
Meanwhile, Architect of the Capitol Brett Blanton should take the advice of Matt Gaetz and show ambitious Kevin McCarthy out of the Speaker’s Office ASAP.

Matt Gaetz Big Game RINO Hunter

Matt Gaetz Big Game RINO Hunter
Kudos to Florida firebrand Rep. Matt Gaetz, the first Repub to land a bullseye shot on the elephantine RINO rump! Cozy squatting in the House Speaker’s office since Monday, Speaker contender, RINO lover Kevin McCarthy assumed he was in like Flint. After all Republican powerhouse Newt Gingrich was out there lobbying for him, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene planting fear of the Democrats taking over the Speaker’s Office in popular Steve Bannon videos. McCarthy’s in-our-face squat on the Speaker’s Office makes the question what he and his staff are doing there—imperative.

‘How long before McCarthy is considered a ‘squatter’ in the speaker’s office’?

Surely the Speaker’s Office will be debugged on the departure of hate-fuelled former Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Will McCarthy and other members of the Uniparty bring in their own ‘bugs’? Most significantly, will a Republican Speaker of the House face the same fate as the spied-upon-from-the-get-go Donald J. Trump? Savvy indeed that Gaetz’s letter to the Architect of the Capitol asks point blank: ‘How long before McCarthy is considered a ‘squatter’ in the speaker’s office’? “Firebrand Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) wrote to the head of the federal agency responsible for operations at the US Capitol on Tuesday and asked how long before Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif) “is considered a squatter” in the speaker of the House’s office. (NY Post, Jan, 3, 2023).
“What is the basis in law, House rule, or precedent to allow someone who has placed second in three successive speaker elections to occupy the Speaker of the House Office? How long will he remain there before he is considered a squatter?” Gaetz wrote in his letter to Architect of the Capitol Brett Blanton on Tuesday. “McCarthy and his staff had spent Monday moving belongings into the House speaker’s office formerly occupied by Rep. Nancy Pelsoi (sic) (D-Calif.). The Republican leader and his staff are reportedly already using the suite the US Capitol to work out of, which CNN reports is standard protocol.”
Spying and leaking from operatives in the White House to their running dog media are now, unfortunately part of “standard protocol.” Squatter McCarthy is still ensconced in what should have remained as the empty Speaker’s Office even though he failed to obtain the required number of votes to be named House speaker on three ballots Tuesday before the House adjourned in a tailspin. “It seems Mr. McCarthy can no longer be considered Speaker-Designate following today’s balloting,” Gaetz added in his letter, which seeks a response from the architect as “promptly” as possible. (NY Post, Jan. 4, 2023)

“On the third and final ballot Tuesday, 20 Republicans voted for Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) to be House speaker over McCarthy, and all 212 Democrats chose Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY). “Without Democratic support, McCarthy can only stand to lose four Republicans in order to win the election. “The House is expected to move forward with a fourth round of voting on Wednesday. “Gaetz and nine other Republicans voted for conservative Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) to be House speaker on Tuesday’s first round of voting, before the Biggs coalition rallied around Jordan in the subsequent two rounds of voting. “The House adjourned Tuesday evening without a resolution, scheduling a fourth round of voting to begin around noon Wednesday. “The surprising size of the rebellion denied McCarthy a quick ascension to be House speaker — a role that’s third in line to the presidency and expected to serve as a check on President Biden following two years of united Democratic rule in Washington. “McCarthy’s struggle delighted his right-wing detractors, who say Republicans need a stronger champion due to McCarthy’s past support for large bipartisan spending packages while in leadership. “But the Californian’s foes admit it’s unclear how the fight will be resolved — leaving politicians and journalists dusting off the history books.”
Whatever history is left in the books, that is.
“It won’t [end] until McCarthy drops out,” a former House leadership aide who has been involved in anti-McCarthy planning told The Post. “He’ll have to drop out at some point — it’s just when his ego lets him.” (NY Post) “However, a source close to McCarthy told The Post “he ain’t budging” on his candidacy and planned on “staying in until he’s elected.” “McCarthy supporters argue that he’s the strongest and most unifying potential speaker and his refusal to step aside has prompted the consideration of end-games unseen for a century or more. “Who will end up [speaker], no one knows,” said the onetime leadership aide involved in anti-McCarthy planning, adding that dissident legislators “executed this flawlessly so far.” "The source said “other names” will emerge “when things get real” and predicted that a relatively obscure conservative lawmaker who isn’t currently in House leadership roles may ultimately take the gavel. “Pete Sessions (R-Texas), who supported McCarthy on the first three ballots, told reporters that the struggle “cost us prestige.” “We’re embroiled in a tug of war,” said Sessions, who added that it seemed “pretty hard” for McCarthy to eke out a victory because his foes are “dug in.” “The whole world is watching and I would like to see us resolve our differences today,” said Sessions, who called for “an adult” within the Republican Party, such as former Speaker Newt Gingrich, to broker a deal.

Gaetz: "...but we will not continue to allow the uniparty to run this town without a fight"

Difficult these days to define any politician on either side of the aisle as “an adult”.
“Maybe the right person for the speaker of the House isn’t someone who wants it so bad,” Gaetz said in nominating Jordan prior to the second vote. “Jim Jordan is the right person for speaker of the House because he is not beholden to the lobbyists and special interests who have corrupted this place and corrupted this nation under the leadership of both Republicans and Democrats,” Gaetz went on. “While McCarthy showed no signs of picking up support, his backers signaled a willingness to go through multiple ballots to ensure he got the gavel. "Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), who reps Staten Island and southern Brooklyn, announced to the chamber as she cast her first-ballot vote, “No matter how many times it takes, McCarthy.” “However, the number of Republicans voting against McCarthy surprised even conservative staffers on Capitol Hill and plunged his gavel hopes into doubt. McCarthy previously mounted a challenge for the speakership in 2015, but was forced to bow out after rumors spread about his relationship with a female House Republican. “Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), a far-right McCarthy supporter, lit into her colleagues, telling reporters that three members “were demanding positions for themselves, demanding gavel positions, demanding subcommittees, demanding for people to be taken off committees and people to be put on committees. Three, three Republicans out of our 222.” “McCarthy himself delivered a fiery speech to a contentious closed-door conference meeting before the first vote Tuesday, telling Republicans: “I earned this job.” “We earned this majority, and God damn it, we are going to win it today,” he told his colleagues. “At this moment, we would prefer to have a unity of purpose,” Gaetz told reporters Tuesday morning, “but we will not continue to allow the uniparty to run this town without a fight.”
Meanwhile, Architect of the Capitol Brett Blanton should take the advice of Matt Gaetz and show ambitious Kevin McCarthy out of the Speaker’s Office ASAP.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.