
Barack Obama

“Man-Caused Disaster”

As the old adage goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. The image above is worth all of that and more, but is neatly summed up with just three: Man-Caused Disaster It is this man, wrapped head to toe in his radical, America-hating leftist politics and the assorted buffoons, clowns and feckless cabinet officals who will be directly responsible for the coming disaster that will befall our floundering Consititutional Republic. More responsible than the America-hating terrorists who will actually perpetrate the damage upon us.
How can I say such a thing? I can say such a thing because it's plain as day that during the past 12 months he has systematically dismantled the defenses put into place over the past eight years to defend our nation, defenses designed apprehend those who seek to murder us and our children, to interrogate the captured enemy in order to obtain the critical intelligence required to prosecute the war and prevent murder on a mass scale. On top of all this he has given these cold-blooded murders, these very deadly enemy combatants, the same rights as those they seek to murder. Terrorists have become "lawyered-up" and mirandized on his watch. This is sheer insanity that is intentionally designed to cause this nation incredible harm and damage. No man in the history of this Constitutional Republic has done such irresponsbile things, things which are diametrically opposed to the oath of office he swore to faithfully execute. Contrary to his haughty words, I do not believe he loves this country. I believe the exact opposite is true and it would take nothing short of a major miracle to convince me otherwise. He is as unpresidential as any sitting American President has, can or will ever be. God help us until the next election when we can exercise our enfranchised rights to throw this bum and his entire cadre out. God grant that we can arrive at that future point unharmed. That's all I have to say about the matter except for, in case you haven't noticed, the fact that the man so infuriates and disgusts me that I no longer can bear to utter the sylables let alone put his name into print. For the rest of the story and an excellent, must see video I direct you now to the Hot Air blog for this report.

Sean Osborne -- Bio and Archives

Sean Osborne, is the Associate Director, Military Affairs, Northeast Intelligence Network.

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