
I call it malevolent ignorance

Making Sense of Things

Making Sense of ThingsThis subject of this article is about COVID-19 but before 'getting into it' we need to establish context. The world is a bewildering place. Nations war and destroy. Individuals lie and lust and murder, and as if mere killing weren't enough, they often do it in unimaginably heinous ways. Such things defy rational human thought and logic. 

The compulsion to worship drives the human soul

The 20th Century theologian C.I. Scofield pegged the reasons for nations and peoples' behaviors. "The present world system" he noted in footnotes for Revelation 13:8, "is organized on the principles of force, greed, selfishness, ambition and pleasure." These things are the hallmarks of Satan's long warfare against God and humanity, Scofield declared. Mentioning Biblical Scripture alienates many who refuse to acknowledge powers or authorities beyond themselves. Creator God? There is no such being! they rant. The concept of an Almighty God is for weak people who need a crutch to survive! Ironically, in this last sentence they are absolutely correct. We all are weak and desperately in need of the God who cares for us. The very people who refuse to worship the Creator worship something, whether idols of their own making, trees, animals, another person, the sun, the moon, the heavens, the earth, or even their own selves. The compulsion to worship drives the human soul.  Although people choose to deny God, it doesn't mean He doesn't exist. It is fair to ask how we know that. There is much evidence. The Bible--Holy Scripture--explains His existence. Places lost to time are rediscovered by archeologists' shovels. Secular history confirms Biblical events, dates, names, sometimes with background detail. The unfathomable intricacy of the universe bespeaks of a Creator whose handiwork is infinitely beyond the realm of coincidence, or the absurdities of evolutionary theory. How then can we fail to acknowledge Him?

Do so-called pandemic containment measures have anything to do with medicine?

Biblical content is a literary miracle that transcends human creative ability. Authored by some 40 writers working under Divine inspiration over a period of 1,500 years, beginning circa 1405 B.C., it is a factual account of Creation, of time past, present and future (i.e. - prophesy). If man insists that God didn't write it, and man lacks the intellectual ability to compose it without error or contradiction (as is the case), then who wrote Scripture? Further, if man refuses to acknowledge Creator God, where can he turn that is better? There is no better place! Scripture declares that the universe was created, therefore it had a beginning. Scripture also declares the Creation has a scheduled end date, and describes events in the coming drama and players who will have key roles in it. Knowing that the universe is scheduled to end makes it easier to understand current events. The key to understanding the COVID scheme is to recognize the goal of political elites and globalists, that being one-world government, and work backward to the present. Scripture is clear--one day there will be world government. The abomination will be brief, about seven years. Prophesies about world government and the end-of-time (as opposed to eternity) are being fulfilled before our eyes, as we watch nations entering at breakneck speed into previously unimaginable alliances in pursuit of 'peace.' That's the political side of the equation.  The spiritual side involves unholy alliances between world religions manifested by the recent signing of the 'Abraham Accord' and the 'Chrislam' movement, the latter attempting to marry Islam and Christianity. The term 'unholy' is the gentlest possible term available to describe that grotesque, hell-inspired initiative.  The question is, how does the COVID-19 pandemic program play into the end-times schedule?  And a companion question, do so-called pandemic containment measures have anything to do with medicine?

Political, Not Medical

After over a year of lockdowns and mandated mask-wearing it is clear that the measures don't work and are in fact destructive. If pandemic justifications aren't medically based, they must be politically inspired.

Making Sense of Things

We began by noting that from any rational point of view, world events don't make sense. It's like dumping pieces of a jigsaw puzzle into a pile and trying to see the mosaic through a simple lens. Individual pieces reveal nothing. Why does one individual or nation attack, kill, or maim another? Why do COVID pandemic managers (COVID-19 being a contrived, managed crisis) persist in imposing long-failed pandemic policies, such as lockdowns, mask wearing and disinfecting surfaces?  The answer, as Schofield pointed out, is that the world system, being apart from Creator God, is directed by Satan, and his God-hating purposes are discordant and damaging. His objective is not harmony, unity or medical efficacy, but destruction. On the other hand, when viewed through a prism that reveals Creator God, those same discordant, destructive puzzle pieces fit together harmoniously. We have the game-plan in Scripture. There will be one-world government, mankind's long lusted-after ambition. Briefly. That global government will collapse in war and devastation of an unprecedented, terrifying scale, ushering in Christ's return, the end of time, and eternity.

End Game: World Government

The COVID-19 'pandemic' is a pretext, a tool to assist in the drive toward world government. From that perspective illogical pandemic management policies suddenly come into focus. Citizens are forced to endure them because they advance the globalist agenda. Sabotaging nations' financial systems, fueling racial strife, subverting the family, destroying education, denying worship, and creating fear are strategies being used to achieve it. Remove the nuisance of independent nations and peoples (as opposed to ones under tyranny) and a globalist utopia can blossom into glory! "We will have world government whether we like it or not," James Paul Warburg, a prominent banker, economist, and one-time President Franklin D. Roosevelt adviser, told the US Senate, in February 1950. George H.W. Bush enthused about it more recently in a 1991 speech at the United Nations. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau giddily associated COVID with impending world government in September, 2020. 

Ignorance or Malevolence?

Damage inflicted under the pretext of a pandemic, built around a virus that has yet to be isolated  (ref Pg. 42) and technically does not exist, borders on criminal fraud. There are volumes of scientific and empirical evidence discrediting the official COVID remedies and narratives, and a dearth of genuine science supporting them. It raises a question. Do COVID pandemic managers and spokespeople actually believe what they say? If the answer is yes, it may indicate an unreasoning faith in the false god of 'science'. Or  It may indicate ignorance at one of three levels:
  1. Unconscious ignorance
    • The person simply doesn't know and is misguided
  2. Conscious ignorance
    • The person knows but pretends not to know, rejecting truth for personal gain
  3. Malevolent ignorance
    • The person knows but denies knowing, then consciously and purposefully acts in a manner destructive to others, for ideological reasons
Pandemic leaders and managers are not intellectually handicapped; they are not stupid. Most have advanced educations and professional designations. That doesn't make them wise or above Machiavellian scheming. It doesn't mean they can't be deceived. Or be dishonest. The daily spectacle of pandemic spokespersons spewing COVID-19 propaganda, as if they were oracles from on-high, is proof enough of that.  I call it malevolent ignorance.

Everett Gratrix -- Bio and Archives Everett Gratrix is a Canadian based writer-communicator. He has written for daily and weekly newspapers, news magazines, corporate and trade publications, and as a technical writer for engineering and energy companies, domestically and internationally.