islamic organizations just as they do today. This unholy alliance has been described as the Red Green Axis and is discussed in the film, the Enemies Within.
With this in mind, consider that the Line of March was an influential 1980s Maoist group that by 1987 had openly supported the Soviet Union. Its publication "Frontline" listed Mazen Malik as a representative of the "General Union of Palestinian Students" for a June 1987 event titled "Fighting the Upsurge of Racist Violence." The "General Union of Palestinian Students," or GUPS was established in 1959 in Cairo by Yasser Arafat himself. A long-time KGB agent, Arafat led GUPS into having an affiliation with the Soviet Union's international youth front, the "World Federation of Democratic Youth," or WFDY. According to 1994 tape of current CAIR leader Nihad Awad, the "General Union of Palestinian Students" (which Awad lead) was "part of the PLO here in the United States." As an aside, the still-active "World Federation of Democratic Youth" is hosting a communist youth festival in Sochi Russia in October 2017, where 20,000 young communists from all over the world will be gathered. The event is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, and the venue was arranged through the personal intervention of Russian President Vladimir Putin. It should be noted that Malik did not abandon radicalism in the 1980s. Through the early 2000s he took part in many marches and rallies against the Iraq War and in support of Palestinian statehood. Malik also addressed an April 20, 2002 march organized by "Portland Peaceful Response Coalition," to "coincide with an international day of action called by peace activists and other progressives in the Western Hemisphere and Europe who are seeking an end to U.S. and Israeli violence:"
Despite the tremendous power facing the Palestinian people, they would prevail in the end asserted Mazen Malik, one of the organizers of the demonstration. Malik also lashed out at the hypocrisy of U.S. diplomatic efforts that put the responsibility for ending the violence entirely on the shoulders of Yasser Arafat.
Additionally, Malik served as Oregon liaison for the far-left "American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee," and was a leader of "Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights," as well as the "Palestine Arab-American Association." Prior to service with the Oregon State Legislature in Salem, Malik was chief economist for the Oregon Department of Transportation. In these positions Malik presumably has had access to high level infrastructural and political information. Much of this could be valuable to foreign intelligence services, terrorist organizations, and state-sponsored foreign commercial operations. If Malik held a similar high-level position in the U.S. military he would be subject to regular security background checks. Given his terrorist and communist connections, could he pass such a test? Why is Mazen Malik trusted to hold such a high-level civilian state government position?

Trevor Loudon -- BombThrowers -- Bio and Archives

Trevor Loudon, TrevorLoudon.com,  is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from Christchurch, New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist, and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.